War God Asura - Chapter 2321

Published at 13th of February 2023 10:29:59 AM

Chapter 2321

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Even if you meet a high-level Shura Wuzong, you will have a good command of the first World War. With this kind of combat power, the punishment decision can take on more difficult school tasks. Only in this way can we accumulate enough merits and virtues more quickly and be qualified to participate in the examination of zhenzhuan disciples.

"Sentence, do you want to leave?"

"Thank you for your care in these days. I'm just a disciple. I still need to accumulate merits and virtues. I can't stay any longer."

"Well, accumulating merits and virtues is a great event for my disciples. Although I have a lot of merits and virtues for you to use, if I give them to you without authorization. It goes against the wishes of the early generation to teach. "

"After all, he set up this system of merit and virtue in order that the disciples of guiyinfeng could benefit the common people more, for the sake of the common people." Zhuge elder stood in front of the hut and said to the sentence with some guilt.

"I understand!"

Xingjue knew that there must be a lot of merits and virtues in the hands of the elder Zhuge. However, guiyinfeng stipulated that elder generals should not be allowed to pass on merits and virtues to his disciples. If found, the consequences would be unimaginable, even more serious than killing his fellow disciples.

It is a good intention for the early generation to set such strict regulations, because guiyinfeng's task is to eliminate harm for the people and protect the peace of the four sides. Compared with other forces, guiyinfeng's practice is more just.

In addition, the sentence can feel that elder Zhuge, the master, really wants to help him. After all, if the merits and virtues are passed on to him, he can save a lot of time and devote more time to practice.

But the sentence can understand the difficulties of Zhuge elder, so he didn't intend to get merits and virtues from the beginning. From the beginning, he planned to rely on himself to make up 100000 merits and virtues.

"Well, as your teacher, I can't pass on your self-defense skills. I won't be relieved if you go out and wander around."

"Well, I'll make an exception today. I'll pass you my first World War skills again. It's not difficult to practice with your qualifications."

Elder Zhuge didn't know that the punishment had been completed. He thought that the punishment could not be completed. He was discouraged and wanted to leave. So he felt guilty. He wanted to break his own rules and spread his skills of punishment.

"Master, I..."


for elder Zhuge's good intentions, the sentence originally wanted to refuse, but before he finished his speech, the forefinger of the elder Zhuge touched his forehead again.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that a king level advanced combat skill named Vajra mask had entered his mind.

This golden bell jar is a kind of defensive combat skill. If it is completed, it can be compared with the primary combat skill of the imperial order. Its defensive power is very amazing, and it is the best combat skill to protect life.

In addition, in order to make the xingjue more quickly, elder Zhuge also introduced his practice experience when he introduced the cultivation method.

"Thank you for your kindness". If you get this favor, the punishment will never be able to repay, so you have to give a big gift again.

At this moment, his heart was quite warm. Although he had only been with elder Zhuge for a short month, and every day, he secretly observed him and did not speak. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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