Published at 28th of June 2024 06:49:39 AM

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: Chapter 27

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Translator: 549690339 |

Another emergency night shift.

Chen Cang felt that working the night shift was like playing the lottery. If luck was on your side, youd draw a great fortune, peace reigning across the land, and you could actually get some restmaybe even catch some sleep.

But if you were unlucky!


A big crowd might stumble in, bloodied from some misfortune, keeping you busy all night.

Just as Chen Gangs thought settled, he heard a tumultuous din erupt from the outpatient hall.

Trouble had struck!

Chen Cang hurried outside, and as soon as he stepped out, was assaulted by a

wave of alcohol fumes.

Jeez, were you guys drinking surgical spirits or what?

Such a strong stench!

You could smell them before you saw them!

Peeking around the corner, Chen Cang instinctively stepped back a half pace.


He saw a group of burly men standing there, looking fierce and aggressive, the fresh blood soaking their clothes adding to their daunting presence, yet none of them exhibited pain on their faces!


He saw over twenty men split into two groups, the muscular men hurling curses at each other bare-chested!

The left side shouted, You coward!

The right side retorted, You scaredy-cat!

A big guy on the left: Just look at what youve got tattooed on you! Is that supposed to be a tiger? Looks more like a cat to me!

A muscular man on the right: Oh please, yours is any good? Who knows if it was inked by some kid in front of a ten-buck shop, that dragon? Looks more

like a worm!

The two groups, looking fierce and ghastly, only needed to stand silently to impose a sense of dread!


Once they started talking, that aura disappeared completely, didnt it?


Chen Cang actually found them amusing.

It was like a film star had taken up cross-talk comedy and then gone back to acting.

Full of camera presence, and not lacking in verbal talent either!

The leader on the left was a bald hulk of a man, tall and muscular. Though he lacked muscular definition, his imposing build and tanned skin made up for it. A dragon was tattooed on his left arm, but someone had marred the dragons head with a slash, which was oozing blood. He kept wiping the wound with a piece of clothing, turning his white coat red. However, what caught the eye wasnt just that, but the gold chain around his neck. Calling it a chain seemed an understatement; it was so thick, Chen Cang thought it was as thick as an elders thumb.

That must weigh several pounds at least!

The one on the right was even more extravagant, with seven or eight gold rings on his fingers and a more subtle piece of jade around his neck. But it was a huge piece of jade, and importantly, not one carved with Guanyin or Buddha, but with Lord Guan himself!

Tsk tsk tsk, the tastes of the wealthy are truly

Truly bland!

The mans chest also sported a gash, leaving the tiger tattoo on the front barely discernible to just an intimidating tiger head.

When the left sides leader cursed, his lackeys echoed the sentiment.

The right sides boss did the same, neither side giving in.

From a distance, the two groups exhibited a curious kind of harmony.

Both sides cursed with fervor and glee.

Several nervous nurses, initially filled with anxiety, found their tension significantly eased.

Chen Cang guessed that if he didnt intervene, they could probably bicker all night long.

Alright, well gentleman, this is a hospital, lots of people are resting, and with all that blood on you, you should get dressed first. After all blood is pretty valuable!

The hefty man to the left looked as if he wanted to glare Chen Cang to death. Do I look like Im short on cash? Hurry up and get ready. Ten brothers here, one bag each, whole blood! Were talking plasma, red cells, white cells, the works!

Chen Cang realized that these technical terms coming from the big guys mouth were intentionally used to add a splash of culture, as if to show off how badass he was.

Sure enough, the gang leader shot a challenging look at the tiger tattooed tough guy-

The big shot on the right glared back with fierce tiger-like eyes: Looking down on us, huh? Is blood expensive? Each of us will donate a pint, drink it if necessary!

Left side: You ignoramus, blood is for transfusion!

Right side: You country bumpkin, what if Im thirsty and want to drink it?

Chen Cang:

What in the world are these goons?

No way!

You cant reason with a drunkard.

Chen Cang coughed: Its not about the cost, its about its importance. Youre losing blood right now, and the hospital doesnt have a huge reserve. Youll have to recuperate on your own. Besides, losing so much blood can be dangerous, leading to excessive blood loss

At this moment, one of the underlings suddenly said to the dragon head boss on the left: Boss, as the old saying goes: For every drop of essence, ten drops of blood. That pint of blood is ounce of essence! Youre only firing off a few grams with each shot, think about it, with all this blood loss, could anything be more wasteful?

The two bosses were immediately startled awake!

My god, Chen Cang was speechless, that explanation was killer!

The revelation was shocking to behold!

Why do I almost feel convinced to donate some blood myself?

Doctor! Stitch me up and stop the bleeding first! Ill Ill pay you, the dragon head big guy seemed frightened by the underlings theory just now.

Chen Cang too was stunned for a moment, realizing his theories were ineffective with this crowd.

Their own theories were the ones that worked.

Chen Cang sighed helplessly: First, go and register for emergency treatment. The smart underling immediately got up to register, while the sturdy man hanging on the chest of Guan Erye across the way seemed to be impressed by the essence-blood theory as well, finding it quite reasonable!

He looked disappointedly at his own underlings, seemingly frustrated and embarrassed by their incompetence.

But thinking of his own grave injury, his expression changed, and he moved closer, saying: Doctor, my wound is deep. Stitch me up first!

Chen Cang assessed the mans condition: Go to the emergency desk and register. Use your ID, no rush, one at a time. The system needs to record your information.

Then looking at the others: You too, each person gets a number. Youre all bleeding, get cleaned up, dont let it get infected.

The dragon head guy remarked to the tiger guy: Tsk tsk, see that? This is what you call having talented reserves and cultivation, efficiency is high!

After saying that, he provocatively entered the treatment room.

At the door, he didnt forget to turnback and taunt: You, everythings always behind me!

The dragon head guy instantly became annoyed: Hmph! I just dont think much of this little doctor, what the heck can he stitch? Later hell turn your dragon head into a worm, and sew your dragon eye shut, Im going to the provincial people, certainly they have experts!

Brothers, lets go! Tiger bro will take you to the provincial people.

Thats right! Follow Tiger bro to the experts.

The dragon head guy who had just gone in suddenly paused!

Because he felt that what the tiger head guy said made a lot of sense, and he stood up, ready to chase after him: Brothers, lets also find an expert, we cant be outdone, if my dragon head gets ruined, it would be a colossal loss, I spent tens of thousands of yuan on this tattoo

Just as Chen Cang had opened the wound-cleaning suture pack, he heard this and was dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.

At that moment, Chen Cang suddenly saw a question mark form above the head of the dragon head guy.

ps: Three times a day I ask myself: Do I read? Do 1 vote? Do I reward?

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