Published at 2nd of November 2022 05:56:59 AM

Chapter 31

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Duan Changqing didn’t want to vomit blood, but he couldn’t help it.

His body is too weak now, and can’t bear his too powerful divine sense. But it was the only way for him to fight against Xie Yunnan’s master.

Although it was cool crushing the Ghost King with his divine sense, there’s something wrong with his body.

He tried to hold on, but couldn’t anymore.

Thinking of this, Duan Changqing spat out another mouthful of blood.

A thin, handsome young man vomited blood in the moonlight… This scene is quite poignant, but Xie Yunnan only felt fear.

He didn’t have time to question the Ghost King, and instead looked at Duan Changqing in worry. “Changqing, how do you feel?”

Since being beaten by Duan Changqing, the Ghost King’s been in a state of doubting life. Duan Changqing punched him, and then called him ‘dad’… he’s still trying to making sense of it.

But at this moment, grief and anger rose in his heart.

He was wronged!

This man framed him and caused his son to misunderstand!

This man is so strong and even deliberately vomited blood to harm him!

The Ghost King felt that Duan Changqing did it on purpose. After all, Duan Changqing was very powerful when beating him up earlier.

How could he suddenly vomit blood?

He even suspected that Duan Changqing was a legendary god-level warrior.

It’s just… He used to be in the Holy City. Although he was in hiding for many years, he never broke off news or his connections… Where did this god-level warrior come from?

Yes, the Ghost King thinks Duan Changqing is a warrior.

The bodies of priests are very weak, and their fighting methods are completely different from those of warriors. People like Duan Changqing who use fists cannot be priests.

The question now is, how does he explain it? Confess to Xie Yunnan? Say he couldn’t beat Duan Changqing?

This is too humiliating!

As the Ghost King was struggling, Duan Changqing said, “I’m fine… Also, Yunnan, you misunderstood your master… He saved me.”

Duan Changqing didn’t want to frame his father-in-law.

He has already beaten him up, and then he goes to frame them. Isn’t this him creating problems!

He wants to live a good life with Xie Yunnan!

Although he didn’t know why this father-in-law had been absent from Xie Yunnan’s life for the past 20 years, this person was not bad to Xie Yunnan. If things continued, Xie Yunnan would definitely accept this “master”.

Xie Yunnan was sleeping soundly, when he suddenly felt warm all over, and woke up.

When he saw that Duan Changqing was not by his side, and the door of the master bedroom was still open, he hurriedly ran out to find him.

In the memory he suddenly got, there was a scene where he was kidnapped, and he was afraid that Duan Changqing would also encounter such a thing.

Fortunately, he soon found Duan Changqing and his master. His master looked fine, but Duan Changqing vomited blood… He was in a hurry and questioned his master.

After all, his master has disliked Duan Changqing these days…

Didn’t expect it to be a misunderstanding.

Xie Yunnan immediately apologized: “Master, I’m sorry, I didn’t understand the situation just now and misunderstood you.”

“It’s okay.” The Ghost King was still a little stunned, but Xie Yunnan couldn’t see his face now.

“Master, what happened?” Xie Yunnan asked.

Ghost King: “…” He didn’t even know what happened tonight. He was almost stupid.

The Ghost King didn’t know what to say, but Duan Changqing said, “Yunnan, when you fell asleep, I didn’t want to sleep, so I read some books. I didn’t expect someone to break in and kidnap me. Luckily your master appeared and saved me.”

“Who caught you?” Xie Yunnan was very worried.

“I don’t know, it’s someone I don’t know… If it wasn’t for Mr. Xie today, I might have died.” Duan Changqing looked at the Ghost King gratefully.

Xie Yunnan was also very grateful: “Master, thank you!”

The Ghost King paused for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, “No need.”

“Let’s go back first, Changqing, I’ll ask Dr. Hu to check on you.” Xie Yunnan carried Duan Changqing and left.

Duan Changqing: “…” This way of holding… uh… just get used to it.

Duan Changqing simply wrapped his hands around Xie Yunnan’s neck.

The Ghost King followed behind the two of them, and when he saw this scene, he was struck by lightning.

After being beaten down by Duan Changqing, Duan Changqing became synonymous with the word strong in his heart.

Such a strong man was actually held in a princess carry by his son.

He was a little uncomfortable and worried.

Will this person feel that his son does not respect him enough and then deal with his son?

As soon as the Ghost King came up with this idea, he heard his son ask with concern: “Changqing, does it hurt?”

“I don’t hurt, I’m fine, if you don’t believe me, ask your master.” Duan Changqing said.

Xie Yunnan walked quickly, but still turned around and asked, “Master, Changqing’s injury…”

The Ghost King regained his wits. “He’s fine.” What can be wrong with this person? This blood is what he vomited on purpose.

His acting is so good, why did he vomit blood on purpose?

The Ghost King didn’t understand until he heard his son coax Duan Changqing in a low voice: “It’s fine… you have a good rest in the next few days, and I’ll make something delicious later…” 

Ghost King: “…” Was this man pretending to be injured to let his son coax him?

The Ghost King has never understood why Duan Changqing, who is so strong, would stay by his son’s side. But now… he has a guess.

Duan Changqing likes his son?

It does make sense!

This person usually loves to occupy his son, and even his son’s companion beast…

As for why he is so strong and still pretending to be weak… He recalled his son said something before about liking it?

Ghost King: “…” A god-level warrior is like this in love?

Duan Changqing did not know that the Ghost King thought so much.

When he saw Xie Yunnan came over in a hurry… he actually thought about confessing to Xie Yunnan.

But this is not a good time.

He likes Xie Yunnan very much, but Xie Yunnan doesn’t necessarily like him very much. More like he pities him.

Not to mention, Xie Yunnan still likes weak beauties.

If he confesses to Xie Yunnan at this time, Xie Yunnan might want to divorce him.

He just beat up his father… With his strength, Xie Yunnan might even misunderstand that he pretended to have amnesia.

The most important thing is that after a fight, his body is really weak now. He needs to rest and doesn’t want to fight.

So… best to take it slow.

Duan Changqing was carried to the house by Xie Yunnan.

The Ghost King was following them all the time, and finally came back to his senses. He glared fiercely into the dark.

His subordinates were all staying on Xie Yunnan’s roof, but with so many people, they couldn’t stop a single Xie Yunnan!

He is confused now and wants to chat with Duan Changqing, but because Xie Yunnan is here, he can’t say anything.

The Ghost King’s subordinates were stunned by their boss’s reaction. But one by one, they even came out of the shadows with a smile and waved at the Ghost King.

Ghost King: “…” What happened to this world? The weak Duan Changqing suddenly turned into a strong man. Not to mention, his subordinates seemed to be crazy too…

The Ghost King didn’t have time to pay attention to these subordinates for the time being. He followed Xie Yunnan to his bedroom.

He still has a stomach full of doubts and wants to ask Duan Changqing!

On the other side, the Ghost King’s subordinates gathered outside the house. Each and everyone was extremely excited.

“I just say why does the boss treat Xie Yunnan differently… So this is why!”

“The boss deserves to be the boss, and he knows how to spot talents!”

“I’m so happy!”

“I didn’t expect Xie Yunnan to be a priest… The boss actually accepted a priest as an apprentice!”

When Xie Yunnan suddenly woke up and ran out to find Duan Changqing, they thought about blocking him.

As a result… they suddenly felt drawn to Xie Yunnan, and their companion beasts almost rushed over to get close to Xie Yunnan.

It didn’t last long, but they all knew what was going on.

Xie Yunnan… awakened and became a priest.

Xie Yunnan’s subsequent performance also confirmed this.

When he went to find Duan Changqing, he walked very fast, and his companion beast… his companion beast has grown up and has become a tall dog, which makes people want to get close uncontrollably.

This is the charm and power of a priest.

Xie Yunnan is a priest, no wonder their boss treats him so well.

If they had a wild1as in non-affiliated priest… they wouldn’t have to worry about getting hurt again.

“Don’t be too happy, the boss seems to have injured Xie Yunnan’s partner… What if Xie Yunnan is angry?” Xia Qing said.

Others: “…”

Priests don’t have good tempers. If Xie Yunnan gets angry…

The Ghost King didn’t know this. After he followed Duan Changqing and Xie Yunnan into the house, Xie Yunnan went to the doctor and asked him to watch Duan Changqing.

Xie Yunnan was not there, and the Ghost King finally couldn’t help but ask: “Who are you?”

Duan Changqing smiled: “I am Duan Changqing.”

This is the same as saying nothing! Seeing Duan Changqing smiling, the Ghost King suddenly remembered something: “By the way, how old are you?” God-level warrior… This is a god-level warrior!

You can’t become a god-level warrior without a few decades, right?

Duan Changqing was taken aback.

The Ghost King’s voice was a little louder: “Are you older than me? You are so strong…”

Duan Changqing didn’t know what to say for a while, so he didn’t reply. He was indeed older than the person in front of him.

But the Ghost King exploded: “You are older than me, and you actually targeted my son, and… and called him brother2older brother, you…”

The Ghost King wanted to say that he was shameless, but Duan Changqing suddenly raised his head.

Facing Changqing’s gaze, the Ghost King shut up.

He can’t beat this guy.

He already has a lot of enemies now, and there is no need to add another one.

Duan Changqing said: “I’m still very young!” His body is definitely under thirty years old!

Ghost King: “…” Very young? So young and with such strength?

This man is lying without blinking!

He became a ninth-level warrior a few years ago, and there are very, very few people who can become a ninth-level warrior at such a young age.

Wait, this man putting on makeup, isn’t it just to cover the wrinkles on his face?

Ghost King: Who is this guy? Why is he so young?!?!

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