War God Asura - Chapter 32

Published at 13th of February 2023 01:03:37 PM

Chapter 32

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When the voice sounded, let alone the audience shivering, even the fan who was just arrogant could not help shaking. Because he knew that someone he couldn't afford was coming out.

"I don't know which elder is standing here, please show up," said the fan, who had been arrogant and incomparable before, respectfully and respectfully.

Seeing that the fan is actually so, people feel incredible. The person who can make fan Zi so respectful must be better than him.

"Ignorant young people, also deserve to let me show up, get out of the way" fan Zi's respectful words, but in exchange for a angry drink.

"Bang" after the sound, there is no sign of a stuffy sound, the fan actually a mouthful of blood spurt, the whole body powerless sitting on the ground.

When people saw this behind the scenes, they opened their mouths one by one, unable to recover from the shock.

"Oh, my God, you can hit the high-level Wuzong seriously if you don't show up. What strength is this?" Looking at the injured fan, someone said out loud.

Xing Feng, who had just caused fan fan to gloat because of the sentence, now looked at him with a very complicated look, because he clearly remembered what the mysterious man had said just now, that is, the sentence was his disciple, which he had always hated. How could he accept it.

"Master, I am the elder of Yufeng Pavilion. I will be seriously injured by my hand. Do you want to be the enemy of Yufeng pavilion?" Seeing that things are not good, fan fan said in a hurry. By this time, he was already very clear about the gap between him and the other party. If he could not show up, he would be seriously injured. He must be proficient in the power of space, and the person who can use the power of space is at least the strong one at the level of martial god. Even if he is placed in his Yufeng Pavilion, it is a very strong existence.

But now he did not expect that this seemingly insignificant sentence had a strong martial god as the background. At this moment, fan fan Zi clearly realized that he was in big trouble, and the only thing he could do was to rush out of the Yufeng Pavilion.

"Ha ha ha "Yufeng Pavilion, Yufeng Pavilion" when hearing fan fan Zi's words, the mysterious old man suddenly laughed, which made fan Zi panic.

"Even qingmo Tian dare not tell me this kind of words. It's a joke that a little elder of waige dare to put such kind of words at me." the old man said angrily again, but his words were full of disdain.

"I don't know Taishan, please forgive me. If I don't know Taishan, please forgive me." when I heard the old man mention that he didn't dare to say such things to him, the fan was even cold, because he knew that he was really a big man who couldn't afford to offend him. Who is qingmo Tian? Qing Mo Tian is the leader of Yu Feng Pavilion. He who dares to call Qing Mo Tian's name must be a super strong man. At this moment, fan fan Zi finally let go of all the shelves and knelt down to the ground, kowtow and admit his mistakes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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