Published at 28th of June 2024 06:49:45 AM

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: God-Level Special Effects

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Chapter 19: God-Level Special Effects

Translator: 549690339
The man returned to the office just in time to hear An Yanjun on the phone:

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Hello, I am a doctor from the Provincial Second Hospital, your employee now Yes, he needs suturing and a tetanus shot Right, no, without the shot its not okay, its a safety hazard, you need to take responsibility if something happens. Mm-hm Okay, and they need to rest, otherwise the wound could reopen and get easily infected, which isnt good for recovery

After hanging up the phone, An Yanjun told the five people, Dont go anywhere yet, get vaccinated first, after that, you can go. Ive already called your supervisor.

The young man couldnt help but say, Doctor, that wont work, we we havent finished our job yet.

An Yanjun turned and said, No! And stop talking, go next door and find the nurse, let her take you to get the injections. Ive got a lot more to do here and your work is inherently risky with frequent injuries; its very easy to get tetanus, so the vaccine is mandatory! Later, go find the nurse for the injections, in

The man tried to speak again, but An Yanjun cut him off, Alright, I still have patients to attend to, you guys should go quickly.

The man nodded briskly!

And took his younger brothers out.

Chen Cang bowed his head, just in time to see the fee statement brought in by the man and couldnt help but be stunned for a moment, 30?

That little?

A consultation with Director An costs 27.5, doesnt it?

A single suture pack should be over forty, right?

And thats not including their suturing fees?

Doesnt the hospital charge several tens for each dressing change?

When he thought of Director An earlier telling him not to apply dressings but to use gauze instead, Chen Cang understood.

Director An waived their registration and treatment fees. That small amount probably just covered the cost of the suture thread and gauze they just used, right?

Would that be enough?

Just about, perhaps

But then, you cant really calculate it like that

At that thought, Chen Cang couldnt help but ask, Director An, their boss could have paid this when he arrived.

An Yanjun snorted, Heh, if he actually had that much awareness thatd be great.

After saying this, An Yanjun sighed, Ah Life is hard for everyone. These kids are out here working at such a young age, let it be then!

The man, watching An Yanjuns stern face, felt an inexplicable warmth flood his heart.

Beneath the seemingly cold exterior was a heart full of warmth.

In the span of the morning, Chen Cang had sutured twelve patients, and was getting ready to leave when.

An Yanjun stopped Chen Cang, I have a shopping card from Da Run Fa, someone gave it to me, but I dont use it, so you take it.

Without waiting for a reply, he stuffed it into Chen Cangs lab coat and left.

Chen Cang was taken aback.

Before he had gone far, Chen Cang heard the head nurse, Tian Lanxiang, suddenly call out to An Yanjun.

Director An, last months dressing inventory was off, wasnt it? How come more than forty were missing? Tian Lanxiangs voice was quite distinctive; it could be heard from a distance.

An Yanjun was startled, Is that so? I wasnt aware.

The head steward became upset, Director An, the shortfall was from your office; one dressing pack costs several tens!

An Yanjun cleared his throat and frowned, Is that so? That expensive, huh?

The head steward nodded, Yeah! You need to be careful from now on! Those dressing packs cant be used carelessly.

An Yanjun nodded quickly, Of course, of course, Ill pay attention from now on!

All of a sudden, the head steward raised her voice, I knew it, it had to be you I just knew it was you Last month it was and the month before that too

An Yanjun awkwardly said, The dressings are all there, just some gauze was used, and the needles are sterilized and reused theyre not worth much.

The head steward: Not worth much you know even the Director criticized me today saying

Hearing the voice fade away, Chen Cang smiled.

What lies in a mans heart is hidden beneath the skin.

You can see a mans face but not his heart!

The Director An who always says no has a heart that always says yes!

[Ding! Todays task completed, gained +100 suturing experience, +100 experience, and +100 RMB.]

[Ding! Your skin suturing level has been upgraded to advanced!]

[Ding! Skin Suturing Level: Advanced, Special Attribute: Concealed Scars (During suturing, with the effect of the Eye of Beauty, choose suture points wisely to achieve a perfect suturing effect, so that after suturing, the outcome will be optimal, and the needle marks can be concealed using the skin texture achieving a hidden effect.)]

This special effect is pretty awesome!

You should know, there are definitely scars after suturing!

This is without a doubt.

But the visibility of these scars can be minimized or even concealed, so that they remain unnoticed at a normal social distance, and with a little makeup touch-up, they can even be hidden.

But this is a huge test for doctors.

This special effect is too strong, ordinary people simply cant do it, right?

Chen Cang once read a paper on scarless suturing in the New England Journal of Medicine, where the author mentioned the high difficulty of the technique.

I actually got this trait!

Thats freaking awesome!

I really am the chosen son of heaven

However after seeing the prompt, Chen Cang understood that this special attribute was made possible thanks to the Beautiful Eyes!

Ordinary people cant have such skill attributes, ah!

What a coincidence, too much of a coincidence.

Thinking this, Chen Cang felt a bit inflated.

[Ding! Senior NPC Chen Bingsheng issues a task: Improve suturing level to advanced! Task completion, reward: one skill point.]

Two skill points in hand!

What to upgrade?

Chen Cang hesitated!

No idea for the moment, lets wait and see.

Today, Chen Cang ordered spicy mix for lunch.

After summarizing the failed experience from last times beef noodles, Chen Cang didnt dare to engage in a battle of wits with the boss anymore, after all, you cant do something that kills a thousand enemies but harms yourself by eight hundred!

Too much of that and my Alipay balance will be seriously strained.

Chen Cang can accept spicy mix, and his favorite addition is lotus root slices.

Because ordering sliced lotus root slices is cost-effective, ah!

Chen Cang can cook, but he never buys lotus roots because he cant bring himself to do so. You have to know, for every pound of lotus root slices purchased, at least half is air, its too much of a loss!

But its different when ordering spicy mix, the lotus root slices are sliced up, let the boss take the loss


So smart, I am.

The division of labor in emergency medicine can be the clearest, yet also the most vague.

In the afternoon, another patient with a heart attack was brought in, it was for the internal medicine team, but Chen Cang, who was the overall duty doctor today, was mainly dealing with patients who came to the emergency department, such as various traumas.

At that moment, suddenly the sound of an emergency alert went off!

Chen Cang instinctively stood up and rushed out.

Because this alarm bell sounded different from the ambulances siren.

This was clearly a symphony composed of both 110 and 120!

Someone was injured?

And a police officer?

Chen Cang quickly looked over, only to see two police cars stopped at the back, while the ambulance was at the front door.

He saw a man being wheeled off the ambulance, his arm covered in blood, his wrist tightly wrapped, but blood was still spurting out!

Doctor! Save him!

Chen Cang approached: What happened?

A man of imposing presence, with a square face full of worry and determination, hurried forward and said, He was shot in the right forearm with a shotgun.

Chen Cang couldnt help but frown.


And by a shotgun!

Shotguns are designed to be used outdoors in the field and specifically for hunting swift-moving animals, hence it operates through a broad coverage of shotgun pellets instead of a single projectile. Typically filled with numerous iron beads and fragments, but no bullet heads.

When the firing pin strikes the primer and ignites the gunpowder, the sudden chemical reaction creates a powerful airflow that pushes the pellets rapidly out of the barrel, forming a radiating spread of fire. This type of attack can be more lethal than a handgun or even a rifle at close range!

If he really was shot in the forearm!

He could be in grave danger now.

Chen Cang hurriedly pulled the patient into the resuscitation room, the first priority being to examine the wounds.

Seeing a crowd trying to follow, Chen Cang quickly said, Someone go help with the formalities, Ill do the injury assessment, dont come into the resuscitation room.

The police officers stopped at the doors of the resuscitation room.

The authoritative middle-aged man was clearly the leader, glanced at the others, You all go back to the station, Ill stay here!

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