Published at 20th of June 2024 05:43:17 AM

Chapter 68

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Chapter 68- Kill List

Xi Guican actually didn’t quite like the peculiar clothes he was wearing. The process of putting them on was cumbersome, requiring four layers inside and out. He couldn’t remember the positions of the straps, but when He Ruge patiently bent down to tie the long straps for him and smiled as he made a butterfly knot, Xi Guican felt that it was all worth it.

Even though walking in this outfit was easy to step on the hem, and at first, swinging the sword was also hindered by the oversized sleeves.

But he liked He Ruge’s gaze, admiring yet gentle, a gaze that could instill confidence and joy in one’s heart.

Xi Guican went to the monitoring room to find He Ruge, who was busy recording data, like a porter of words, doing something that was time-consuming but didn’t require much thought.

As He Ruge recorded, he thought, it would be nice if typing were this easy, but in about ten days, he would be able to finish the novel. The suggestion from Machine was for He Ruge to finish one book and then take a good month’s rest because He Ruge’s daily output was too brain-consuming. For example, going on a trip could help relax both body and mind.

He Ruge found it very reasonable. He planned to spend that month resting entirely on playing games, unlocking Xi Guican’s new looks every day!

Previously, He Ruge had always wanted to dress Xi Guican in women’s clothing, especially those gorgeous wedding dress styles. However, He Ruge lacked the courage to follow through with his mischievous thoughts. He always felt that the clothes he chose were already quite teasing for a kid, so he only thought about it, never imagining that Xi Guican would grow up so quickly, and now wearing women’s clothing didn’t look as natural as it did when he was a beautiful youth.

Moreover, the tiger ears and tail were also nowhere to be seen; they only appeared when Xi Guican was very excited.

As He Ruge sighed again for the missed opportunity of styling, a hand appeared before him.

A pale hand emerged from the black cuff, its knuckles distinct, and faint blue veins winding visibly. This hand looked good holding a sword, a gun, or a cannon. In fact, it looked good just being there.

He Ruge raised his head and saw the young man in front of him, lips pursed in silence. A few clusters of silver hair on the young man’s forehead had grown long enough to fall onto his eyelashes. From this angle, his sharp features actually held a hint of gentle elegance, like steep mountain peaks, softened by the embrace of flowing clouds and the radiance of the setting sun, evoking a fleeting tenderness.


The slightly reddened earlobes were like the glow of the setting sun.

He Ruge took Xi Guican’s hand, satisfying his request for their daily hand-holding routine. Xi Guican’s hand was rougher and hotter than He Ruge’s, and holding it for too long always made his palms sweaty. Sticky, just like Xi Guican himself, who was now sitting beside He Ruge, shoulder to shoulder, pretending to be glued to him while pretending to read the experiment report.

Xi Guican had tried out most of the weapons in the arsenal, mastering their use in actual combat. So, this experiment was nearing its end.

“I can tell, you’re praising me,” Xi Guican said, his voice no longer the hoarseness of adolescence but a deep, smooth tone. If he whispered some suggestive words into someone’s ear, it would easily make an inexperienced kid blush.

With a stack of theoretical knowledge and scant practical experience, He Ruge, the elder friend, coughed softly. “What did I praise you for then?”

“You praised me for being smart, for having strong learning abilities,” Xi Guican automatically turned the data into rainbow farts. “You said I have a strong sense of combat, high physical fitness, and abundant energy…”

Listening to Xi Guican’s dry recitation, He Ruge found it somewhat amusing. He could sense Xi Guican’s efforts to flirt with him these days. Maybe it was because he had spent too much time with Xi Guican as a father figure, but even though Xi Guican’s appearance now indeed matched his aesthetic preferences, He Ruge often felt a sense of dissonance.

It was like suddenly switching from a parenting channel to a romance channel, a jarring shift in tone.


Looking at Xi Guican, who tried to flirt with him every day, He Ruge couldn’t help but feel like a teacher grading homework. Although in terms of skill, He Ruge, the teacher, was no better than the student.

“Praising someone isn’t done like that,” He Ruge patiently said after listening to Xi Guican’s dry lecture.

Having written enough lovey-dovey lines, He Ruge decided it was time to show his true skills. But he felt too embarrassed to say those lines out loud, so he typed them on the screen instead:

“Your shoulders are broad.”

Xi Guican subconsciously glanced at his own shoulder, confirming its width before looking back at the screen.

“Let me lean on you.”

His heart seemed to skip a beat. Xi Guican held his breath, waiting for He Ruge to lean in. He had never imagined such a scene before—

He Ruge would hug his arm, pressing his soft cheek against Xi Guican’s shoulder…

But Xi Guican waited for a long time, and He Ruge never leaned in.

Continuing to record data after teasing, He Ruge didn’t ignore the resentful gaze from Xi Guican. He felt a pang of guilt for teasing Xi Guican like a child. He clenched his fist and coughed lightly. “Alright, let me tell you some cheesy pick-up lines.”


Xi Guican’s eyes brightened, automatically ignoring the first two words, focusing solely on “pick-up lines.”


He Ruge cleared his throat, “You’re particularly annoying today.”

If Xi Guican had tiger ears now, they would surely droop instantly. He looked at He Ruge in disbelief, forgetting even to hold his hand.

“Annoying yet irresistible.”

The person in front of him, with a foolishly smart expression, easily amused He Ruge. He waited for Xi Guican’s longer reaction time to understand the meaning behind the words. When he saw Xi Guican smiling, revealing two small tiger teeth, he couldn’t help but laugh along.

In the interstellar era, there weren’t many cheesy pick-up lines, and Xi Guican had never heard any before. He could be easily pleased with a simple “I like you.” Hearing cheesy pick-up lines for the first time was rare and exciting, but he felt embarrassed to ask for more.

There were thousands of romantic phrases in the world. He Ruge, holding Xi Guican’s hand, didn’t feel particularly moved while saying them. He continued with a teaching tone. “Cheesy pick-up lines don’t seem to match your outfit today. Let me tell you something more elegant.”

He gently held Xi Guican’s hand and softly said, “In life and in death, I am yours. Holding your hand, growing old with you.”

Xi Guican’s icy-blue eyes always softened like melting snow whenever he looked at He Ruge. This time, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes. Although he couldn’t understand the words, Xi Guican felt it must be a beautiful sentence.


After the teaching session, He Ruge continued to record data. With Xi Guican holding his hand, He Ruge’s typing efficiency slowed down significantly. As he slowly typed with one finger, he suddenly heard Xi Guican’s deep voice in his ear.

“He Ruge.”


“I still feel…”


“The first time you called me ‘baby,’ it was the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard,” Xi Guican leaned his head on He Ruge’s shoulder, softly speaking with his eyes closed.

He Ruge’s typing paused for a moment. He couldn’t remember when he first called Xi Guican “baby.” But it certainly wasn’t said with the intention of romantic sweet talk.

However, many truths didn’t need to be revealed one by one. He gently rested his head against Xi Guican’s, also closing his eyes. “Mm.”

He actually didn’t quite understand what constituted “lovers,” nor was he sure of Xi Guican’s place in his heart. But seeing Xi Guican always made him happy, whether in his beast form or in human form.

Besides Xi Guican, there was no one else who could easily tug at his heartstrings.


Nestled against a warm person, everything felt warm. Although Xi Guican wasn’t warm at first, like a little hedgehog, cold and prickly, later on, this little hedgehog turned over, lying on his soft belly.

Liking someone didn’t care about gender or authenticity, at least for He Ruge. He simply entrusted his tenderness to another person. How long this tenderness would last, whether it would grow or diminish, only time would tell.

Since this was a romance game, there was no harm in trying to have a real romance with Xi Guican. After all, both he and Xi Guican were trying for the first time, and no one would blame anyone. As long as they could cuddle together, the warmth of this moment was enough to make up for the game’s falseness.

From the beginning, he just wanted warmth, didn’t he?

He Ruge rubbed Xi Guican’s head, entered the final piece of data, and clicked submit.

[End of “Endless Armament” Experiment

Total Experiment Duration: 19*24 hours

Survival Rate: 100%

Surviving Subject: Subject 20

Your Performance in the Experiment: Good (No Violation of Experimental Regulations)]

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