Published at 20th of June 2024 05:39:46 AM

Chapter 56

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After singing for all the cubs, He Ruge turned around and saw the starry-eyed giant white tiger, whose blue eyes sparkled when they turned towards him.

Consuming too much energy from the markings, He Ruge’s legs felt a bit weak. At this moment, he began to realize how comfortable and happy it was to have a giant white tiger as a mount.

Sitting on the tiger’s back, He Ruge touched the giant tiger’s head and asked, “Why are you suddenly so happy?” He couldn’t think of anything here that could make the giant white tiger so happy.

“Because of you,” the giant white tiger honestly replied, “I like listening to you sing.” He looked like a devoted fan who had just attended a concert.

“Then I’ll sing for you every day,” He Ruge said like an idol catering to his fans.

Unexpectedly, the giant white tiger shook his head and refused, “Your singing consumes the energy in your markings, and too much consumption is not good for your body.”

He Ruge: “…?!”

Did he mishear it? Why did he hear the word “markings” in the game?

Xi Guican was unaware that his words had stirred up a storm in He Ruge’s heart. When he was still “Miao Miao,” he had seen the markings on He Ruge’s ankle and even licked the red marks. In this game where even the brainwashing machine could recreate things, Xi Guican naturally wouldn’t be surprised by the mention of markings.

What really surprised him was He Ruge’s behavior. He observed that during the awakening phase, He Ruge didn’t accumulate energy, but instead gave away his energy for free.

However, it was precisely this selflessness, unrelated to the Qiongqi, that made Xi Guican feel that He Ruge was special.

He Ruge possessed something he had never seen before, something soft and bright, without any sharp edges but clear boundaries.

Both he and He Ruge were in the awakening phase, but Xi Guican had absorbed the energy from energy crystals and stored it all in his markings. He had a mine with energy crystals equivalent to an entire planet, so he wouldn’t lack energy in the short term, or rather, he wouldn’t lack spiritual energy.

However, based on He Ruge’s behavior, he had used the markings without accumulating energy, and it seemed like he was malnourished during his awakening.

For monsters, the awakening phase was like the human adolescent growth period. During this time, one must pay attention to nutrient replenishment. It wasn’t simply a matter of not starving; insufficient energy absorption during the awakening phase would result in an imperfect monstrous form. At that time, no matter how much energy was added, it would be too late.

Xi Guican’s blue eyes narrowed slightly.

He, too, would provide He Ruge with “extra meals.”

He didn’t know how He Ruge absorbed energy, but previously, Xi Guican’s markings were incomplete and split apart, so he didn’t inherit the method.

His energy primarily came from two sources: the first was the insect race. Initially, the insect race had signed a contract with him, and most of the evolutionary power of the entire race came from him. When he took the life of an insect race member, he also simultaneously reclaimed a trace of energy.

The second source was the power of faith. The live broadcast format of the Starry Sea War had earned him a large number of worshippers, and the continuous faith he obtained during battles was as abundant as cutting leeks.

Both of these conditions were somewhat too demanding and not suitable for this game. The most convenient method for an extra meal was to collect energy crystals from the Starry Sea Orphanage. If it were anyone else, they would be completely clueless, but for Xi Guican, who had previously blown up the energy crystal storeroom in the orphanage, he knew exactly where it was.

However, considering his current strength in the game, he would find it challenging to approach those energy crystals. He had to wait until the fifth experiment, where he would have access to the energy crystal storeroom on the -5th floor.

After planning He Ruge’s extra meal strategy, Xi Guican returned to room 104 and suddenly realized that He Ruge on his back hadn’t said anything for a long time.

What’s wrong?

The giant white tiger turned back in confusion and saw He Ruge, who had been lost in thought for a long time.

“Do you… do you know about markings?” He Ruge asked hesitantly.

“I’m a Qiongqi. Why wouldn’t I know about markings?” Xi Guican replied.

He Ruge suddenly recalled when the little monster had seen the markings on his ankle and said, “You are a monster too.” So, “monster” referred to “monsters” like him?

Why did this game even know that he was a monster?

The writer’s imagination had always been vast, and He Ruge had already gone from thinking about a romance game to thinking about the inheritance left by ancient powerhouses, where opportunities and dangers coexisted. The giant white tiger was the spiritual beast within the inheritance…

He started to imagine various scenarios for a male lead character. First, he thought about writing an powering up story with a typical male lead character. But after seeing the cute giant white tiger, He Ruge wanted to write a romance story with cute pet elements.

He Ruge rubbed the giant white tiger’s head and asked, “So, what do your markings look like?” He was genuinely curious about the game’s developer and why they had chosen him. He felt incredibly lucky to have met such a wonderful giant white tiger in the game, and the brief time they spent together had already become an indispensable part of He Ruge’s life.

It was the happiest moment he had encountered so far.

“They only appear when I transform into a human. I’ll show them to you in a few days when I become human,” the giant white tiger promised.

He Ruge: “…?!”

He’s going to transform into a human in a few days? So suddenly?! Would he be wearing a military uniform?!

He Ruge was so excited that his heart raced. He realized that he hadn’t seen Xi Guican’s entire face yet. In the game’s opening screen, Xi Guican’s face was partially obscured by a military hat. Although the veiled allure of half-hidden beauty was excellent, who would want veiled beauty when they could see the full face?

He tightly pinched the giant white tiger’s cheeks and said enthusiastically, “Great!”

But where would Xi Guican’s markings be located?

Could it be that, like him, they were all on his legs and buttocks? If they were to meet in human form for the first time, and Xi Guican took off his pants…

He Ruge, who had initially been unhappy with the location of his markings, suddenly found it incredibly intriguing.

“Are your legs still sore?” Xi Guican, with sharp eyes, noticed that He Ruge’s legs were weak when he got off his back. “Let me give you a massage.”

The giant white tiger raised his paw and playfully wiggled the pink cushiony pad toward He Ruge’s legs. Initially, He Ruge wanted to refuse but was conquered by the wonderful paw pad. He struggled for a moment but ultimately yielded to the soft cushiony pad. “…Alright, then I’ll massage your back later.”

Xi Guican glanced at He Ruge’s “little paws” and thought that these little paws probably couldn’t handle the task of massaging his back. They were soft and couldn’t exert much force, but the thought of these beautiful hands wandering through his fur made his heart flutter.

“Okay.” Xi Guican had He Ruge sit on the bedding, and he looked at He Ruge’s legs, which were slightly tense as they were brought together. “Relax, I won’t hurt you.”

The pink pad landed gently on He Ruge’s thighs, and the sharp claws had retracted. This large pad could directly cover He Ruge’s thighs, and it rhythmically applied a gentle pressure, like a serious “kneading.”

He Ruge couldn’t help but place his hands on the giant paw pad that was kneading. His fingers brushed over the fine white fur, and while enjoying the touch, he found a legitimate reason, “Let me massage your hands first.”

The paw being massaged felt a bit itchy. Not only were the paws itchy, but more importantly, his heart itched as well. It itched to the point where Xi Guican wanted to use both paws to hold He Ruge’s restless hands, lick from the fingertips to the wrist, and let He Ruge smell like him.

The sensation under the pad was warm and soft. Even though there was a layer of fabric between them, Xi Guican could still sense He Ruge’s skin. It was soft, different from the muscles on his body, as if he had rarely walked on these legs himself.

The skin was soft, delicate, fair, and the frame was slightly small, making it easy to play with.

If only He Ruge could take off his shoes. Would his toes be as delicate and exquisite as flower buds?

Xi Guican glanced regretfully at the hindrance that were the shoes. He continued to massage He Ruge’s legs. After a frontal massage, Xi Guican had He Ruge turn over.

“You don’t have to make it too complicated. Just massage it casually. Your paws have been kneading for so long; do they feel sore? Let me massage your paws,” He Ruge suggested. However, Xi Guican’s attitude was exceptionally firm, and He Ruge knew that Xi Guican’s views would be hard to change. So he had no choice but to turn over.

The cushiony pad landed on his calves this time, and the massage was from the bottom up. With prior experience, Xi Guican controlled his strength well, making He Ruge feel so comfortable that he couldn’t help but hum.

After the pad had traveled from his calves to his thighs, this would have been a good place to stop. However, when he saw the well-rounded buttocks, as if possessed by some mysterious force, the paw pressed up—

The large paw fit perfectly against a buttock, covering it tightly without anything exposed.

He Ruge had very little flesh on his thighs; perhaps it had all grown onto his buttocks. The sensation of the paw pad pressing against him was extremely comfortable, making the tiger not want to lift his paw up from the softness.

As the paw pressed up and down, the tingling and peculiar sensation was like an electric current stimulating his whole body. He Ruge felt like a fish pressed on a chopping board, desperately trying to flip over but being held down by a paw like “Mount Tai.”

What’s going on?!

In that instant, He Ruge understood the feeling of Sun Wukong being crushed under Wuzhi Mountain. He turned his head to look at the big white tiger using its paw massage his butt, and asked with some horror: “What are you doing?”

He didn’t know why, but his earlobes and cheeks were all stained red.

Xi Guican’s paw shook, and he massaged his butt again. After pressing it, he retracted his paw with a slight guilty whisper: “I… am massaging you. Is your butt sore?”

He Ruge covered his buttocks and stood up, blushing and raising his voice: “It’s not sore!”

The strange feeling of having his butt pinched lingered, and He Ruge suddenly realized that the person who wanted to touch a tiger’s butt was very perverted.


He Ruge, who never gave up any chance to grab some benefits for himself, suddenly had an idea and said, “I’m going to massage your butt later too.”

Xi Guican: “???”

Xi Guican refused in his heart, but He Ruge’s eyes were too bright and his tone was too matter-of-fact. In addition, he had just pressed the other person’s buttocks, so it seemed unreasonable not to agree.

Xi Guican, who always felt that something was wrong, reluctantly exposed her big butt to He Ruge: “Okay then.”

After getting his permission, the person in front of him happily jumped onto his body, stretched out his two hands and kneaded the big plush butt excitedly.

The hands that usually had little strength were very strong when squeezing his butt. Xi Guican finally understood what was strange. He always felt that He Ruge’s excitement was the long-awaited happiness of finally getting what he wanted.

…as if he has been thinking about his butt for a long time.

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