Published at 28th of June 2024 06:49:56 AM

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Daily Tasks

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Chapter 3: Daily Tasks

Translator: 549690339
[Ding! Congratulations, your basic skill of wound cleaning and dressing has advanced to a high level, granting a special effect attribute: 1. Reduce patients pain during dressing change.]

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Chen Cang instantly understood!

So this is the so-called special effect attribute?

Reducing patients pain is a skill, and although wound cleaning and dressing are the most common and basic surgical procedures at present, there is a world of difference between different practitioners.

Take his senior physician, Chen Bingsheng, for example, patients remained very calm during his wound cleaning and dressing, and the infection rate among those treated by him was extremely low, with faster recovery. It seems this should be the special effect attribute.

Chen Cang would bet that Chen Bingshengs professional skills must be excellent and his favorability towards Chen Bingsheng should have reached 60 by now, right? Tomorrow, he would check out Big Brother Chens attributes at the hospital to see just how splendid the attributes of a senior attending physician like him could be.

[Ding! You have completed the task of taking Chen Bingshengs shift and received: 1. 100 yuan; 2. +2 favorability from Chen Bingsheng; 3. +30 experience.]

No sooner had the sound faded than Chen Cang saw a message light up in the WeChat group; someone had sent a red packet.

Chen Cang had a brainwavegrab the red packet!

Being quick is a basic quality of a surgeon, let alone someone like Chen Cang, who had been single for so many years

[Ding! Youve grabbed a hundred bucks!]

Chen Cang smiled, it seems the system wouldnt let his money come from unclear sources. Thats fine; at least he didnt have to worry about being investigated for financial irregularities. If they did probe, lets not even say they wouldnt understand, I wouldnt understand myself.

This group was an internal group for the department, comprising staff from the emergency department.

After grabbing the red packet, the group immediately came alive.

Wow, Chen Cang, youre so ruthless, taking half all for yourself! 100 yuan, impressive. A young nurse exclaimed.

Yes! 100 yuan, Chen, youre quite lucky! The nurse leader also laughed.

Seeing everyone egging him on, Chen Cang felt a bit embarrassed and sent a laughing emoji: People who love to laugh never have bad luck!

At that moment, the originator of the red packet appeared, a doctor from the emergency department who had joined the same year as Chen Cang: Wang Qian.

Wang Qian was also an emergency surgical doctor, but unlike others, he was officially on staff.

Wang Qian chuckled, Im getting married next week, thanks everyone for the hard work during this time.

Though Wang Qian had a masters degree, after joining, he still followed his senior physician, An Yanjun, a strict hand surgeon and now an associate chief physician who paid particular attention to Wang Qians development.

Upon seeing that Wang Qian was getting married, everyone immediately joined in congratulating him. Wang Qian, a local, owned two or three apartments and drove an Audi A4 to worka young man with quite a status.

Chen Cang got up early every day, had breakfast, went for a run, and then headed to his unit, and even then, he would arrive just a little after 7 AM, before the shift change.

Just as he reached his unit, Chen Cang heard a voice in his head.

[Ding! Daily task: Perform wound cleaning and dressing ten times. Task completion reward: +30 wound cleaning and dressing experience, +50 yuan.]

Chen Cang was immediately thrilledcompleting this task would net him 50 bucks!

Since it was a daily task, it looked like there should be one every day, which meant an extra 1500 yuan a month, on top of sporadic tasks. Suddenly, his livelihood was secured.

There was some time left before the 8 oclock shift change, and in emergency medicine, there never seemed to be a quiet moment.

An Yanjun just happened to walk in from outside. Seeing that Chen Cang had arrived, he was initially surprised and then greeted, Chen, youre quite early.

Chen Cang saw an Yanjun with a question mark over his head, his mind stirred, and he smiled, Im close by, so I came to see if I could help. Were you on the night shift last night, Mr. An?

An Yanjun nodded, Yeah, fortunately, nothing happened last night. I was just reflecting on how calm it was, and then a group of people showed up. Do you have something you need?

Upon hearing this, Chen Cang hurriedly said, Not at all!

An Yanjun managed a rare smile, Then, could you help me change some dressings? Xiao Wang got married and left, and I cant manage alone.

Chen Cang quickly nodded, Of course!

[Ding! NPC task from An Yanjun: Assist An Yanjun in treating patients. You have gained +5 An Yanjun goodwill, +20 RMB, +30 experience.]

Chen Cang was overjoyed inside!

There really was a task: 20 bucks plus 30 points of experience.


But when he arrived at the emergency hall, Chen Cang was stunned. A bunch of seven or eight-year-old kids was wailing loudly, and almost all of them had some scrapes and bruises.

An Yanjun explained, This morning, a primary school bus malfunctioned and plunged into a ditch. A dozen kids suffered from bumps and abrasions. Fortunately, there were no serious issues. Help me with dressing their wounds, will you?

Chen Cang nodded, walked into the crowd, and couldnt help feeling a pang of heartache seeing many of the kids faces bloody.

He said to the duty nurse, Sister Liu, please help organize things and calm the children, Ill take care of dressing their wounds.

Liu Yan nodded and stood up to comfort the children, while Chen Cang went straight into the treatment room.

Liu Yan brought a little girl in with a gash on her arm that was bleeding quite a bit, apparently dressed with a temporary bandage.

Seeing Chen Cang in a white coat, the girls big eyes misted over, brimming with tears, Uncle, save me Im scared

Chen Cangs heart softened involuntarily, and he smiled, Dont be scared, you just scratched the surface, its going to be all right in a few days. Uncle will dress the wound, and youll be fine. Ok?

The little girl, her eyes welling with tears, nodded earnestly, Niuniu isnt afraid of the pain.

Chen Cang hummed in response, then began to prepare for the treatment, peeling back the bandage that covered her arm. He saw a few cuts that were neither deep nor shallow, still oozing blood.

He picked up sterile saline solution, cleaned the wound, and began to change the dressing.

First was disinfection, which can easily be painful since iodine can sting the wound and cause pain.

So Chen Cang was especially careful, considering it was a little girl whose pain tolerance was surely lower.


It didnt seem as painful as imagined; the teardrops in the girls eyes never fell.

Then came the cleaning and dressing, which went smoothly!

Afterward, Chen Cang made a bow out of gauze on the little girls arm and said with a smile, Come back to Uncle in a couple of days, and Ill untie the bow to see how it is! Does it hurt?

The little girl shook her head, It doesnt hurt; thank you, Uncle!

The little girl gave Chen Cang a bow.

Chen Cang was startled, then smiled, Alright, go and rest, next child.

[Ding! Wound cleaning and dressing +1, dressing experience +5, experience +5, +5 RMB.]

Chen Cang was taken aback, impressive indeed others level up and explode coins by slaying monsters, while I level up and explode money by saving people.

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