Published at 28th of June 2024 06:49:43 AM

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Show Off Skills!

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Chapter 22: Show Off Skills!

Translator: 549690339
The surgery began!

Continue reading 0n 0XN0VEL.M

Chen Cangs first task was to remove the iron filings inside, including those tiny pieces of metal shrapnel.

The assailant was really ruthless.

All of them were fine iron sand and slivers.

Normally, this would be a cumbersome and troublesome process.

However, Chen Cang didnt see it that way.

Because all he needed to do was look for the red names; whenever iron sand appeared, he could see the red name IRON SAND.

This made things much easier!

It wasnt long before he had cleaned everything out.

Qin Yue was stunned, her eyes wide with amazement, because Chen Cangs movements were so skilled.

Debridement, suturing!

Saline, 10 ml!


Help me hold this distal tendon.

Light, shift it over a bit.

Chen Cang first clamped the end of the tendon with a hemostat to pull it tight, took a 30 cm suture thread, threaded both ends through fine straight needles. He inserted the needle through the tendon 1.5 cm from the end, pulled it out to have equal lengths on both sides, then inserted it adjacent to the exit point, diagonally crossing through the tendon towards the end, repeating the cross-insertion 2 to 3 times, and finally exited the thread at the point 3 mm close to the hemostat.

The +1 sharpness attribute was extremely helpful, enhancing Chen Cangs stitching precision by a small level.

He then used a scalpel to cut open the tendon near the hemostat, flipped the hemostat to reveal the cut surface, and performed the same technique with the needle, symmetrically threading it from inside the tendon, trimmed the tendon ends, and tightened the suture thread.

Each step was fraught with risk, and Chen Cang dared not be the slightest bit careless or sloppy.

Because a moments inattention could enlarge the wound, leading to only one outcome!

The formation of adhesions!

Striving for excellence!

This might have been the most difficult part of the surgery.

With high intensity, high precision, and high accuracy required, Chen Cang still had to continue for at least another hour.

After more than ten minutes, the first tendon was sutured!

Suddenly, Chen Cangs eyes brightened as he saw the red EXTENSOR POLLICIS LONGUS TENDON change color to green!

Ding! Extensor pollicis longus tendon suturing complete, you have gained +100 tendon suturing experience, +100 experience, +100 RMB;

Chen Cang was overjoyed.

On to the next step!

Chen Cang began the subsequent tendon suturing work with the utmost care.

And Qin Yue, as the assistant, became even more skilled.

Time passed second by second!

Chen Cang dared not slack off in the slightest.

The first one

The second one

The last one!


Finally, it was done.

Tendon suturing complete!

Success rate extremely high!

By now, Qin Yue was completely astonished. As a fellow surgeon without exceptional technical skill, her keen observational talents were outstanding. Although Shi Na was Qin Yues superior, Qin Yue felt that in comparison to Chen Cang, Shi Nas proficiency with tendon suturing was lacking, especially in terms of precision and preventing adhesions.

Qin Yue had done her postgraduate studies at Xiangya Medical College, which was on par with Xiehe. Known as Xiehe in the north, Xiangya in the south, it was part of Central South Universitys Xiangya Medical College.

Her mentor was also a prominent figure in surgery, yet at this moment she suddenly realized that although Chen Cangs tendon suturing skills were slightly lacking, his precision, accuracy, and sharpness were stronger than her teachers!

This is talent!

Surgery tests for talent!

One must have the eyes of an eagle, the heart of a lion, and the hands of a woman!

Next up was some simple vascular anastomosis, and when Chen Cang was performing the anastomosis

Qin Yue suddenly froze, is this guy even the same person as Chen Cang from before?

This inferior vascular suturing technique, even I can do slightly better

Thinking this, Qin Yue didnt feel such a disparity anymore.

After all, it wouldnt be easy to maintain composure if he surpassed her by too much!

She was a postgraduate at Xiangya Medical College, while Chen Cang was just just an undergraduate medical student.

The finishing work began.

Skin suturing!

During the final task, Chen Cangs Beautiful Eyes activated unconsciously.

His eyes began to compare and match the broken skin, piecing it together, and soon, a perfect plan appeared in Chen Cangs vision.

Chen Cang started his impressive maneuvering!

Compared to tendon suturing, his skin suturing was the real highlight now!

The needle and thread in his hands flitted about like a butterfly threading flowers, so nimble that the sight left Qin Yue beside him speechless with amazement.

This guy

Hes showing off his skills!


After relaying the situation truthfully to Zhang Keqin, the head of the Provincial Second Hospital, Qin Xiaoyuan took it very seriously and immediately opened a green channel.

He invited the prominent Liu, head of the Provincial Peoples Hospital, to perform the surgery personally!

This was an inter-hospital consultation surgery, referred to as: Rescuing a Hero Operation.

Half an hour later, Liu Siqi arrived at the Provincial Second Hospital, accompanied by Tan Zhonglin, the director of Micro-hand Surgery.

Thus, Captain Zhang Keqin, followed by the two hospital heads and a director, made his way to the emergency ward.

The group made a rather impressive sight as they walked through the hospital.

With Head Qin leading the way, they faced no obstructions, and just then, An Yanjun had just finished surgery and was surprised to see the procession. What big event had occurred?

Head Qin saw An Yanjun: Director An, wheres the patient sent by the criminal police team?

An Yanjun shook his head: Head Qin, Ive just come out of surgery, Ill go check the resuscitation room.

Qin Xiaoyuan looked at Zhang Keqin, offering words of comfort: Captain Zhang, we wont let our hero suffer, we will mobilize the entire hospital to rescue him!

Liu Siqi nodded in agreement: Right, Captain Zhang, we will spare no effort and try our best to avoid leaving any sequelae, Director Tan Zhonglin has specialized in hand surgery for many years, we will do our utmost for this surgery.

Zhang Keqin nodded excitedly: Thank you, all the directors and heads, I truly appreciate it! Xiao Wu is only 25, Im counting on you.

Tan Zhonglin sighed: Ive seen the pictures you sent just now. Xiao Wus tendons are severely damaged, and the suturing will be very difficult, mainly because it requires great precision. The most challenging part about tendon suturing lies in postoperative recovery the sutures tend to adhere easily, affecting functionality.

As they were talking, An Yanjun walked out with a serious expression: Err Head Qin, the patient has already been taken for suturing! Its about to end.

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned!

Who did the surgery? Qin Xiaoyuan asked curiously.

An Yanjun hesitated: Chen Cang.

Qin Xiaoyuan was taken aback: Chen Cang? Who is he?

The surrounding heads and directors were also curious but seemed not to have heard of this person!

Gritting his teeth, An Yanjun admitted that the boy had truly been reckless: Hes a junior doctor in our department, employed by the department. You might not have seen him.

With those words, the air around seemed to freeze.

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