Published at 28th of June 2024 06:49:41 AM

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Fickle in Joy and Anger

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Chapter 25: Fickle in Joy and Anger

Translator: 549690339
For quite some time

Continue reading 0n 0XN0VEL.M

For quite some time!

After watching the video three or four times, Tan Zhonglin finally felt as satisfied as if he had just finished a classic movie, utterly content, it was too gratifying!

Yet he still craved for more!

Every surgeon has a large-capacity external hard drive at home, containing various classic surgical videos and images.

These are treasures.

When they are alone at home, they would take these out and watch them over and over, to their hearts content.

Chen Cang also had a hard drive, but well, its better left unsaid.

In the end, Tan Zhonglin turned around, looked at Zhang Keqin and couldnt help but say, Team leader Zhang, this Wu Gang really met a life-saver!

Zhang Keqin nodded promptly, Yes, this time we have to thank President Liu and Director Tan for their help, otherwise, its unthinkable.

Tan Zhonglin and Liu Siqi exchanged a smile, Hehe, youre mistaken, Wu Gangs life-saver isnt me, its this young doctor, Chen Cang!

This statement baffled everyone.


Qin Xiaoyuan was also taken aback.

Tan Zhonglin pointed to the video and said, This surgery was a textbook example of repairing a damaged tendon. This Dr. Chen has a profound understanding of tendon repair. Although his experience isnt vast, his talent is exceptional. Every stitch he made was meticulously planned, which resulted in an excellent alignment of the patients tendons I can assure you, theres an eighty to ninety percent chance that Wu Gangs hand will regain full function!

Moreover, just look at how he handled the skin closure; dont you think its an art form? Consider the attention to detail and precision he applied to the skin suturing; he treated it as an art, not just a routine stitch. This is the comparison photo; you can clearly see for yourself!

Zhang Keqin looked at the before and after comparison of the wrist and was stunned.

It truly was beautifully sutured!

As a criminal police, he often encountered external injuries, and suturing was something he came across frequently.

So, while he might not be familiar with tendon repair, he had seen plenty of skin suturing.

And this suturing was indeed very good!

Tan Zhonglin said, No exaggeration, within the entire Provincial Peoples Hospital, I cant find three people who can suture skin better than Dr. Chen.

Liu Siqi nodded, Indeed! I feel ashamed. Even though Ive been doing surgery for so many years, Ive never taken skin suturing so seriously because its too basic.

Yet this young Dr. Chen has such a solid foundation that it seems unbelievable!

Of course, I think the most important aspect is his talent! He found the best points and methods for suturing, he is a real talent!

After speaking, Liu Siqi looked at Qin Xiaoyuan enviously, President Qin really knows how to pick talent. This young doctor has a great surgical gift, a potential great master! With a little nurturing, he might become a real talent.

Zhang Keqin was dumbfounded!


Qin Xiaoyuan was also stunned!

I was all ready to criticize him, and youre telling me this???

However, being praised by the director and president of the Provincial Peoples Hospital, as the president, his emergency response and adaptability could withstand any test, and besides being praised felt pretty good!

He said cheerfully,

Ah, Im usually busy and dont know much about surgery, so I dont know Dr. Chen personally.

An Yanjun nodded, Dr. Chen was a temporary worker hired by the Emergency Department a couple of years ago and he didnt have a hospital contract, so its normal that the president hasnt met him. But Dr. Chen has indeed solid foundational skills and is hardworking; he is a doer.

At that moment, Tan Zhonglin became even more curious about Chen Cang; he was a temporary worker?

Thinking this, Tan Zhonglin glanced at his old classmate Liu Siqi and casually remarked, A temporary worker? Hmm, thats good! Young people should indeed be trained through experience!

Liu Siqi immediately caught the hint.

Right, I also think being a temporary worker is good, they should be polished more!

Lets go, we should go thank this young doctor.

At that time, Chen Cang was treating a patient, an injury case, suturing the skin, when the group walked in and saw Chen Cang performing the sutures, but his technique seemed quite different indeed.

Suddenly, everyone couldnt help but stop and watch.

Observing suturing on site like this is slightly different from watching it on screen.

Upon seeing Chen Cangs suturing, the crowd had varied reactions

Zhang Keqin: Wow, so beautiful!

Qin Xiaoyuan: Huh? Quite skilled.

An Yanjun frowned as if deep in thought.

Liu Siqi quickly took out his phone to record a video

And Tan Zhonglin actually felt his artistic cells surging, wanting to sing at this moment!

Moreover a medical version of Blue and White Porcelain popped up in his mind (original, ahem, note that)!

The needle tip traced along the skin, the suture thread undulating. (Just like the initial strokes outline the blue flowers, the brushs edge creates effortless dragons)

The once torn area seemed as good as new. (As if the paint on the vase shapes the peonies, just like your initial makeup)

The faint scent of alcohol passed through the bottle, calming my mind. (The slowly rising sandalwood incense through the window tells all of my thoughts)

Did this actually awaken the long-lost artistic cells in my heart?

Tan Zhonglin couldnt help but marvel, his view of Chen Cang had changed.

Liu Siqi also looked on with fiery eyes.

The Provincial Peoples Hospital is really in need of such new generational talent.

Tan Zhonglin nudged Liu Siqi with his eye: We must get this talent!

Liu Siqi nodded profoundly, blinked thrice, lifting his eyelid: Right, hes indeed a talent!

Tan Zhonglin glanced sideways: Hes still a temp here; in a bit, lets talk about getting him a position at the Provincial Peoples.

Liu Siqis left eyelid twitched: No problem!

The two had been partners for years, having arrived at the Provincial Peoples Hospital together after graduating from medical school, working there for decades, and performing thousands of surgeries side by side. They understood each other completely, with just a glance they could infer each others thoughts.

Qin Xiaoyuan, watching the two exchange looks, suddenly felt baffled.

Are all surgeons this weird?

Couldnt help but sigh; when theres a chance, I need to talk to them about this matter. Work shouldnt delay treating patients.


Chen Cang had just finished suturing and stood up to see everyone come in.

He stood up and greeted with a smile, Hello, Director Qin, Director Liu, Director Tan.

Upon hearing this, everyone responded with a smile:

Qin Xiaoyuan: Hello!

Liu Siqi: Hey there!

Tan Zhonglin: Hello, hello, hello!

Zhang Keqin: Hello, hello, hello, hello!

Chen Cang:

Qin Yue, puppy-eyed: roll eyes + fawning dog

[Ding! Qin Xiaoyuans favorability +20!]

[Ding! Zhang Keqins favorability +20!]

[Ding! Liu Siqis favorability +20!]

[Ding! Tan Zhonglins favorability +20!]

Chen Cang: WTF?

What exactly happened?

Chen Cang looked puzzled.

Suddenly, he remembered a saying his parents told him: Chen Cang, when youre away from home its not like being at home, those important people can be fickle; you must be careful.

Chen Cang never quite understood the term fickle before, but now he finally comprehended what it meant clearly.

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