Published at 24th of May 2024 05:07:50 AM

Chapter 60

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Chapter 30.2

“Look properly.”

He was whispering so softly that it tickled.

“You did this.”


As my eyes grew big, on the other hand, Raniero’s eyes narrowed.

“You chewed it.”

When I glanced at Raniero’s lips, as he said, there was like a wound that someone had chewed. If so, the person who chewed it must have bitten very wildly though I swear I didn’t remember biting him. Why would I be crazy and bite him? Even while I was struggling with the sensations he was giving me, not once until his permission had been granted did I ever touch his body…

Not only that, but even after I was able to touch him, I was extremely cautious. In addition, I thought about it before, but if it was really me who left the wound on his face… Wouldn’t I have woken in the dungeon instead of from the Emperor’s bed?

‘…Is Raniero lying?’

It seemed most likely.

I was so nervous that my scalp was tingling—‘I guess I did,’ or ‘I don’t think so’—which one should I choose? Regardless, really… I don’t think I did that to him… 

Eventually, I paused and timidly denied it.

“I don’t think that’s possible…”

His wounded lips curled up slightly.

“Why do you think it’s not?”

Saying something like ‘because I do not remember’ would only be sure to backfire. In any case, an inference must be made based on facts. I replied in a trembling voice.

“If I dared to harm Your Majesty’s bravery, I… There’s no way I’ll be here like this right now…”

Raniero’s head tilted slightly at my words. He didn’t say anything for a while before finally opening his mouth after a long silence.

“Now that you mention it, that’s right.”


I let out a sigh of relief to myself. From what I heard, it seemed that there was not a single flaw in my logic.

“After hearing your words, yes… That’s right, there’s a wound on my face. This is a horrible crime.”

“That’s… that’s right.”

As I replied, agreeing with him, I tried to avoid Raniero’s eyes. However, his hand gently turned my head to move it, and I was forced to look into his eyes again.

“Those who have left a wound must be punished appropriately. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes, that’s right…”

A sense of crisis struck as if I had dug my trap.

Raniero smiled brightly.

“So, I can’t let you go home.”

I couldn’t just say ‘yes!’ or ‘yes?’ so I  roughly lifted up the clothes that had flowed down without dignity because I was so preoccupied.

“Whoever hurts my lips deserves punishment. The culprit is you, and you’re desperately wanting to return to the Empress’s palace…” 

The nape of my neck, which he had been holding until then, was held so that I couldn’t retreat or escape as he finished his words.

“I’ll punish you. Come with me.”

゚· : * ✧ * :· ゚

The ‘punishment’ that he inflicted on me was doing nothing and just sticking with him. I was convinced at that point that I wasn’t the one who wounded his lips.

‘Ha… He must be just teasing me and playing with me as usual.’

It was fortunate. Nonetheless, it was a relief in terms of maintaining this explosive tension.

I quickly shook my head.

Raniero usually organized and processed correspondence from foreign countries in the morning, then he would hold meetings in the afternoon before training his body by the time the sun went down… So, when would I be able to sneak out and lie down in my palace? Would there be a chance at the political meeting…?

As I thought to myself, I stood up like a totem and pondered behind Raniero, who sat with his chin on his hand and reviewed the correspondence. However, even as he sat and opened the envelope, he asked without looking back at me.

“Why’re you standing like that?”

I answered stupidly.

“Your Majesty told me to stay here.”

It seemed that wasn’t what he meant, as Raniero asked again without looking back.

“Why’re you still standing there?”

Puzzled, I stared at the back of his head and replied again.

“Because there are no chairs…”

There was only one chair in the office, which was for Raniero. So, everyone who came in here must have stood like me or got down on their knees. After hearing my words, he glanced at me, and I quickly adjusted my posture somewhat and added.

“Of course, I’ve absolutely no complaints.”

Raniero made a strange expression and rang the bell for the servants. As soon as the servant knocked on the door, he spoke without instructing him to open the door and come in.

“Bring a chair for the Empress.”

While I gazed at Raniero with a slightly startled look, he glanced at me and continued.

“At this rate, the Empress will continue to look down on me.”

The moment he finished those words, I was horrified and immediately fell to my knees.

‘I-I’m so sorry. It was not intentional…’

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