Published at 24th of May 2024 05:08:12 AM

Chapter 46

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Chapter 23.2

゚・ : * ✧ * :・ ゚

The soft, small brush passed over my lips several times before the makeup was finished.

“Open your eyes.”

At Cisen’s whisper, I slowly opened my eyes.  I was as elaborately dressed up like my wedding day.

“Looks like you’ve spent more time with the dress than you did with the formal dress in the morning.”

“Of course. Now, people will see Your Majesty up close. We obviously have to work more delicately.”

I laughed awkwardly at her enthusiastic reply.

The shape of my round forehead, eyebrows, eyes, soft nose, and plump lips…

Nothing was forced to change in shape. Yet, somehow, I looked more impudent and difficult to talk to than usual. This must also be an image that Cisen created skillfully—after the hunt, the Empress who you shouldn’t dare to approach confidently.

‘Objectively speaking… it’s beautiful.’

Although I was already pretty, I was a lot prettier now. But even with a bare face, Raniero Actilus would surely overwhelm this ambiguous beauty. As I deliberately kept staring into the mirror, searching for parts that were prettier than usual, it was still difficult to concentrate.

A sigh involuntarily escaped my mouth.

To be honest, I’m very nervous…

It had been twelve years since the young prince ascended the throne after killing his brothers and enemies, even his father. For all those long years, the banquet was always that of Raniero Actilus. It was no wonder that the egocentric hedonistic Emperor did not share entertainment for himself with others. Such a person dedicated the biggest event of the country, the summer solstice festival banquet, to the Empress… 

Was it just a whim? Or was there a plan? If it were indeed a plan, he would be expecting me to show ‘something interesting’ to him again…

My lips felt dry as I thought so.

If there was any expectation, I was in a position to live up to it… just like on the hunting ground.

“It is time to go.”

At those words, I nodded and stood up.

The teal blue and viridian dress that Raniero gave me as a gift shone under the light. With Cisen on the right and Duchess Nerma on the left, I ambled like a dignified Empress. The side effects of the stimulant still lingered in my body, impeding my steps, but it had subsided to the point where it wasn’t noticeable anymore.

As I arrived at the banquet hall, I took a deep breath and stared at the tightly closed door.

“Open it.”

The guards immediately followed the instructions.

“Her Majesty the Empress is entering!”

With those words as a signal, a magnificent and splendid orchestra welcomed me, the main character of today’s banquet. I frowned slightly as the golden light scattered through the crystals of the chandelier was dazzling.

There was a red carpet underneath my feet.

Duchess Nerma whispered softly from behind.

“Your Majesty, to the left.”

When I turned to the left at her words, I could see a handsome man smiling at me and politely greeting me.

Who was it?

Then, a hoarse voice came from behind, mixed with laughter.

“That is my husband. Please, remember.”

Oh my, a vixen…

Thanks to her, the tension was relieved a little. I swallowed a laugh and continued my steps.

The red carpet was connected to the altar on the opposite side of the door. There were two seats on the platform, and one of them had Raniero Actilus sitting at an angle. As my fingers trembled slightly, I grabbed my hands and continued walking.

The seat, which was still a burden to me, seemed too natural and comfortable to him. Before going up the stairs, I stopped and waited for his permission.

A low, charming laugh was heard.

“Come up.”

Carefully lifting the hem of my dress, I started walking again.

The whole time, my gaze was fixed on my toes in order to not step on the dress, though even in that state, I could see Raniero’s eyes staring intently at the top of my head. All of a sudden, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in. Because I was wearing heeled shoes, I stumbled and leaned against his arms.

Even though I tried to fall off quickly, Raniero, oddly enough, didn’t seem to mind.

“Look ahead.”

He lowered his head, pressed his lips to my ear, and whispered.

At that, my hair stood up timidly, but I did what he told me to do anyway. The people who filled the banquet hall were staring at me with bright smiles. I could see friendliness that appeared on their faces a little more clearly than when I saw them on the hunting ground a while ago.


Perhaps, it may be difficult to explain with those words.

‘It feels like they accept me as a member of them, and at the same time, I’m being respected as their leader…’

“Try to smile.”

Saying so, Raniero pressed his lips hard against my temple.

I gave them an obligatory faint smile. At the same time, my stomach was churning because of the side effects of the medicine.

“These are the trophies for you who completed today’s hunting brilliantly.”

It was only when I heard those words that I slowly began to realize what it meant that I had finished hunting. Now, I would never again have to get involved with the absurd, dirty tricks of Jacques’ mother and son.


Just by trying to survive, I now have the hearts of all of these people in my hands.

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