Published at 13th of March 2024 05:09:43 AM

Chapter 86

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After soaking in medicinal baths every day, Duan Changqing’s body has improved a lot, but he has not fully recovered.

Catch the thief first to defeat the king. Compared to warriors, priests are weaker and easier to fight… That’s why he took action against the two senior priests first.

But after knocking down the two senior priests and the ninth-level warriors beside them, he stopped.

You can’t make him do everything, can you?

“Yunnan, you solve these people, I’ll go see Elder Bai.” Duan Changqing said.

After the two High Priests were beaten to the ground, the people who came to besiege them lost their fighting spirit. Xie Yunnan can solve the rest of them easily.

As for Elder Bai…

These people attacked him and Xie Yunnan. Of course, it was impossible for them to let Elder Bai go.

Duan Changqing didn’t sign a contract with these people this time. It takes too much time, and he doesn’t have the strength to do so now.

After dropping a sentence, he walked towards the residence of Elder Bai and the others.

Elder Bai was indeed attacked.

Although the two senior priests are not here, there are several intermediate-level priests from Holy City, and there are also a lot of high-level warriors.

On Elder Bai’s side, although he brought some people to Hongye City, there were not many. These days he contacted Holy City and asked his subordinates to come to Hongye City to find him, but because of the New Year, not many people came.

In the face of so many attackers, Elder Bai could only go into battle himself.

He is not young, and his body is not good. Fortunately, he’s strong and has sufficient fighting experience, but he could barely hold on.

Elder Bai knew that he couldn’t last long.

Since these people found him, they can definitely find his little master. If they kill him and then go to besiege his little master… Will his little master be able to stop them?

Seeing a ferocious companion beast roaring at him, in that instant, Elder Bai decided to blow himself up.

With his strength, if he blew himself up, these enemies in front of him could die without a burial!

Thinking like this, Elder Bai let his companion beast, a huge turtle, clear the way and rush towards the person who came to attack.

“Elder Bai.” Duan Changqing’s voice suddenly sounded.

Elder Bai took a pause, gathered his strength immediately, and gave up self-destruction, lest he would hurt Duan Changqing.

Even though gave up self-destructing, the attacker didn’t stop attacking. Fortunately, his companion beast was a turtle, and his innate skill was a powerful defense. Although he groaned, he was not seriously injured.

“Elder Bai.” In an instant, Duan Changqing had come to Elder Bai.

After he arrived in the vicinity, he saw the surging breath on Elder Bai’s body, and guessed Elder Bai’s plan in a second. He never thought he would be the one to cause Elder Bai to be injured, and couldn’t help feeling a little annoyed.

Duan Changqing had checked on Elder Bai’s injuries before, and even prepared some medicines for him, but he didn’t have time to give Elder Bai yet.

At this moment, he came to Elder Bai’s side and immediately put a pill into Elder Bai’s mouth.

The pill melted in his mouth, and Elder Bai felt a warm current entering his body, as if a priest much stronger than him was treating him.

No, it’s better than having a priest treat him.

The injury he suffered just now improved in an instant, and he also felt that his body was much lighter, as if he had become younger in an instant.

“Duan Changqing?” At this moment, those who besieged Elder Bai had already recognized Duan Changqing, and were a little surprised.

They easily recognized Duan Changqing. Isn’t this person the little white face next to Xie Yunnan? It is said that his life experience is not very glorious.

Where did this person suddenly come from?

He even gave the impression that he is very powerful!

Even the people on Elder Bai’s side were stunned.

Because Elder Bai didn’t tell them Duan Changqing’s identity, they had always looked down on Duan Changqing before.

But now… Duan Changqing seems to be very strong?

Duan Changqing naturally proved his strength.

He quickly captured the group of people besieging Elder Bai without even giving them a chance to contact others.

After solving these problems, he looked at Elder Bai. “Elder Bai, follow me and go back to the city lord’s mansion… No, go back to where I live.”

The city lord’s mansion has been destroyed, but the manor where he and Xie Yunnan lived is still there. Just go there first.

Xie Yunnan and the others should’ve also gone there.

Xie Yunnan and the rest indeed returned there. When Duan Changqing arrived, Xie Yunnan and the others had already assembled.

After Duan Changqing took down the two senior priests and ninth-level warriors, the other warriors who came to trouble them lost their fighting spirit and were quickly captured by the Ghost King.

As for the two who attacked Lu Jingchen and Duan Changqing earlier, Duan Changqing signed a contract with them on the way back. They didn’t know what happened at first, but after learning of the situation, they were accepted by Meng Yan.

After dealing with the attackers, everyone returned to the manor where they lived, and then… chatted about Duan Changqing again.

Duan Changqing’s appearance… is amazing!

The more Xia Qing thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong. She asked the Ghost King, “Boss, did you already know about Duan Changqing’s situation?”

The Ghost King asked back, “What do you think?”

Xia Qing: “…” Their boss definitely already knew about this!

At this time, other people crowded over: “Boss, your companion beast looks like Xie Yunnan’s companion beast! Is this why you accepted him as an apprentice?”

Although one is a dog and the other is a fox, that the two companion animals are really similar!

“That’s right.” The Ghost King said.

“Boss, you have such a good eye!” the man said again.

The people around the Ghost King did not doubt the relationship between the Ghost King and Xie Yunnan.

The Ghost King never told anyone about the past, nor did he ever say that he had a son. They were all single as the Ghost King.

As for the surname Xie… Others don’t know, but they know that “Xie Qing” is just a pseudonym for their boss.

Those who were the Ghost King’s subordinates didn’t think further about the relationship between the Ghost King and Xie Yunnan.

Not many people know that Xie Yunnan was adopted. Everyone only knew that he grew up in a fringe area.

A person who grew up in the fringes has nothing to do with a ninth-level warrior.

The most important thing is that since Xie Qing changed to wearing a mask, he looked… very young.

After dismissing his subordinates, the Ghost King went to see Xie Yunnan’s situation, but as soon as he approached, he was driven away by Lu Jingchen. “You are dirty, stay away!”

After speaking, Lu Jingchen took the handkerchief again and wiped her hands because of the same reason, afraid of staining Xie Yunnan’s clothes.

Ghost King: “…” Did his wife forget her husband after having a son?

Looking at Lu Jingchen’s appearance, he knew that Lu Jingchen was not injured. Not daring to provoke her, the Ghost King went to talk to Xie Yunnan instead. “Yunnan, someone hit you before. Are you injured?”

“I’m fine.”

“Someone hit you… Those people are fierce and strong, how can you be okay? Where is the injury? Show me.” Lu Jingchen wanted to see Xie Yunnan’s wound.

“I’m really fine.” Xie Yunnan blushed.

The Ghost King agreed with Lu Jingchen’s approach very much. He grabbed Xie Yunnan’s clothes and said to Lu Jingchen, “Those people hit him in the stomach!”

The couple joined forces and wanted to lift Xie Yunnan’s clothes.

Duan Changqing came at this time.

Onlookers: “…” The Ghost King and his friend are too bold. They even joined hands to deal with Xie Yunnan!

That’s fine, but now Duan Changqing is here!

As far as Duan Changqing’s previous performance is concerned, he should be a god-level warrior. Although they don’t understand why a god-level warrior would marry Xie Yunnan and pretend to be an ordinary person, Duan Changqing’s strength is clear!

Xie Qing and the others molested Xie Yunnan in front of Duan Changqing… Aren’t they afraid of being beaten by Duan Changqing?

By the way, Xie Yunnan was just an ordinary person living in the fringe area before, and Duan Changqing was a god-level warrior. Why did he marry him?

For a while, all the sound disappeared.

The Ghost King felt that something was wrong. He looked up and saw Duan Changqing. He immediately said, “Yunnan’s stomach was hit. He won’t show it to us. Go and see if he is injured.”

Since his son was shy and refused to show them his stomach, he can only let Duan Changqing check!

“I’ll take Yunnan to take a shower and change clothes. Please take care of matters here.” After Duan Changqing finished speaking, he brought Xie Yunnan back to their bedroom.

Onlookers: “…” These three men are so harmonious! What exactly is going on?

Just as they were lost in thought, the Ghost King began to instruct others to do things. He handed Lu Xiaoran and Bai Ye many things to do.

Lu Xiaoran was expressionless as he accepted the work, while Bai Ye was also very happy.

These people are really… so harmonious!

Even Xia Qing, who believed that their boss and Lu Xiaoran didn’t like Xie Yunnan, was a little puzzled.

Elder Bai, who was standing nearby, also puzzled.

Duan Changqing told him about him and Xie Yunnan, saying that the rumors outside are nonsense, but hearing so many people gossiping…

After they captured Hongye City, many people came to seek refuge, and one of them was a close friend of the Ghost King.

He knew that Xie Qing was the Ghost King, and had seen the Ghost King’s ruthless side, which made him puzzled by the fact that the Ghost King treats Xie Yunnan so well.

At this moment, he came over and asked, “Old Xie… Who the hell is Duan Changqing?”

The Ghost King glanced at Elder Bai. He knew Elder Bai, and seeing that Elder Bai and Duan Changqing had such a good relationship, he became more and more sure that Duan Changqing used to be the person next to the High Priest.

It was hard to say this before, but now it’s okay to say: “He is the person next to the High Priest.”

Everyone thought that Duan Changqing was a warrior, and when they heard this, they “suddenly realized” – it turns out that Duan Changqing is the warrior responsible for protecting the High Priest, no wonder he’s so strong!

Only Elder Bai was speechless – Duan Changqing is obviously the High Priest!

At this time, the Ghost King’s friend said again: “So that’s the case… Sigh, Lao Xie1Lao = old. Lao Xie is a nickname for Xie Qing, since you know his situation, why don’t you know to stay further away from Xie Yunnan? Even if you like Xie Yunnan, what will you do if he’s unhappy? Wait… He didn’t seem to react… shouldn’t he…” Duan Changqing doesn’t have any special hobbies, right?!

Or is he a love brain?

Or does Xie Yunnan really have the magical ability to make people give up on him?

Full of strange thoughts, the eyes looking at the Ghost King turned weird.

Ghost King: “…”

Lu Jingchen: “…”

Lu Jingchen had heard rumors that her son was “beloved” before, and that Liao Muye even said that her son cheated on his partner.

She was so angry at the time, and was even angrier now seeing the eyes of these people, so she simply tore off the Ghost King’s mask. “They’re relatives, what’s wrong with being close?!”

The appearance of the Ghost King is seven points similar to Xie Yunnan. When the two stand together, others will immediately think that they are related by blood.

So… Xie Qing and Xie Yunnan turned out to be relatives?

Of course, at this moment, the Ghost King’s friends were most shocked by the fact that the Ghost King was so young and handsome.

“You…you look like this? How old are you?!”

Everyone’ll have another round of doubting life now.

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