Published at 28th of June 2024 06:49:40 AM

Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Theres Room for Improvement in Character!

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Chapter 26: Theres Room for Improvement in Character!

Translator: 549690339
Qin Xiaoyuan looked at Chen Cang, coughed, and nodded his head. In order to alleviate the tension with Comrade Xiao Chen and to demonstrate care and concern, he tried to recall the expression and gaze he had when he first met his first love thirty years ago, striving to conjure up that same look:

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Comrade Xiao Chen, I had some misunderstandings about you just now. Dont take it to heart. You did a very good job this time.

Comrade Wu Gang is our hero, and you did the right thing this time. I will talk to your director about it, keep it up! I have high hopes for you!

Upon hearing this, Chen Cang quickly nodded with a smile, Thank you, Director, youre too kind. Its what I should do.

But although Chen Cang was enthusiastic outwardly, he was uneasy inside.

He actually saw in Director Qins eyes love?

This is freaking scary!

With that thought, Chen Cang discreetly took a step back.

Qin Xiaoyuan heard this and clicked his tongue. Not bad!

The effect was good, and

The kid has a good awareness.

Hmm, good! Not bad, keep up the good work, our hospital needs talents like you. I will come back and talk to your director, and make sure youre nurtured thoroughly!

[Ding! Favorability from Qin Xiaoyuan +5!]

Chen Cang was stunned, Director Qin actually seemed so frivolous, his favorability towards me increased again.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang took a deep breath, if something were to happen to me, who would take a stand for me? Its no use speaking softly as a humble Chen.

Its said that hospitals have their hidden rules, and it seems completely true!

However being thoroughly nurtured, that sounds good!

Qin Xiaoyuan answered a phone call and left in a hurry, casting a pensive glance at Liu Siqi and Tan Zhonglin as he left.

Gentlemen, I have some matters to attend to and must leave now. I cant host you any longer. An Director, please accompany them.

After saying that, he hurriedly left.

Watching Qin Xiaoyuans departure, Tan Zhonglin and Liu Siqis eyes lit up.

This Dr. Chen, come out for a moment, lets have a chat, Tan Zhonglin said with a beaming smile, pulling him aside.

You did a really good job with that tendon suture. Who taught you?

Chen Cang smiled and said, It was taught by the doctors in the department. Teacher Ans tendon suture skills are top-notch.

An Yanjuns face turned red, but he remained calm and composed, nonchalant and serene.

Tan Zhonglin laughed heartily and asked Chen Cang, So, can I have a word with you in private?

After saying that, he led Chen Cang to a secluded area, Xiao Chen, I think your skills are pretty good. Have you ever thought about coming to the Provincial Peoples Hospital to develop? Our hand surgery department is lacking someone talented like you.

Chen Cang was taken aback, Director Tan I

Tan Zhonglin sighed, A talent needs to be treated like one. I cant promise other things, but one establishment position will definitely be resolved within a year after you join.

Chen Cangs eyes widened, a position?

A bachelors degree student getting a position at the Provincial Peoples Hospital, a prestigious provincial-grade hospital?

Liu Siqi also came out and said affirmatively, Thats right! Comrade Xiao Chen, take your time to think about it, theres no rush to decide. If youre willing to come, were always welcoming.

After finishing, Liu Siqi and Tan Zhonglin exchanged phone numbers and WeChat with Chen Cang and then rushed off.

An Yanjun came out at this time, looking at Chen Cang with a gossipy expression, Xiao Chen, what did they say?

Chen Cang spoke the truth, They want me to go to the Provincial Peoples, offering me a position and emphasized nurturing.

An Yanjun rolled his eyes, Cut it out! Dont pull an old Chen on me, always bragging What exactly did they say?

Chen Cang:

Chen Cang: They said Im handsome.

An Yanjun pondered carefully, nodded, and walked away thoughtfully. He looked back as he walked away, Thats true!

Chen Cang: %%

Looking at the phone in his hand, Chen Cang hesitated.

Provincial Peoples Hospital was indeed a level above the Second Provincial Hospital, but Chen Cang knew his own limits. They were probably interested in his suturing skills, but a surgeon cant just know how to suture. Chen Cang wasnt unwilling to go to a better hospital, it just wasnt the right time. Moreover, Old Chen and Director Li had been good to him, and the hospital was about to offer him a permanent contract soon. Even though it wasnt a government post, it was still quite alright.

One should eat their food one bite at a time

No sooner had Chen Cang returned to the ward than a few burly men approached him.

Doctor Chen! Thank you so much!

Yeah, Doctor Chen, youve worked hard.

The two men hurriedly shook hands with Chen Cang.

Chen Cang was startled, You are?

The two men also gave an awkward smile, Were in the same squad as Wu Gang, brothers in life and death! We really owe you big this time. Otherwise, Old Wu would definitely have been transferred to the archives and not only would he forget about catching criminals, but even firing a gun wouldve been difficult.

Chen Cang coughed, Uh huh, yes, that Its probably better to fire guns less frequently.

The man was taken aback, then burst into laughter, Were talking about the Type 05 pistol!

Chen Cang gave an embarrassed smile and fled into the ward in a hurry.

Sorry to disturb!

At this moment, Zhang Keqin and Wu Gang were chatting. Seeing Chen Cang come in, Zhang Keqin also wore a big smile.

Doctor Chen, youve worked hard. Im an impatient man, dont take it to heart.

Chen Cang smiled, No problem, I understand. Having a captain like you is quite good, I think.

Indeed, ever since Wu Gang was injured, Zhang Keqin had been running around, using his connections to find experts. His dedication was truly admirable.

Chen Cang looked at Wu Gang, Rest well during this time, and dont fire any pistols, ah, the Type 05! In a little over a month, you should be mostly fine.

Wu Gang stood up promptly, his face full of vigor, Doctor Chen, if theres ever anything you need from me, just say the word.

Chen Cang gave an awkward smile, Forget about it. Theres a saying: dont see a doctor when youre well, dont see a cop when youre in trouble.

Anything that involves you guys is at least a criminal offence. That would be such bad luck

Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Zhang Keqin laughed, Doctor Chen, you might not need us, but we will definitely need your help in the future.

At this, Zhang Keqins face turned serious, Being police officers, especially detectives, we deal with criminals every day and often get injured. So, we will undoubtedly need to trouble you in the future.

Chen Cang looked at Zhang Keqins sincere and concerned face and reassured him, Okay, for any matter, just come straight to me!

Ill give you guys a green channel, any time, just one call and Ill be there!

There were no tasks or rewards, but Chen Cang was truly earnest.

The medical profession is high-pressure and demanding.

And the police force has even greater responsibilities and burdens than doctors, protecting society.

Life is peaceful because there are those who march on despite the weight on their shoulders.

Seeing the joyous Wu Gang, Chen Cang suddenly felt that none of these matters were important anymore.

People should stand for something and against something.

But there is a group of people who, knowing the dangers, still lead the charge, undaunted.

Thinking back to when Wu Gang was shot while saving someone, Chen Cang felt his own blood heat up a bit.

[Ding! Mission to save Wu Gang completed: Your Tendon Suture Surgery skill has been upgraded to Master level.]

[Ding! Tendon Suture Surgery: Master level; Special effects: 1. Reduced adhesion factor; 2. Faster recovery (The suturings precision and other factors will speed up the tendon healing process.)]

But after suturing so many tendons, not a single piece of gear dropped?

Seems like my luck still needs some improvement.

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