Published at 4th of April 2023 08:53:28 AM

Chapter 69

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Lu Jingchen, the head of the Lu family, has been in a good mood recently.

As a ninth-level warrior, the head of the Lu family, she had always been in a grumpy temper for the past twenty years.

Who didn’t know that Lu Jingchen’s son was killed, and the man she liked also died?

As a strong woman with power, she has no scruples, speaking out when she sees someone not pleasing to the eye, and directly grabs whatever she wants… This kind of style not only allowed the Lu family to develop better, but also made everyone dare not mess with her.

In reality… it’s not a bad thing.

Her recent positive mood is something everyone understood.

The fact that her son was harmed by a certain priest is not known to ordinary people, but the people at the top know the truth. Since then, priests have not been pleasing to her eyes.

Now that there is a rebellion in Hongye City, of course she is happy.

But in fact… Lu Jingchen is in a good mood because her son is still alive.

Her husband and her were childhood sweethearts and were married for many years before they had a child. All of a sudden, he was killed. How could she not be angry!

Now that her child is still alive, why can’t she be happy?

There was not much news from Hongye City, but just looking at Xie Yunnan’s photos and videos made her feel happy.

As for her husband…

Their child having an accident was somewhat related to her. Her husband left in order to avenge their child, as well as their family.

They haven’t seen each other based on their tacit understanding all these years, because they couldn’t forgive themselves.

After so many years, no one knows what will happen, nor does she.

Lu Jingchen went out today and scolded some people. As soon as she got home, she learned about Liao Muye from her brother.

While her brother isn’t as strong and is only a mid-level warrior now, he is very smart. Many of the Lu family’s businesses are managed by him.

“There is something wrong with Liao Muye.” Father Lu was very sure.

Lu Jingchen raised his eyebrows: “Let’s catch and interrogate him?”

Lu’s father: “…Don’t be so violent, if we get in touch with him, we might gain something.”

“What gain? A substitute for Xia Zhiqing?” Lu Jingchen pointed to the secretly photographed photo of Zhou Yiqing taken by Father Lu.

The Xia family was gone. After Xia Zhiqing was brought to their house, he changed his name to Zhou Qing, and now he renamed himself “Xie Qing” after his son’s surname.1Ghost King’s name history: Xia Zhiqing (GK’s name at birth) → Zhou Qing (GK’s name in the Lu family, pre-GK identity) → Ghost King → Xia Qing (now)

As for this “Zhou Yiqing”, what kind of thing is he!

“Don’t worry about this person too much, I think it’s Liao Muye who has a problem…”

“Okay, if you want to get in touch, just get in touch, I don’t care,” Lu Jingchen shrugged. “You probably don’t want me to care? Hongye City’s side sent news that the Ghost King may have been promoted and become a god-level warrior…”

“Go and focus on your work, come back less. I will be responsible for Liao Muye’s matters here.” Father Lu said.

His brother-in-law isn’t easy to mess with… He doesn’t dare to mess up.

Just don’t know how his son is doing under his brother-in-law…


In Hongye City, Lu Xiaoran is doing well and has been promoted to Xie Yunnan’s assistant.

Lu Xiaoran is not like his father who is full of suspicions. In his mind, considering this and that is too troublesome.

It’s nice having others tell him what to do!

With his uncle and cousin are in charge of Hongye City, he can simply listen to them!

He didn’t dare not to listen, for fear of being taught by his uncle.

Lu Xiaoran was very obedient, doing whatever they ask.

But compared to his uncle, he’s more willing to listen to Xie Yunnan.

Obviously, it’s because he has a grudge against his uncle!

Xie Yunnan is different. After tightly hugging Xie Yunnan’s thigh, his uncle doesn’t dare do anything to him anymore!

Xie Yunnan is quite good.

For example, when he went to ask for leave to go out hunting and improve his combat ability… His uncle laughed at him and said that he was going out to walk the dog, but Xie Yunnan gave him leave without changing his face.

His cousin’s a good person!

In a short time, Lu Xiaoran stopped looking at Xie Yunnan so fiercely.

When his companion beast, who only looks fierce, occasionally appears in front of people, it will also wag its tail at Xie Yunnan.

Lu Xiaoran didn’t think there was anything wrong with this.

His companion animal only wagged its tail – this was the hard-earned result of his efforts to restrain it.

In fact, every time he met Xie Yunnan, the husky was eager to fight with Xie Yunnan’s companion beast. After accidentally seeing Xie Yunnan’s dog with nine tails, his companion beast’s desire to grab the tails and playfight only increased.

It’s a pity… he couldn’t beat Xie Yunnan.

Lu Xiaoran watched Xie Yunnan with a bit of forbearance and longing.

The dandy beside Lu Xiaoran: “…” Young Master Lu has always been cold-hearted and alone, but now he listens to Xie Yunnan’s words, follows Xie Yunnan all day long, and stares at Xie Yunnan with such a look in his eyes…

Could it be… there’s something?


Liking a senior priest, the future is slim!2as in not much hope

Lu Xiaoran didn’t know that in the eyes of others, he had become Xie Yunnan’s admirer.

He likes Xia Qing.

The first time he saw Xia Qing, he liked her. After learning that Xia Qing is his uncle’s student, wonderful!

Although Xia Qing knowing the true face of his companion beast made him feel a little humiliated, thinking about it carefully… does this mean he won’t have to hide in front of Xia Qing in the future?

In addition to helping Xie Yunnan these days, Lu Xiaoran invites Xia Qing to go hunting in the wild whenever he is free.

He must let the object of his affection get used to his stupid companion beast.

Speaking of which, he also likes Xia Qing’s companion beast, because it can press and beat his stupid companion beast!

In addition to managing those children, Xia Qing is usually responsible for preparing food for Duan Changqing, so she goes hunting in Hongye Forest every day. She naturally agreed when Lu Xiaoran asked her to join her.

The two of them went to the forest again that day, and as soon as they entered, Lu Xiaoran’s companion beast rushed out to have fun everywhere, and even plunged into the mud.

Xia Qing felt a little tired.

She liked Lu Shao very much at the beginning, but he turned out to be like this…

Apart from being tired, she couldn’t couldn’t help reminding Lu Xiaoran, who was very good at pretending: “Lu Xiaoran, it’s not good to be a xiao san3third party in a relationship!”

She also heard the recent rumors related to Lu Xiaoran.

After her observation… Lu Xiaoran indeed has unusual feelings for Xie Yunnan.

But Xie Yunnan is already married!

Even if Duan Changqing is weak… Lu Xiaoran shouldn’t pry the corner!

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoran frowned and looked at Xia Qing fiercely: “Be a xiao san? Are you married? Do you still have a boyfriend? Who is it?”

Xia Qing: “???” What does this have to do with her?

Xia Qing suddenly thought of something, and looked at the two companion animals not far away, where Lu Xiaoran’s mud-covered dog was trying to pounce on her honey badger.

This idiot tossed her companion beast every day, making her shiny companion beast dirty… Don’t tell her Lu Xiaoran is chasing her!

“Woo!” Feeling his master’s mood, the husky roared and looked fiercely at the honey badger in front of him.

The honey badger was stunned, motionless.

Seeing this, the husky got down, crying miserably, and rolled on the ground.

His goddess already has an object? He’s too miserable!

Anyone volunteer to draw a relationship map? It’s getting real messy.

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