Published at 20th of June 2024 05:39:46 AM

Chapter 51

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Number 20 had fallen into a deep sleep, and He Ruge didn’t know when he would wake up. He didn’t dare disturb Number 20, who was in the middle of a fusion process. He sat by and watched the recovered and adorable Number 20 for a long time before quietly going offline.

His mood was very calm, so calm that he wanted to write ten thousand words of sweet and fluffy content right there. He logged into his penguin account, intending to challenge word puzzles with Jiǒu Jī, but he discovered the group chat for the monster group “Five Lakes and Four Seas, One Family” that Octo had recommended him to join.

The group leader’s ID was “Monster King.” When He Ruge had joined the group previously, the leader hadn’t spoken up. However, as soon as He Ruge appeared this time, he startled all the lurking members into typing.

Monster King: “The first being on the Monument of Ten Thousand Monsters is a Qiongqi.”

Virtuous Tortoise: “Could there be some mistake in this? According to what I know, the Monument of Ten Thousand Monsters shouldn’t display these ancient great monsters. As far as I’m aware, the last Qiongqi left our world ten thousand years ago.”

Cutest Member of the Group: “What? A Qiongqi that eats monsters?!!!”

Octo: “Let’s analyze this rationally. Earth’s spiritual energy is completely depleted now, and it can’t possibly support the birth of a Qiongqi. Qiongqi that have been in a state of prolonged hunger after awakening will surely hunt crazily. Life only comes once, cherish life, stay away from Qiongqi.”

Virtuous Tortoise: “I still find this quite fantastical. Why would there be a Qiongqi? Didn’t all those ancient monsters ascend to another realm after their transformation? If it were other ascended beings or the descendants of the ascended beings returning to Earth, I would definitely welcome them with all eight of my arms. Why did it have to be a Qiongqi… an evil entity?”

Cutest Member of the Group: “Ahhh, I still can’t accept this. But if it’s not the Gluttonous Beast, I’d feel a little better.”

He Ruge pushed his glasses up and looked at the new messages that suddenly exceeded 99+. He quietly exited the group chat.

A Qiongqi?

Is this so fantastical?

Although He Ruge had some understanding of this legendary ferocious beast, seeing the group members in a state of panic made him unconsciously search it up on Baidu.

A Qiongqi is a strange creature that combines the characteristics of a heavenly deity, a monster, and an evildoer, embodying a mysterious existence with an indecipherable true appearance. It represents evil and stands for the most sinister things.

When he saw the pictures of a Qiongqi in the Baidu image search, He Ruge fell into a long silence.

This tiger with wings gave him an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

He Ruge logged back into the game and sat beside Number 20. Descriptions of the Qiongqi continuously surfaced in his mind:

It looks like a tiger.

It has a pair of wings.

It likes to eat people.

The vast and boundless spiritual knowledge in his mind was covered with purple runes, which enveloped the sleeping White Tiger like a cocoon. From afar, it looked like a chrysalis, undergoing tremendous changes inside while remaining still and calm on the outside.

The one inside the cocoon saw the absurdly long and difficult life of a great monster.

That monster was extremely powerful and wicked. He would eat good monsters and bad monsters alike. Some said he was a fierce beast that punished evil and promoted good.

He didn’t care about anyone’s evaluation, but he cared deeply about the flaw on his own body—

He didn’t have wings.

He was a Qiongqi without wings, and it seemed that the heavens had cut corners when creating him. However, that didn’t matter; he enjoyed taking the wings from others and using them for himself. However, the wings he took from others always wore out after some time.

He worked hard to cultivate and wanted to ascend to the upper realm to see if there were wings suitable for him there. Finally, one day, he ascended to the upper realm and thought of a way to cultivate his own wings there.

He made a covenant with a race.

A race with no wisdom, only knowledge of killing—the Insect Race.

For millennia, the Insect Race worshipped him, and he granted these simple creatures power and wisdom. In return, the Insect Race repaid him with slaughter and, when the contract ended, offered the lives of their entire race as a sacrifice to refine the Wings of Slaughter.

He led this race to start numerous wars, eventually attracting the attention of other great monsters.

Those great monsters wanted to stop the horrific Slaughter Plan and tried their best to perish with him. His body fell, his spirit turned into a monster egg, and all his memories and inheritance were hidden within the runes, accumulating strength while awaiting rebirth.

However, what he hadn’t expected was that thousands of years later, the Insect Race would violate the covenant and severely injure him before his resurrection. The punishment from the power of the covenant exacted a heavy price from the Insect Race, weakening their strength significantly when they invaded other planets.

In the chaos of interstellar wars, the white tiger in the cocoon fled haphazardly, appearing quite pathetic, like a tiger fallen into a pack of wolves.

To evade pursuit by the Insect Race, he entered the belly of a deceased female elite warrior, separating a small fragment of the core power’s runes onto a soul shard. He was forced into an imperfect revival.

Thus, a pure white, forgetful little white tiger was born.

Perhaps people are innately good, and this evil monster had a chance to become a good monster after forgetting the past. However, fate played its hand, and the little white tiger was sent to the Starry Sea Orphanage. After enduring long-term abuse and immense negative emotions, the dormant monster within him was completely awakened.

The wings of the Insect Race were originally the raw materials used by the Qiongqi to refine wings. When this newly born body possessed wings, it was like adding wings to a tiger, giving it unparalleled strength.

The body, controlled by the monster, hosted a long-awaited feast of slaughter. The little white tiger, who witnessed everything, often felt frightened and uneasy. So, when he regained control of his body, he destroyed the insect wings, causing the monster to fall back into a deep slumber.

Later, he was framed and seriously injured by someone and accidentally came into contact with a game—

Memories stopped here.

Inside the cocoon, the great white tiger looked a bit confused, gazing at the tightly intertwined purple runes. It seemed like he had forgotten something.

But what exactly?

He couldn’t recall.

This was an imperfect revival, one that had been done out of necessity to escape the Insect Race’s pursuit. Perhaps the countless millennia had made it so that even if the one being reborn now viewed the memories preserved within the runes, they wouldn’t experience them as vividly.

The great white tiger reached out his paw and scratched the cocoon constructed of purple runes. He couldn’t wait to get out.

When he thought of emerging from the cocoon, all the purple lines withered instantly, turning into specks of light that fell onto his tiger back. Crystal-clear wings materialized out of thin air, with intricate and mysterious purple patterns on the wing surfaces.

The great white tiger curiously inspected the wings on his body. He manipulated these beautiful wings, not very proficiently, and took flight within his spiritual sea. Glimmering and fragmented light points remained in his flight path. Every flap of his wings left behind a trail of stars.


The great white tiger flew higher and higher, soaring above his spiritual sea, then burst out into the void!

The empty world trembled, and the drifting soul returned to its shell. He controlled this body, slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw illuminated his entire world.

Many years later, he would still remember this scene very clearly, including the particles of dust floating up and down in the light, the arc of a stray strand of hair on that person’s nearly translucent cheek, and the misty black eyes that seemed to be enveloped in fog.

Tears welled up in the foggy black eyes, and two lines of tears silently flowed down.

Tears seemed to splash onto his heart, causing it to beat violently for a moment.

He gazed into those glittering black eyes, seeing his own reflection in them, as if he were seeing his blurred reflection by the edge of a lake.

With his first look at this world, he didn’t see the sky or the earth; he saw that person, those eyes, and himself reflected in the other’s eyes.

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