War God Asura - Chapter 881

Published at 13th of February 2023 11:24:23 AM

Chapter 881

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"As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and so is the League house. After all, it was the top force in the whole continent. Although it has begun to decline, it is still the overlord after coming to the inner wall."

"However, it is expected that the core strength of the alliance government is not as good as that of the next generation. Gradually, even the overlord status of the inner circle is also somewhat difficult to protect."

"Later, in order to consolidate its position of power, the leader of the alliance government began to wantonly solicit some potential forces in the inner circle to form an alliance to ensure its hegemony status.

"As far as I know, the gold and silver mountain villa is a force that the League government looked at at at the beginning, and with the huge umbrella of the League house, the gold and silver mountain villa will have its present strength."

"Therefore, it is small to offend Jinyin mountain villa, but the alliance house behind it is a terrible existence. At least for today's Shura hall, it is far from being the enemy of the League house." Seeing the sentence, the king of galloping thunder leopard explained slowly.

"In this way, it's a bit difficult."

After hearing the words of the king of galloping thunder leopard, his face was filled with complicated looks. After all, in the future, the hall of Shura still has to enter the inner circle. At this time, he offended one of the giants in the inner circle, and the life after that would be hard.

"Hum, isn't it a league house? When I was in charge of the Shentian domain, it was still a small school that didn't enter the stream." At this time, the little dragon on the other side said with his mouth curled, and his words were full of disdain.

"Master, you..." After hearing Bruce Lee's words, the king of thunder running leopard looks at Bruce Lee with surprise.

However, he knew that the League house had become the top force in shentianyu a thousand years ago, and Xiaolong said that when it dominated shentianyu, Mengfu was still an unknown small sect.

That is to say, Bruce Lee has lived for thousands of years. Even the age of Warcraft is limited, and all those who can live for more than a thousand years are legendary rare Warcraft. At this moment, the king of galloping thunder leopard has a lot of respect for Bruce Lee.

Not only he, but also the emperor and uncle pan cast shocked eyes at Bruce Lee. In particular, when Bruce Lee's words are powerful in the sky, they can't help but doubt the authenticity of Bruce Lee's words.

However, compared with Uncle Li Yingbao, he is extremely shocked by their identity.

It has been thousands of years since the Imperial Palace was investigated, so they know that what Bruce Lee said is not false and absolutely true.

"Hehe, since things have happened, it's unnecessary to consider the unknown hidden dangers."

"Now it's just killing some elders of Jinyin mountain villa. As for this matter, the headquarters of the alliance mansion will come to attack our Shura hall for this matter? After all, the gold and silver villa is only an alliance of the alliance government. "

"If the gold and silver villa comes to attack our Shura hall, I would like to see how powerful the inner circle is."

At this time, the sentence was suddenly raised. When it comes to the gold and silver villa, it is full of expectation. It seems that the criminal did not pay attention to the gold and silver villa. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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