Published at 13th of March 2024 05:09:57 AM

Chapter 82

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Wearing the same clothes and mask as the Ghost King, Lu Jingchen looked quite like the Ghost King.

However, there are still differences in their height and body shape. Anyone who knows the Ghost King can recognize who’s who at a glance.

Many eyes looked at her curiously when the two of them appeared side by side, but no one said much.

Her strength is clear to everyone – a ninth-level warrior. They can’t afford to provoke such a big shot.

Plus she’s Xie Qing’s friend…

Wait, is her relationship with Xie Qing that good?

After seeking her husband last night, Lu Jingchen was dazed and confused. Although she didn’t plan to pursue it, she was a little unhappy, and didn’t want to pay attention to the Ghost King today.

The Ghost King was a little guilty, so he could only follow behind her. He didn’t dare do much, resulting in the atmosphere between the two seeming a little stagnant.

Eager to change the situation, the Ghost King made a cup of flower tea for Lu Jingchen.

Xie Yunnan came at this time. As soon as he came, his eyes fell on Lu Jingchen.

When he first saw Lu Jingchen yesterday, he didn’t discover anything, but after returning to their room that night, Duan Changqing told him his guesses.

This person may be his mother.

He’s never had a female elder growing up, and didn’t know how to react after seeing his biological mother.

While he was hesitating, Lu Jingchen grabbed the scented tea made by the Ghost King and handed it to Xie Yunnan: “City Lord, drink tea!”

Xie Yunnan took it subconsciously and smiled at Lu Jingchen. “Thank you.”

Seeing his smile, Lu Jingchen felt that her heart was about to melt.

Although her man is not old, he is still not as handsome as her son!

Lu Jingchen immediately asked: “City Lord, have you eaten? Is there anything you want to eat? I’ll go get it for you.”

Xie Yunnan said, “No need, I’ve already eaten.”

As he was talking, someone came to report to Xie Yunnan.

Lu Jingchen didn’t leave either, standing beside him eagerly watching Xie Yunnan handle the affairs of Hongye City.

The Ghost King stood by, looking at his wife and child with satisfaction. Suddenly Lu Jingchen glared at him – their son is so busy, doesn’t he as a father not know how to help?

Before coming, Lu Jingchen was very worried about her husband, afraid that his body would have problems over the years.

But last night he showed her how good his body is!

Her husband looks so young and visibly energetic, let him do more work!

The Ghost King immediately understood what Lu Jingchen meant, and began to work hard.

As for Lu Jingchen, she continued to look at Xie Yunnan and took time to chat with Xie Yunnan.

After all, Lu Jingchen is also the head of the Lu family, and is also good at handling various affairs… After listening for a while, she was able to help Xie Yunnan.

Originally, it was Bai Ye and Lu Xiaoran’s job to help Xie Yunnan, but she took it away from them… Bai Ye looked at her dissatisfied.

As for Lu Xiaoran, his face was expressionless, but he was madly complaining inside – his aunt and uncle destroyed his room yesterday and left!

Everyone who saw this scene: “…” What’s this? Another person who likes Xie Yunnan and is courteous to Xie Yunnan?

As soon as they thought of this, they saw Lu Jingchen start to grab the Ghost King’s work.

Lu Jingchen did this because she wanted to express herself, but everyone didn’t think so.

They suspect… this friend of the Ghost King fell in love with Xie Yunnan at first sight.

The Ghost King’s closest subordinates didn’t think so, but they were also very puzzled – what’s going on with their boss?

Based on their understanding of the boss, the boss seems to be a little afraid of this “friend”. Was the boss beaten up last night?

Too worried, they felt their boss was competing with his friend to perform better, and were exhausted helping their boss.

Duan Changqing, who came to deliver the meal, was looked at with sympathy, but Duan Changqing, who had heard some discussions by the way, only found it funny.

Outside, it’s rumored that Xie Yunnan has fascinated everyone…

As soon as Duan Changqing entered, he met Lu Jingchen’s scrutinizing gaze.

Previously, the one Lu Jingchen was in contact with was Lu Xiaoran, not the Ghost King. Her knowledge of Duan Changqing came from Lu Xiaoran. She only knew that this was a person who married Xie Yunnan when he was in the fringe area. He is very gentle and usually likes to grow flowers and plants, and is very concerned about Xie Yunnan…

In addition, she also heard some rumors that Duan Changqing’s previous experience was very unbearable.

Last night, Lu Jingchen didn’t have the time to pay attention to Duan Changqing, but now that she has time, seeing Duan Changqing’s honest eyes, she had a good impression of Duan Changqing.

Looking at Duan Changqing’s words and deeds… Although he looks good, he is obviously not a person like Liao Muye and Zhou Yiqing.

And… Duan Changqing married her son when he was in the fringe area.

Willing to marry her son in the fringe area with such a face… What is this? This is true love!

As for Duan Changqing’s strength, even if he’s just an ordinary person… that’s okay, as long as he looks good.

The point is that her son likes him! That’s it!

Lu Jingchen’s eyes became gentler looking at Duan Changqing, and pulled him over to chat.

She had thought before that if her son was alive, she would get along well with her daughter-in-law!

When the Ghost King saw Lu Jingchen and Duan Changqing chatting happily, he couldn’t help but feel a little resentful.

It’s fine if his son is devoted to Duan Changqing, but his wife ignores him and chats happily with Duan Changqing?

Lu Jingchen didn’t have much work to do, so she simply took Duan Changqing to the side to talk, and to inquire about Xie Yunnan.

Duan Changqing had already determined that the person in front of him was his mother-in-law, so he naturally revealed everything he could say, and told her everything Xie Yunnan liked and disliked.

Having inquired about Xie Yunnan’s past with the people in the small town in the fringe area before, he also told a few interesting things about Xie Yunnan’s childhood.

Lu Jingchen was very satisfied.

After listening to it with his ears pricked up, the Ghost King had no intention of working – neither Xie Yunnan nor Duan Changqing had told him about these things before!

He wants to listen too!

Everyone else who didn’t know the specific situation: “…” Duan Changqing is too careless, and too friendly with his rivals!

Lu Jingchen felt that the way others looked at her was not right, but she didn’t care too much, and said to Duan Changqing: “Changqing! I just came here, I want to buy some clothes, can you accompany me? I’ll also buy some for you and Yunnan.”

Of course she didn’t want to buy clothes herself, she just wanted to buy them for Duan Changqing and Xie Yunnan.

In addition, going shopping with her daughter-in-law is something she has always wanted to do.

Although Duan Changqing is a man, he is so beautiful. Let’s go together!

“Okay.” Duan Changqing agreed.

Lu Jingchen was about to leave when she suddenly thought that her card in Holy City might not be good here… She looked at the Ghost King. “Are you rich?”

The Ghost King quickly took out all the money on him.

Lu Jingchen grabbed it and took Duan Changqing away with a smile.

Seeing this, Wen Che couldn’t help but look at the Ghost King. “Why did you give him your money? You can’t beat him?” Xie Qing is powerful, but why does he seem a little afraid of this person?

This is not right! Xie Qing also has a killer! His cultivation technique is not easy to deal with!

“Yes, I can’t win her1her has the same pronunciation as him in Chinese!” the Ghost King said.

The people around looked at the Ghost King sympathetically again—too miserable! So Xie Qing was beaten and robbed of money?

Oh, they even want to rob the person he likes!

GK: This is our son!

LJC: My son is amazing!

XYN: Uh, hi mom?


The bystanders: It’s a love triangle, no square!

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