War God Asura - Chapter 308

Published at 13th of February 2023 11:41:42 AM

Chapter 308

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In order to be able to quickly arrive at the destination, the penalty paid a high price to hire a very fast "beast carriage". "Beast horse" is a combination of horse and Warcraft. It is gentle in character, but very fast.

Therefore, the "beast carriage" was the most widely used first-class means of transportation among the three empires.

But after a month's uninterrupted journey, as an ordinary man, uncle pan can't stand the tiredness of the journey, and his body begins to fail.

Seeing this, the sentence found a small town along the way, ready to rest for a few days, and then continued to travel after uncle pan recovered.

After daily practice in the inn, the sentence came to a river outside the town, sorted out the memory in his mind, and prepared to practice the advanced martial art "wind control skill" of the local level.

It is said that the wind control skill can be practiced in the air when it reaches the highest level. Therefore, it is expected by the criminal sentence.

And after careful reading, the sentence is also found that the imperial wind art is actually divided into three levels.

"Fengxing" is as fast as the wind, coming and going without a trace.

"Treading on the waves" treads on the water and goes against the waves.

"Yukong" means to control the sky in the sky and step on the clouds.

"It's so powerful" after reading the specific content of the Yufeng technique, Xing Jue said in surprise.

This technique is really worthy of being the strongest martial art of Yufeng Pavilion. The mystery is really magical.

After knowing the specific cultivation method of Yufeng technique, the punishment decision does not waste time. After adjusting the train of thought, it is the first level of "wind control skill" cultivation.

However, after an hour's practice, Xing Jue also found that the wind control skill was indeed a little complicated, and it was more difficult to hurt than a hundred times than that of the wind control skill.

At the beginning, when he practised wind power, he could almost directly summon it to his body. However, this wind control skill was executed several times according to the cultivation method, but still failed.

"So you're here"

just when the sentence was a little agitated, uncle Pan's voice suddenly rang out nearby. Looking at him, he was really uncle pan. He hesitated and focused too much, and the punishment sentence didn't feel anyone close to him.

"Uncle pan, if you don't have a good rest in the inn, can I help you?" The sentence asked with a smile.

"I'm afraid you throw me here, so I have to look at you, hehe..." And uncle Pan said jokingly.

"Are you practicing martial arts?" Asked Uncle pan, seeing some traces of the river bank.

"Well, it's a very difficult body skill. I've practiced it for an hour, but I still can't find the secret to release it." Xing Jue scratched his head helplessly.

"Body technique is nothing more than creating some airflow on the surface of the body, which will greatly reduce the obstruction of air and accelerate the formation speed"

"with different levels of martial arts, the complexity of making airflow is also different. What's your level of martial arts?" Uncle pan smiles and says slowly.

"Ground level advanced martial arts skills"

hearing what uncle Pan said, the criminal sentence's eyes were bright, and he hurried back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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