Virulent - Chapter 012

Published at 7th of June 2024 05:06:31 AM

Chapter 012

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You’ve heard me say that Harper’s and my lives are rather busy, so I thought I’d walk you through this week to give you an idea of our schedule.


My eyelids flutter open as sunlight streams through the window, bringing me out of a restless sleep. The remnants of my dreams linger; Derek's hands roving over my body, his lips whispering sweet nothings against my neck. I shake my head and sit up, heat flooding my cheeks. What was wrong with me? Am I really this hung up on a boy? While it’s true that I’m attracted to him, so far I consistently dream of him ravishing me. That’s much better than the nightmares I used to have, but still...

After splashing my face with cold water, I peer at my reflection in the mirror and sigh as I reach up to braid my hair. Then I dress for ballet class.

Harper knocks on my door as I’m zipping up my dance bag. "The car's here," she says after poking her head inside.

We pile into the backseat, sipping on some breakfast drinks Harper made us as the car makes its way to the studio. I stared out the window, watching the hovercars zip by and the pedestrians strolling along the sidewalks. The familiar scents of fresh-baked bread and roasting coffee beans wafted through the open window.

"You look tired," Harper says in a concerned tone. "Did you have trouble sleeping again?"

I shrug, feigning nonchalance. How could I tell her about the rather erotic dreams that I’ve been having? The dreams that make my body literally ache for a boy I just met a couple of days ago?

We arrive at the studio and after placing our bags along the wall, we begin warming up. As the music begins, I lose myself in the familiar motions; pliés, jetés, and pirouettes. I almost feel as if I float across the floor weightless while performing.

After class ends, I ask Harper to stay and work on the last combination the instructors demonstrated. We stay for another forty minutes before I feel confident that I’m performing it well enough and I call a car to pick us up. At home, I take a long, hot shower to wash away the fatigue of my muscles from the day’s class. After I dry myself and my hair, I dress in a long-sleeved blouse and knee-length skirt. Picking up my leotard and tights, I take them downstairs to the laundry room to be washed and then Harper and I eat a quick lunch from the replicator. Neither of us had much of an appetite.

After lunch, we sit on the couch while we receive the first of this week's knowledge implant. It may only take five minutes to implant, but it’s five minutes when you are totally disconnected from your body. Truthfully, I find it to be a bit disconcerting. Over the next few hours, Harper and I unpack the knowledge and as always, I have to ask Phoebe to expand on the explanations of several things.

Finally, I have it all unpacked and understand everything, and I call Derek. He asks me if I’m free this weekend, and when I confirm I am, he asks me out on a date. While I give him a tentative yes, I also tell him that I’d have to ask my parents and that Harper and Jeff would have to come with us as well. He replies that he doesn’t have a problem with it. We talk until my parents get home.


The next morning, I stretch and yawn since I actually slept well last night, and no, that doesn’t mean I didn’t dream about Derek because I did. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I stand and make my way to the bathroom, turning on the shower and waiting for the water to heat up.

While I shower, I smile as I remember Derek and our conversation. After drying off, I styled my hair in a braided bun and dressed in a leotard, tights, wrap skirt, and sports shoes. Grabbing my dance bag containing a towel, water bottle, and t-strap heels, I made my way to Harper's room. She was already up and dressed, sitting on her bed and drinking a protein shake.

"Ready?" she asks, standing up with a smile. I nod, and we call for a hire car to take us to the studio. It’s looking like it's going to be a great day.

The hire car dropped us off in front of the old brick building housing our ballroom dance studio. We make our way inside and chat with a few of the other students as we wait for the instructor to begin class.

Our instructor, Madame Beauchamp, greets us warmly. "Bonjour, mes enfants! We have a lot to cover today, so take your places."

Harlan, my dance partner, reaches over and lightly holds my hand as we wait to be prompted to ‘Take the floor.’ Once Madame Beauchamp nods to Harlan, with flourishing, prancing steps we take to the floor and stop facing each other. As the music starts, we begin moving in tandem, stepping side to side, spinning and twirling across the floor. I love how in sync Harlen and I are. We’ve been partners long enough that we’re able to anticipate each other's movements.

Two hours pass in the blink of an eye. By the end of class, I feel energized. There is nothing quite like the thrill of dancing with a skilled partner.

After class ends, we rinse off in the shower, change into clean leotards and tights, and slip on our sports shoes. "Want to grab lunch at the bistro?" Harper asked. I nodded, and we walked the few blocks to the little French bistro we frequent, chatting with a few of our classmates along the way.

Over lunch, we discussed the upcoming jazz class and the competitions that would be starting in a couple of weeks.

After eating, we walked the short distance to our jazz class, where we worked on increasingly difficult routines. I loved the challenge of learning a new step or spin, and by the end of the ninety-minute class, most of us were out of breath.

Exhausted but happy, we clean ourselves up, and call for a car to take us home, eagerly anticipating a relaxing evening and the weekend ahead. Tuesdays and Thursdays for us are always long, hard days, but always ones we thoroughly enjoy.


I woke up feeling well-rested and content, even if my panties are damp and uncomfortable again. After a quick shower, I braided my hair and dressed in a dance shorts set, grabbed my gymnastics bag and headed over to collect Harper. She’s just finishing up and then we went down for breakfast.

During breakfast Harper and I discussed what to do after class. This afternoon is completely free for us to do whatever we wish, and the really nice thing, as far as the two of us are concerned, was that since our parents consider us responsible enough that Steff no longer babysits us, so we had the house to ourselves. I could tell she wants to do something, she was simply beating around the bush. It occurs to me what she wants. She wants to invite Jeff over and spend the afternoon with him. I’m fine with it; in fact, I wouldn’t mind spending the time with Derek either. So, I suggested that we invite the two of them over to hang out and swim.

Our gymnastics class is exactly what you would expect. We focus on building flexibility and strength first, before moving on to basic tumbling techniques. Once we have mastered those, the instructors evaluate us for intermediate tumbling, where we begin to learn flips and more challenging moves. To attend the advanced classes, we have to pass a rigorous evaluation. A smart precaution considering how easily one can get injured. In these classes, they continued to push us with increasingly difficult tumbles and tricks. Later on, they introduced 'Dancenastics,' a fusion of dance and everything we have learned in gymnastics.

Harper and I were both members of an ‘invite only’ competitive cheer team that challenged us in ways we never thought possible. Despite the intense two-hour practices that leave us drenched in sweat and exhausted, we both thoroughly enjoy it. The combination of all the elements we've mentioned before was taken to a whole new level of difficulty.

After class is over, we rinse off, dress in some shorts and halter tops we bring to change into and call a car to pick us up.

Back at home, we take a real shower to clean up, dress comfortably, and we call Jeff and Derek. After they ask their parents for permission, they say they’ll come. The pool is heated so no preparations are needed for it, but we need to close the dome and fire up the heaters, so it’ll be a comfortable temperature.

Almost running upstairs, Harper and I change into our bikinis and go back downstairs to wait for them to arrive. Thankfully, it isn’t a long wait.

Once the house announced they’re here, Harper headed off to the door. It took a few minutes, which I assumed were spent with the boys changing before they arrived at the pool.

I smiled and waved hello to Derek and he walked over to sit down beside me. He leant in, gave me a short kiss, and said, “Hey.”

I grinned for a moment. “Hey yourself, mister,” I replied.

The morning was spent both in and out of the pool. Playing, cuddling, kissing, talking, and generally, just enjoying ourselves. Around noon, we took a break and headed in to have lunch. Afterwards, we headed back out to the pool to relax and allow lunch to settle.

A bit later, he was standing in the water leaning against the side as I swam over, slipping my arms around his neck as I look at him, smiling, waiting, wanting, and needing. Finally, Derek leans in and his lips meet mine. His hands roamed over my back and down to my hips, cupping my butt cheeks, and pulling me close to him. I could feel the heat of his body against mine, a stark contrast to the coolness of the water. In that instant, everything else faded away and all I could feel were the electrifying sensations pulsating through me as Derek's tongue explored my mouth, leading mine in a sensual dance that set my body on fire.

I pulled away from the kiss, gasping for air and looking into Derek's eyes. They are filled with an intensity that makes my heart skip a beat.

"What is this?" I whisper.

He looks confused as he asks, “What do you mean?”

My cheeks flushed as I struggled to find the right words. I turned my attention to the water, trying to avoid his gaze. "I'm not sure what we are," I mumbled.

Derek lifts my chin, smiles softly, and brushes a strand of wet hair out of my face. "Me neither," he admits, "but I damn sure want to find out."

Without another word, we both leant in once again, our lips meeting in another fiery kiss. This time, it was fueled by curiosity and desire, our bodies pressed together in a way that felt natural. The rest of the day was a blur of electric touches and fiery kisses.


I woke up to sunlight streaming through my window and a message from Derek waiting for me: "Good morning beautiful, hope you slept well. Can't wait to see you this weekend."

A smile spread across my face as I read his message. I sent a quick reply, then got out of bed and headed to the shower. After washing my hair and conditioning the ends, I toweled off and did my usual ballet bun, securing any stray hairs back from my face.

Slipping into my dance clothes, I grabbed my bag and walked out to get Harper. She was waiting in the hall, yawning, but dressed and ready to go. "Morning," she mumbled sleepily.

"Morning!" I say brightly. She gave me a look but I could tell she was happy I was in a good mood. We call for a car and were soon on our way to the studio.

The advanced ballet class was challenging as always, but it flew by. Before I knew it, the instructor was giving us notes for next time and we were gathering our things to head home.

Harper and I lackadaisically chatted about new dance moves and routines on the ride back. During a lull in the conversation, I found myself gazing out the window with a dreamy smile, replaying yesterday in my mind.

Harper nudged me with her elbow. "You're thinking about him again, aren't you?" she teased.

I blushed, caught. "Is it that obvious?"

She laughed "Yes, but it's sweet how lovestruck you are. I'm happy for you, Kayla. Derek seems to be a great guy."

"He really is," I said softly, warmth filling my chest at the thought of him. The car then set down at the house, signaling the end of our conversation. I gave Harper's hand a quick squeeze, silently conveying my thanks for her support.

Today had been wonderful, but I was ready to go inside, change into comfy clothes and relax. And if I happened to message Derek, well, no one had to know. I went to bed that night with the memory of his smile in my mind, already counting down the days until I see him again.


I woke up to sunlight streaming through my window and a silent notification from Phoebe that I had a message. I stretched, my yawn is interrupted by a smile when I see it’s a message from Derek. ‘Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep? ‘

I thought of a quick reply while smiling my little butt off. ‘Morning! I slept great, dreaming of a certain someone. How about you?’

His response was instant. ‘I always sleep better when you're the star of my dreams.’

I quickly replied, ‘I have to get moving, but yes, you tend to dominate mine lately. Dunno why though. Talk to you after class.’ I added a couple of hug and kiss images, and got out of bed with a huge smile plastered across my face.

The usual from here. Showered, dressed for ballet class, and went out to meet Harper.

As we walk downstairs, "You're glowing," she said with an arched brow. "I'm guessing Derek messaged you again?"

I simply nodded since I couldn’t stop smiling. A moment later, the car alighted outside and we climbed in. We were quiet for the ride until the car came to a stop outside the studio and Harper grinned. "Well, try not to float away in class today, we have a lot of new footwork to deal with and you don’t want to screw it up."

I laughed and grabbed my dance bag. "I'll do my best. Race you inside!"

We dashed through the doors in a flurry of laughter, dropped our bags, and stopped at the barre to stretch. I lost myself in the familiar motions, letting the music flow through me. By the time class ends, I was tired but satisfied with how I performed today.

So, as you can see, Harper and I were busy, but as they say ‘when something is important, you make the time’.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!