Published at 28th of June 2024 06:49:52 AM

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Advanced NPCs Quests

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Chapter 9: Advanced NPCs Quests

Translator: 549690339

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Back at the office, Qin Yue sat there seemingly sulking.

Chen Cang smiled, Yo? Still angry? Parents just get frantic because they care.

Qin Yue glared at Chen Cang, pouting, Still yo? You traitor, whose side are you on? Traitor!

Chen Cang laughed heartily, Of course, Im on our dear Qin Yue, the star of the science department!

But youve been at the hospital for quite a while now. Emergencies naturally come with disputes; havent you gotten used to it yet? Do you forget what the former chief said when you joined the emergency department?

Once youre in the emergency department, you cast aside your dignity, hobbies, personality just remember you are a doctor, thats all! Your main job is to treat and save patients. Qin Yue sighed, continuing Chen Cangs words.

After finishing, Qin Yue still seemed somewhat downcast, But I still feel like, why should I? I spent five years in undergrad, three years in grad school, and then I had to transition in residency training. Why should I be treated as lesser and have to tolerate others attitudes? Arent we all born and raised by our parents, treasured by our families? Is it so wrong to expect a little respect after putting in so much effort?

Chen Cang didnt respond, and that was the truth.

Qin Yue went on to say, Sometimes I feel the world is so unfair. I am more excellent and diligent than they are. Ive studied hard for so many years, given so much, and now I earn just over 3000 a month. Im nearly 30 and still cant be independent. Look at others; my high school classmates got jobs after university and are now mid-level managers, earning over ten thousand a month, carrying designer bags, and sometimes even traveling abroad.

As for me? Whats 3000 yuan good for? If I werent so busy that I didnt have time to shop and spend, Id probably starve!

At this, Chen Cang couldnt help but laugh.

Indeed, the medical profession was indeed like that. Regardless of whether you make money, you definitely have no time to spend it. Plus, Qin Yue was theoretically still in training, so naturally, she didnt get any bonuses.

After Qin Yue vented, the doctors from the department arrived one after another. Chen Bingsheng heard Qin Yues complaints and immediately chuckled, Little Qin ah? If I were you, with such an anime-like appearance, Id just marry a rich husband and then join a geriatric department, living leisurely.

Though An Yanjun was not one to smile or laugh much, he also added, Agreed.

Qin Yue smiled, Teacher Chen, Teacher An, youre here.

I was just feeling a little bit wronged just now, expressing it made me feel better. Actually, I think the emergency department is quite good. Every day we save so many lives, I feel that my work is at least valuable and meaningful!

Just then, Shi Na, Qin Yues supervising doctor, walked in, Yo, whats all the commotion? Whatre you discussing? Qin, any issues with the patient last night?

Qin Yue stuck out her tongue at Chen Cang and hurriedly stood up to report, Teacher, all was quiet last night!

The director of the emergency department, named Li Baoshan, came in and looked at everyone, Lets start the shift handover, and after that, well have a brief meeting.

In addition to Li Baoshan, the emergency department had 12 doctors, divided into six groups, each with a senior doctor leading a junior doctor; three groups for internal medicine and three for surgeryquite an organized arrangement.

During the shift changeover, with over thirty nurses and a dozen doctors, the room was fully packed.

There were no special incidents last night; after a briefing on the condition of new patients and the overnight doctors treatments.

Li Baoshan addressed everyone, This year, for the hospitals anniversary, the hospital leaders decided to resolve contract issues for a batch of scientific research staff. Our emergency department has the most scientific research staff in the hospitalsix nurses and four doctors.

Everyone has been working hard, and I see your efforts, but this assessment isnt up to me. Its organized by the hospital. This requires you all to strive and compete, especially our four doctors from the departmentin the surgical group: Chen Cang, Wang Yong; in the medical group: Hu Tao, Zhao Chengkai. This assessment will be done through secret visits by external experts. Everyone, please prepare thoroughly.

What does this mean? This assessment wont be a centralized test. Instead, there will be an inspection team assessing your technical skills, work efficiency, service attitude, and more. They may observe you through cameras while youre receiving patients, or while you are treating them, and even during surgeries. Im giving you a heads-up, though the time will probably be in the first days of next month.

I hope everyone can smoothly resolve the contract issue. Alright, meeting adjourned.

This news was quite a shock!

Secret visits? Thats so mysterious, right?

Yeah, whos to say it isnt!

This message was quite stunning to everyone, but it was a fair process in a way.

But to Chen Cang, it meant something else entirely.

[Ding! High-level NPC Li Baoshan has issued a mission: Pass the assessment and become an official staff member of the department, contract signed. Rewards for completion: Acquire one skill from Li Baoshan!]

Chen Cangs eyes immediately sparkled with excitement!


Director Lis skills!

Isnt this too awesome?

Considering his level, Director Li is like a high-level boss over level eighty!

Any equipment that drops from him should at least be epic, and a skill book should be of high quality, right?

After all

Li Baoshan, the renowned physician of Dongyang Province, has dedicated decades to medicine, consistently performing surgeries at multiple hospitals, completing over ten thousand surgeries to much acclaim. Possessing a benevolent heart and profound medical expertise, now at fifty-seven, he is the vice president of the Dongyang Emergency Medicine Association and the vice president of the Dongyang Surgical Medicine Association.

Director Li is a big shot!

Chen Cang looked at the question mark above Director Lis head, filled with yearning.

Even the slightest bit of dust from Director Li would be enough for me.

No way!

I need to buckle down and work hard, always be prepared.

At this moment, Chen Cang suddenly noticed Qin Yue staring at him.

Chen Cang immediately became guarded!

This little minx couldnt have taken a shine to me, could she?

No, its time to find out whats really going on!

[Qin Yue, an emergency department doctor with a hero complex who likes to grumble and watch anime; Affection level: 16!]

Chen Cang felt awkward.

16 points of affection?

Alright, I wronged you, got ahead of myself.

Chen Cang took a deep breath.

Work in the morning was still rounds and writing medical records. Chen Bingsheng: Theres a surgery this morning, youre going to do the suturing.

Chen Cang was stunned, Just suturing? Boss, I feel you need to reassess my level and strength!

Thats right, Chen Cang felt he was getting ahead of himself!

Chen Bingsheng was momentarily taken aback and slapped the medical record onto Chen Cangs chest: Here, the case is yours, you do it!

Chen Cang smiled with satisfaction, thats more like it!

Then he opened the medical record: Subtotal gastrectomy

After reading just those few words, Chen Cang sighed. Ah!

Isnt this bullying?

Afterward, he took a deep breath!

Comrade Chen Bingsheng, thirty years on the east bank of the river, thirty on the west, never underestimate the young and poor; in a few years, I too can perform

Chen Bingsheng glared with tiger eyes: Scram! Go write the medical records!

Chen Cang gave a sheepish smile, quickly closing the medical record: Alright! Boss, I think I should listen to your arrangements and focus on learning suturing well.

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