Published at 20th of June 2024 05:43:17 AM

Chapter 63

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After knowing that he was being monitored, He Ruge continuously used little hearts to block the monitors. Xi Guican’s affection level towards him had already exceeded seven hundred, so He Ruge was quite generous in using the little hearts.


A little heart could block the monitor for ten minutes, and He Ruge blocked it for a whole hour in one go. He used a universal access card to go to the medical room to find the medicine mouse.


The medicine mouse was sitting on the desk. When he saw He Ruge coming, he wasn’t very surprised and naturally brewed two cups of hot milk tea, saying, “You’re here. If you didn’t come, I would have come to find you.”


“The Frozen Plan has progressed to this point, and the mental sea of all the test subjects is very stable. This unprecedented experimental data is shocking enough to astound the world. So, I’ve tampered with all their data records; otherwise, it would definitely alert the Vulture.” The medicine mouse held the milk tea and took a sip. Perhaps due to his old age and a bit of mental fog, his long white beard was soaked in the milk tea, and the medicine mouse didn’t notice.


The Vulture?


He Ruge quickly realized that this word was unusual.


The black-bean-like eyes looked a bit tired as they gazed at He Ruge. The medicine mouse slowly said, “I’m tired. I’ve carried too much for many years. But fortunately, everything is about to end. You’re a good child. Although I’ve lived most of my life in a daze and my eyes are almost unable to see clearly, I can see people clearly.”


“You’re the only person I’ve met who genuinely cares about these innocent children.”


“Before, I didn’t know which faction you were from, and the value you showed wasn’t enough for me to invite you.” The medicine mouse looked at He Ruge quietly, with the gaze of an elder. “But now, your value has far exceeded my estimate.”


“The enemy’s enemy is a friend. Are you willing to join the Federation and contribute to the Federation’s efforts to eradicate the star pirates?” The medicine mouse extended his small paw to He Ruge.


He Ruge was already overwhelmed by the immense amount of information and struggled to organize his thoughts.


The Vulture – the suspected mastermind behind the scenes and leader of the star pirates.


The medicine mouse, suspected spy planted by the Federation here?


Now the medicine mouse wanted to invite him to overthrow the boss together? Was that what he understood?


He Ruge’s confusion was evident on his face. He hesitated, looking at the medicine mouse. He wanted to appear resolute, but entering into negotiations with the medicine mouse in an imbalanced information situation could easily lead to disastrous consequences.


His little paw remained suspended in the air for a long time without receiving a response, and the medicine mouse’s hand began to feel a bit sore. He patiently withdrew his hand and said, “It seems you have many questions. Well, that’s good. I have many questions too. How about this? Let’s exchange questions and information. You can start.”


“Is the Vulture the leader of the star pirates controlling the Starry Sea Orphanage?” He Ruge condensed two questions into one sentence.


The medicine mouse couldn’t help but smile, “You certainly don’t waste the opportunity to ask questions. My answer is yes. Now it’s my turn to ask you. Which faction do you belong to?”


“I don’t belong to any faction.”


The medicine mouse stared into He Ruge’s eyes for a long time before nodding lightly, as if he believed the answer and yet still had doubts.


It was He Ruge’s turn to ask questions again, “Are you a spy planted by the Federation here?”


“Not before, but now I am,” the medicine mouse answered. “How do you plan to save the children in the Frozen Plan?”


The most significant advantage of cooperating with the medicine mouse was the secret of his singing. He Ruge naturally wouldn’t be foolish enough to reveal it. “I have my own methods.”


The medicine mouse picked up the now lukewarm milk tea and took a sip, “Ah, I suddenly remembered those stingy researchers.”


The young stingy researcher, He Ruge, asked, “In the Infinite Armed experiment, where do the Zerg provided by the training ground come from?” This question had been bothering him, and he even suspected it was a bug in the game.


“They’re raised,” the medicine mouse patiently explained. “Have you been to the second basement floor? Do you know why the iron cages in the junkyard are only filled with bones, without a trace of meat left? Do you know why the door on the left side of the junkyard is tightly locked?”


“Because those bodies have all been used to feed the little bugs behind the left door,” the medicine mouse set down the cup. “Does it sound disgusting to you? But if you consider all this as insect cultivation, it’s not that hard to accept.”


He Ruge: “…”


No, he still couldn’t accept it.


At the thought of when he was on the second basement floor, being neighbors with a swarm of “roaches” and seeing the remains in the iron cages as leftovers after the “roaches” feasted, He Ruge couldn’t help but shudder.


“Now, it’s my turn to ask a question,” the medicine mouse looked at He Ruge with his weathered eyes, speaking slowly, “Do you think Number 20 is dangerous?”


In front of the medicine mouse’s experienced eyes, all secrets seemed to be exposed, and He Ruge’s heart couldn’t help but tense up. He didn’t understand why the medicine mouse suddenly asked this question, and he didn’t know how he should answer.




As a player who had been spoiled about the game from the beginning and knew that Number 20 would destroy the orphanage, Number 20 was undoubtedly extremely dangerous. However, for the NPCs in the game, they should believe that the brainwashed Number 20 was safe.


“…To me, Number 20 is safe,” He Ruge said.


The medicine mouse chuckled, “True, Scorpio mentioned that Number 20 really likes you. Alright, we’ve asked enough questions. Is there anything else you’d like to ask?”


“After our cooperation, what do I need to do?” He Ruge asked.


The medicine mouse looked deeply at He Ruge. “You don’t need to do anything. Just preserve your method of saving people, and that will be the greatest contribution to the Federation.” He extended his little paw, and He Ruge also extended his pinky finger, shaking hands with the medicine mouse.


He Ruge logged out of the game and wrote until the evening before logging back in.


Not long after logging in, He Ruge saw Xi Guicai wearing a green dinosaur outfit. He Ruge almost thought he was seeing things; he never expected Xi Guicai to voluntarily put on these clothes.


Could it be that Xi Guicai suddenly ignited his love for dressing up and discovered the cuteness of these clothes?!


Under He Ruge’s eager gaze, the little dinosaur dragged its even more obese body and moved its big feet to stand in front of He Ruge. It pointed at itself and said, “Your extra meal is here.”


In He Ruge’s widened eyes, Xi Guicai pulled down the zipper on his side, revealing his abs and… a bunch of sparkling stones?


If these stones were polished into spheres, they could perfectly disguise themselves as night pearls. He Ruge didn’t know why; even though he had already eaten dinner, when he saw these stones, he suddenly felt hungry.


Not just his stomach, but every cell in his body seemed to cry out in hunger. It was as if a starving person suddenly encountered a feast and wished to devour themselves.


Xi Guicai originally planned to take out most of the energy crystals one by one. However, when he saw He Ruge’s expression that was almost about to pounce on the spot, his thoughts suddenly changed.


Xi Guican put more than half of the energy crystal on his abdominal muscles and invited He Ruge: “…do you want to suck it?”


He Ruge: “???”


What to suck? Suck you? Are you crazy?


The pale and bloodless skin looked like it had been painted with a layer of white glaze under the illumination of the energy crystal. Every muscle conformed to human body aesthetics, like a work of art carefully carved by a master according to golden proportions.


However, none of this was more attractive to He Ruge than the stones on his abdominal muscles. He was dazzled by the pile of shiny stones and wanted to… eat them in one bite.


This feeling of not being able to see or eat was classified as torture. He Ruge stretched out his hand to grab the stone, but Xi Guican pressed the stone firmly on his waist and abdomen.


The difference in strength made He Ruge unable to grab the stone at all, “Guican, let go.”


He Ruge used his remaining sanity to speak nicely to Xi Guican. In fact, he felt as if he was gradually losing his sanity at this time.


Xi Guican did not let go. He looked at He Ruge. From a short distance away, he could see the desire in He Ruge’s eyes. It turned out that these clean black eyes stained with the color of lust were so tempting.


Even if there was an abyss in front of him, he would be able to jump down regardless of his own safety under the coaxing of these black eyes.


They were so close, so close that Xi Guican believed that the other party could see the same longing in his eyes. He wanted to hide it, for fear of scaring the other person’s desire.


You want it, I know it, and I can give you whatever you want.


What about you, are you willing to satisfy me?


With his Adam’s apple trembling up and down, Xi Guican showed a shy but seductive smile to He Ruge. The sharp tiger teeth were looming, like the hunting trap looming under a very confusing trap. “You lower your head and you can touch it and get what you want.”


The attraction of energy crystals to He Ruge was too great. Just like he couldn’t restrain his legs when he encountered a natural enemy, now he could not restrain his desire when encountering energy crystals.


It smelled so good.


The young man half-bent down as if he was bewitched, and everything was played in slow motion. Xi Guican could see the other person’s blurred eyes, the collar bone exposed from the collar, and the white back of the neck.


The man buried his face in the energy crystal. Because he didn’t know how to absorb the energy crystal, he could only bite the crystal in frustration. The ray of energy leaked due to the contact did not alleviate the other person’s desire at all, but made him lick the surface of the energy crystal arbitrarily.


From this angle, it looked like he was licking Xi Guican’s waist.


Xi Guican’s blood surged for a moment because of this thought. His hot hands pressed the back of He Ruge’s neck, like a predator pointing its fangs at a sacrificial lamb.


However, the lamb was unprepared and stretched out its tongue softly and docilely, licking it silently like it was fresh grass.


Dark red vertical pupils vaguely emerged in the blue eyes. Xi Guican excitedly pressed his tongue against the tiger’s teeth. He had to use all his strength to restrain his desire at this moment.


A ** who wants to eat the person in front of him.


He held the back of He Ruge’s neck with one hand, and pinched the other person’s chin with the other hand, making He Ruge look at him.


“I’ll teach you.” A hoarse voice sounded in his ears.


He Ruge saw Xi Guican bite half an energy crystal, his scarlet tongue hidden behind the crystal, and most of his sharp fangs exposed due to the shape of his mouth.


He was like a man-eating monster.


But…that energy crystal smelled really good.


This man-eating monster was like holding a rose in its mouth. It was gentle and ruthless, affectionate and ruthless, slowly approaching. Two hot hands pressed his shoulders, leaving him nowhere to escape, as if there was a fire on him. It burned, burning away all his sanity.


He Ruge couldn’t help but bite the other half of the energy crystal. The sweetness was like mountains and rivers pouring out into his mouth. Countless energy spread along his limbs and bones, and the pleasure of annihilation swept through his soul.


The demonic marks on his body became hot, making his legs so weak that they could no longer support his body. Xi Guican hugged his waist, his strong arms like some kind of indescribable shackles, and He Ruge slowly closed his eyes. The energy crystal that had been drained of energy was taken away and replaced by something soft.


Very soft.


The fangs were carefully hidden, and he was so innocent that he only dared to touch him lightly with his lips.


He Ruge opened his eyes half way and saw a pair of blue eyes. Those eyes seemed to be filled with some kind of intoxicating wine, which was sweet, deep and restrained.


The person in front of him was blushing from his cheeks to his forehead, nose to chin, and even his neck. But that red face showed a satisfied smile.

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