Published at 24th of May 2024 05:10:19 AM

Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Have you ever played a game where the occupations were divided into warriors, archers, wizards, and healers?

Usually, there was a stat that was a unique characteristic suitable for the character.

If you are not certain about what I am saying, to put it simply, it means that there are different stats that make the character stronger. In the game I played, the warrior had strength, the archer had agility, the wizard had intelligence, and the healer had divine power.

All other games are probably the same.

At least, the warrior’s strength and the archer’s agility were mostly the same.


Game companies should all reflect on themselves…

‘These ignorant people…!’

Archery was a martial art that required strength as well. Yes, it was common sense that you had to pull with a strong force to make the arrow fly far away with the recoil of the string!

In addition, while aiming at the target, you have to hold the bowstring and focus on it.

My arms were shaking as I pulled the bowstring.

Not only that…


Due to the absurd lack of arm strength, the arrow could not even get close to the target as it quickly lost its power and fell onto the floor.

‘God, why can I not modify the characters of the novel?’

I do not even need to edit the main character!

How old is Roberta Jacques, anyway? Why is she able to swing the dagger skillfully like that…? Am I the only one who has a reason to be realistic?!

“Huh—hah, hah…!”

Ten minutes into archery class.

I collapsed like a newborn giraffe.

My fingers, arms, and shoulders, which were stiff from holding the posture, also hurt. Even though I wrapped a lot of bandages around the fingertips pulling the bowstring, it didn’t seem to be of any use.

The Duchess of Nerma had a serious expression on her face.


“Hah… Say it.”

“The obstacle to Your Majesty learning to bow is, in my opinion, the non-existing knowledge like the children who had never learned how to use a weapon.”


“I’m sorry to tell you this, though the problem seems to be a little more fundamental.”

After Duchess Nerma spoke politely, she then bowed her back deeply. Still, it was so accurate I could not even scold her.

Hoo—I rubbed my sore arm and grabbed the bow again.

“The bow is bigger than I thought… it’s heavy.”

“That’s where the problem is.”


“I’ve never seen anyone in my life that say it’s heavy. Even a ten-year-old child…”



“Yes, a more fundamental problem… All right.”

Yes, I have a low-quality body different from the people of Actilus from the start. The starting line was already far behind. How could I save my life on a hunting day if I am going to fall down after holding the bow for ten minutes…?

I picked up the bow again.

Today’s goal will be to, at last, shoot an arrow near the target. To actually hit the target… I would not even think about it.

Meanwhile, Duchess Nerma was glancing at my determined face with genuine concern.


I made a zombie-like sound and collapsed onto the bed.

Lying on my stomach, I spread my arms wide open, and Cisen began to massage my right arm while the Duchess of Nerma massaged the left arm.

The Duchess spoke up cautiously.

“Isn’t it better to focus on the dagger rather than the bow? I’ve been thinking about it, but it’s too difficult for a beginner like the Empress to…”


I said with my face down on the pillow.

“…Because I don’t want to get close.”

Does this make me look like a coward…?

Well, it does not matter… because being a coward is right!

Cisen then added worriedly, “Arrows may result in exposing your location, Your Majesty.”

“Your handmaiden is also right.”

I feel choked up. It was because I truly do not want to accept that.

That was right, it was also because Cisen did not get to see her wielding the dagger and axe like that! She was able to say that because she was not going to the hunting grounds.

So, in the end, I explained why I wanted to avoid close-quarters combat as logically as possible in response to what I wanted to be angry about.

“I don’t have the confidence not to freeze when I face such a talented person from a short distance away.”

I know these words seem too timid for the Empress to say. However, since it was a matter of life and death, I have to be honest in terms of ability.

“Ha, tomorrow is the beginning of June…”

I was running out of time.

Until the Summer Solstice, there is only a month and three weeks left. Thinking that, I turned towards Duchess Nerma, who was rubbing my arm hard.

“Well, shouldn’t we get ready for the preparations for the festival?”

“That’s right.”

At my words, she continued her explanation as she skillfully loosened my arm muscles with her fingertips.

“The Solstice is the most important event of the Actilus Empire. Because it’s the day when God Actilla’s power becomes the strongest. That’s why the days are longest on the Summer Solstice.”

“Right. That day’s event…?”

“There is an offering at noon. The offering is prepared with the strongest oxen. Blessings and banquets follow. The leftovers from the supper that will be shared by the great lord, God Actilla, His Majesty and his companions, the Empress, will be taken to the streets and shared with the people.”

When I imagined that the people of the Capital would come in like a flock of clouds, I wondered if I would be caught in my death.

“Haha, the things you are worried about won’t happen. The people are very good at keeping the system orderly.”

‘…Well, if you do not follow the rules, the Emperor will cut your head off…’

Just when I was feeling a little reassured, I suddenly stiffened my back.

…No, did Duchess Nerma also read my mind?

How transparent was my expression?

As I stared at her, astonished, Duchess Nerma smiled sheepishly and opened her mouth. She continued to explain.

“We’re only going to start hunting in the afternoon when the weather gets a little cooler. Oh, that’s right. How about going to see the hunting grounds after a certain amount of tidying up? It’s a privilege of hunters that isn’t given to the preys.”

Those words caught my ears.


“Huh, hmm. Shall we do that?”

“After the hunt is over, the chosen ones would eat and drink together and stay up all night without sleep. There is music, alcohol, and decadent food. Your Majesty will surely enjoy it.”

‘…If I am still alive.’

Next, I asked what tasks I had to do on the day of the Summer Solstice festival. After listening to the explanation, it seemed that all I had to do was observe the living sacrifices. It was a relief that I did not have to cut the cow’s belly by myself.

For blessings, it seemed to be like something I had to prepare. As on the wedding day, the Priest will bless the Emperor and me, and then there was a prayer to be said.

There was no temple dedicated to the God Actilla, so I thought I would not engage in ritualistic activities at all, but that was not the case. As it turned out, being a priest of the Actilus Empire is not a profession. It was an honorary post given to the retired director of etiquette.

Well, there is nothing I have to do for dinner. Sharing food is as easy as listening to a brief explanation.

‘That’s a relief. I will not lose much time.’

I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Duchess of Nerma.”

“Please say it.”

“What do you think it will take for me to imitate a bowman in a month?”

At my words, she said after a moment of consideration.


“Well… stamina?”

“So, I don’t need to spend too much time on fundamental things right now and starting with that first…? Okay, I will try.”

Although I might die and have a really hard time, I have to go out and exercise tomorrow as well…

Okay, let’s think positively, Angelica.

If I work hard now, won’t it help when I run away later?

The next day.

Sylvia Jacques was lying on the red carpet like she had been two days before. However, the person in front of her was different.

It was not a good-natured, weak-hearted empress who resembled a busy rabbit.

The splendid golden hair fluttered like the flames of a fire, and the blood-red eyes that gleamed sinisterly beneath the long, delicate lashes stared at her. It would be difficult for her to expect from him the same mercy as The Empress.

In fact, it was not Sylvia who asked for the audience. The Emperor directly called her. It seemed that The Empress had told the Emperor what had happened to her the other day. Sylvia was guessing this was going to happen.

“I said I wanted to go in as the Empress’s handmaiden.”

“That’s right.”

“Are you sure you know where your place is?”

It was because she was the youngest daughter of a family who fell into becoming prey while trying to frame the Empress. Sylvia was incredibly nervous at the Emperor’s questioning voice, which was muffled and cold.


“There are conditions.”

“That saying, if the conditions are met…”

As long as she could make a place to put her feet on, she could meet any number of conditions.

“Become the hunter at the Summer Solstice festival.”

Sylvia’s face, which had brightened for a moment, hardened in an instant. Though Raniero was not even looking at her properly. With a blank expression on his face, he just stared into the distance.

“Your fate will also be determined by how much you have helped the Empress.”

At that moment, Sylvia’s face was smeared with astonishment and horror. The news that she had to hunt her mother and brother was like a bolt out of the blue for her, though not to Raniero. Sylvia’s reaction to him was predictable and not enjoyable.

Raniero, who suddenly lost interest in the situation, dismissed her with a gesture. However, when Sylvia, stunned, could not get out, the sturdy knights dragged her away.

“The Empress?”

“She canceled all social gatherings she was going to hold.”


“It looked like she was going to learn how to use a bow.”

Raniero snorted after hearing the answer.

“She’s a coward.”

It was as if he knew why she had chosen the bow.

The Empress chose to run away instead of attacking the prey. A subtle feeling of disappointment, not certain what it was, annoyed Raniero a little. Is it wrong for him to think he would see interesting scenes on the hunting grounds?

“By the way… It’s—”

Raniero turned his eyes away. The minister, who was reporting to him, bowed deeply in a panic.

“…She collapsed.”


Sitting boredly leaning to the left, he straightened his back a little as he raised an eyebrow. It was because it was unexpected news.

“What do you mean?”


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