War God Asura - Chapter 2364

Published at 13th of February 2023 10:28:54 AM

Chapter 2364

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"After the border crossing gate appeared, he was overjoyed. He did not and did not hesitate to sneak into it. When his sight was restored, he was already in front of him.

Under the foot, is the white rock basaltic stone, around, is the dust sealed wall, everywhere, has engraved the charm, the charm, connects five stone gates.

The circular hall is not vast, on the contrary, it is slightly narrow. However, as long as you are in it, you can feel the mystery of it. Even if it is better than the sentence at the moment, you dare not take a step easily.

"Is there any change for the soul worshiper?"

In the remains of the world God, the sentence can clearly feel all kinds of mystery. He knows in his heart that the border closing organ here is absolutely not allowed to be seen.

At this time, Xing Jue had to ask the soul master for help. After all, the soul worshiper had followed the old man Yun Gui to come here, and he must know the mystery.

"as like as two peas".

"If you look carefully, the stone gate is engraved with the mysterious formula of the border. The five stone gates are the key to the success of the Dali Dynasty's borderline."

After being reminded by the soul master, Xing Jue found that there were indeed some jiejie pithy formulas carved on the stone gate. Although they were only some superficial ones, they could make the finishing point and benefit a lot. They were even extremely mysterious.

"Is this the art of the boundary God?" The sentencing judge quickly memorized in his mind the pithy formula of the five stone gates.

However, the more you study it, the more you feel that the pithy formula on the stone gate is very mysterious. Although it is only a few dozen sentences, it can be combined into any boundary. If you really combine this formula into the boundary, it will be just like making the boundary of a dead thing and giving life to it.

Therefore, the sentence even felt that this is the inheritance of the God of the world, which is enough to make people in the world envious of the art of demarcation.

"Of course not. These are just decoys, lures to get into the stone gate."

"Inside the stone gate, there are not only many mechanisms, but also a dead pass that has nowhere to go. Even the old cloud ghost was almost trapped in it."

"Moreover, within the five stone gates, there is an array eye, which can be reborn infinitely and can hardly be cracked."

"However, if the five array eyes are cracked at the same time, the array can be opened, and the remains can be opened," the soul venerable solemnly reminded.

"If so, it would be too simple." After hearing the story of the bully, the corner of the sentence's mouth is a smile of confidence.

"Shua Shua Shua ~"

all of a sudden, the body of Xing Jue tiger shakes, a layer of dark black energy ripples, and the purple air diffuses. In a flash, five figures burst out of their bodies, and as soon as they step forward, they respectively skim towards the five stone gates.

He will never commit danger with his own body. At this time, his soul separation plays an unexpected role.

"I almost forget that you still have this kind of means. This soul skill is really mysterious. Even the old man of cloud ghost has never mastered it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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