Published at 2nd of November 2022 05:57:12 AM

Chapter 26.1

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T/N: Thank you Clairificus for the ko-fis and sponsoring 2 extra releases for WMWG! 

Xie Yunnan faintly felt that Xiaobai looked a little older, but he didn’t think much about it. At this moment, his attention was still on the Ghost King.

Warriors are divided into ten levels, mainly based on the strength of their companion beasts.

Those with powerful companion beasts, even if they don’t train much when young and never ate exotic beasts or plants, the fighting power of their companion beasts cannot be underestimated. They will automatically become low-level warriors when they grow up.

If they’re able to eat exotic animals and plants from a young age, they can reach intermediate-level warriors at a young age. After continuing to hone their skills and eat exotic animals and plants, they will have the opportunity to become high-level warriors.

Liao Muye belongs to the latter group. He is only in his early twenties, and is already a fourth-level warrior. It is said that he is about to reach the fifth-level… and has a high probability of becoming a high-level warrior in the future.

In Hongye City, as long as someone becomes a senior warrior, even if they are the weakest level 7 among the high-level warriors, he is already a top expert in Hongye City.

In contrast, it is difficult for people with weak companion beasts to become warriors.

Even if they’re born in a big family and can get enough resources during childhood to condition their bodies, it’s difficult for them to reach the heights of those with powerful companion beasts.

For example, Liao Xingyuan’s companion beast is a peacock. No matter how hard he tries, he’ll be finished the moment Liao Muye releases his tiger.

Although Xie Yunnan wanted to become a warrior, he always felt that he had no chance.

“I believe you will definitely become stronger.” Ghost King said.

He thought it was actually a little pity.

To become a powerful warrior, it’s best to lay a foundation during one’s early years. But Xie Yunnan… He missed the golden twenty years.

Because of this, it will not be so easy for him to become stronger in the future.

But regardless of talent, as long as Xie Yunnan works hard, there is no problem in becoming an intermediate warrior. If he can persevere, maybe he can become a senior warrior.

In fact, the Ghost King really wanted to recognize Xie Yunnan, so that he could give Xie Yunnan various resources without reservation.

But he is a wanted criminal. There was an accident in the Holy City some time ago, and he was involved in it. When it stabilizes there… There will definitely be a lot of people coming to him for trouble.

Under such circumstances, concealing his identity has nothing to do with Xie Yunnan. On the contrary, recognizing Xie Yunnan may cause a series of problems.

Xie Yunnan doesn’t have the ability to protect himself now, so it’s not good to let him know too much.

Instead of recognizing him, he would prefer Xie Yunnan to recognize his mother.

She’s very powerful in Holy City!

Of course, the most important point is… he is afraid that he will die soon.

Over the years, he has fought with many people and exotic beasts, and suffered many injuries. Although his companion beast is powerful in talent and skill, it is otherwise ordinary, so it was inevitably injured.

Such problems will manifest as warriors grow older. Those who are frequently injured, especially in battle, have an even greater likelihood of problems.

Hospitals can’t treat such injuries. Only priests can.

When civilization first began on this continent and tribes formed, people respected priests.

It was for no other reason, but that powerful warriors need the healing of priests.

Later, the world changed. Although there have been cases of powerful warriors kidnapping and controlling priests here and there, because their lives depend on priests, most warriors can only submit to the priests and give them offerings.

Of course, the reason for this is also because a few powerful priests are really strong, and their combat power is far better than that of ninth-level warriors. Maybe only tenth-level warriors can match them.

The strength of the high priest is unfathomable.

However, most high priests today are very bad, and often unable to exert corresponding strength.

Today, there are only about a hundred priests in Holy City, and he…killed a priest.

No one will treat him, he can only wait to die.

He was about to die, so there was no need for him to recognize his son, which made him feel uncomfortable.

The Ghost King looked at Xie Yunnan, his eyes softened, and he encouraged: “If you want to become a warrior, talent is important, but your own efforts are also essential. As long as a person works hard enough, one can break through the shackles of talent.” His statement isn’t fake, but it’s rare for people to do so.

Xie Yunnan had to admit that he was moved.

If it was a month ago, even if he wanted to become a warrior, he would hesitate when encountering such a thing. It felt too much like a scam.

But thinking of the memories about the future that he suddenly saw… Xie Yunnan desperately wanted to become a warrior.

If he has enough strength, he can protect himself!

And when Liao Xingyuan and Liao Muye came before, and Duan Changqing came out and pulled a wave of hatred… He was afraid that they would hate Duan Changqing.

Duan Changqing is so weak. He must improve his strength to protect Duan Changqing!

“Why do you want to accept me as a apprentice?” Xie Yunnan asked in confusion.

“I’m not too young, my health is not good, and I have never had children… You look very much like my wife. The first time I saw you, I felt a close kinship.” The Ghost King chuckled. “You don’t need to worry about me lying to you. I have nothing to gain from deceiving you, right?”

Xie Yunnan was more relaxed after hearing what he said.

Although he is not particularly poor, he has some money in his hand, but the other party has a farm, so how can his paltry sum compare?

Xie Yunnan was about to agree when the Ghost King said again: “It’s time for dinner, let’s eat first.”

He went to Hongye Forest early in the morning, but because it took time to go back and forth, it was noon by the time he brought the wild boar back. After cooking…

The skies were getting dark now.

Xie Yunnan nodded and agreed: “Okay.”

Xie Yunnan closed the store, and led the Ghost King upstairs. “You sit down first, I’ll change clothes.” They are usually not so particular about the fringe area, so they don’t use honorifics. But the person in front of him wanted to accept him as an apprentice… so he used polite words first.

“Okay.” The Ghost King nodded.

Xie Yunnan looked at Duan Changqing again: “Changqing, please help me entertain Mr. Xie.”

Xie Yunnan hurried to take a shower.

It’s not very good for him to take a bath when there are guests at home, but repairing cars is a dirty job. And he even climbed under a car today…

The roads in the fringe area are not concrete, and people don’t wash cars much, so the bottom of the car was full of dust. After going under the car, he was similarly covered in dust.

He can’t sit and eat with people with a grey head.

Xie Yunnan took a shower quickly. Outside, Duan Changqing was observing the Ghost King.

Duan Changqing could feel that this vixen had no malice towards Xie Yunnan.

But one thing is certain, this guy doesn’t like himself.

This person looked for Xie Yunnan and wanted to accept him as a student. For what purpose?

This person can’t be interested in Xie Yunnan? But it doesn’t look like it…

After Duan Changqing thought about it, he decided to wait and see.

Xie Yunnan left, and the Ghost King’s eyes fell on Duan Changqing again.

His son’s companion beast is so close to this person… It’s really not pleasing to the eye.

Why does his son like this man so much?!

The Ghost King stared at the puppy in Duan Changqing’s arms for a while, and asked, “Is there any water? I’m a little thirsty.” Quickly put the puppy down and pour me a glass of water!

His son’s companion animal is so cute, he wants to hug it too!

He believes that his son’s companion beast won’t reject him.

Companion beast’s are more sensitive than human beings. The blood relationship between him and Xie Yunnan can be detected by a companion beast.

If there is no accident, this companion beast will naturally like him.

“Yes.” Duan Changqing held Xiaobai in one hand and poured a glass of water for the Ghost King with the other.

Ghost King: “…By the way, the meat I brought needs to be warmed up.”

Can you pour water with one hand and warm meat at the same time? There are two buckets full of meat here.

Duan Changqing blinked, looked at the Ghost King and said: “I’m sorry, I’m not in good health, this meat… I’m afraid I can’t handle it.” Don’t think he doesn’t know this person is coveting Xie Yunnan’s companion beast!

Want him to put Xiaobai down? impossible!

Ghost King: “…”

Although the man in front of him is tall, he is really very thin. These two buckets of meat might really be too heavy.


A little annoyed, the Ghost King picked up two buckets of meat and brought them into the kitchen. Turning on the stove, he poured one bucket into a pot to heat it up.

He can’t make his son cook after taking a bath!

While heating the meat, the Ghost King said to Duan Changqing: “You can clean up the house.” No matter what, don’t hold his son’s companion animal, and let him get close to this puppy!

Their house is not dirty, but it is not very clean, especially with how carefree Xie Yunnan is. He often puts things he likes on the dining table, so there are many miscellaneous items here and there.

Duan Changqing glanced at the Ghost King, put down Xiaobai, and began to clean up the table.

But he released the spiritual power from his feet.

So, although Xiaobai went to the ground, he still wagged his tail and followed Duan Changqing closely.

Ghost King: “…” Why is his son so useless!

The Ghost King couldn’t see it before, but when he saw Xiaobai barking, wagging his tail, and rubbing against Duan Changqing’s leg, he felt an itch in his heart.

If his son wasn’t seduced, Xiaobai must be close to him!

Of course, it’s not too late. After he gets closer to Xiaobai, Xiaobai will definitely like him! Putting down the work in the kitchen, he came to Duan Changqing, and bent down to pet Xiaobai. “Yunnan’s companion animal is very similar to a fox… very beautiful.”

GK: I want to touch Xiaobai!!!


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