Published at 1st of July 2024 06:07:31 AM

Chapter 19

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I'm nearing the end of the arc finally. Just a few more chapters in the back log and I will be done with it zzzzz. Enjoy, and let me know what you think?

I pressed on further, gazing at the gate as I did so. The acrid aroma of imp ichor stung my nose, and it mingled with the potent smell of ash and musk in a constant cycle. The iridescent green flames crept along the ground at a rapid pace, consuming every drop of biomatter with relentless haste.

It illuminated every step that I took, and I found my heart beating in excitement as I neared the giant doors. My blood poured through my views and desperately tried to drag me forward. I held the breath I took deep within my lungs as I approached the doors and stared at the inscriptions.

‘Nothing comes from nothing.’ -vka

‘Fate will hold Asteria Eternal.” -ala

“The result will justify the deed”- mda

“Greatness is never given, only earned.'“ poa

The first two caught my eye and I carefully read them. They were nothing more than just words, yet there was a heavy sense of meaning behind it. I stepped forward and ran my fingers across their surface, and saw that there was a set of letters next to each. As my fingers grazed the cold metal surface, I had a flashback, and knew what this was. These were all quotes left by previous rulers, and often it was indicative of what their rule was going to be.

In a heartbeat my eyes flashed down the line, and I came to the very last one.

“The dye has been cast. Now, I will conquer.” cea

I ran my fingers across the script, and a sense of unyielding power flickered through my fingertips. Apparently, in this life, I was a conqueror. That was pretty badass, if I say so myself. I wonder what I was like before I lost my memories.

Like a flowing river, the questions were swept away as my focus shifted to the grand room that existed just behind the doors. The entrance was a large arch with a set of brilliant scones that flickered with a golden light. Further in was an impossibly large room that was reminiscent of a theater. In the center, resting on a large raised platform, was a throne created of gold and silver, with a large piece of violet fabric that acted as a linen. Surrounding that was a large semicircular seating area that sat slightly lower than the throne, but was no less grandiose.

There were enormous banners that stretched from the ceiling and held various coats of arms. The most prominent was the one that hung from the ceiling behind the throne. It was a large piece of fabric that tapered into a triangle near the end. The outline of a dragon was present, yet it was overshadowed by three main colors: purple, amber, and a bluish white. Each took a third of the banner and melded into each other in an almost mind bending pattern that oscillated across its entire length.

A single word pressed its way into my mind with the force of a blade. Within that word, it conveyed multiple meanings to me, and it almost made my knees buckle. Knowledge flooded into my mind, and for the briefest of seconds, I could glimpse the concept that resided within. ‘Eternity.’

It took an unbelievable amount of effort to tear my eyes away from it. But I forced myself to, and I pushed forward deeper into the chamber. The green flames danced on the lifeless air, and casted green shadows on my guard. Syn, stood by the throne with his hands crossed behind his back. The other two had already taken positions around the room. The darkness of the slots they stood in did wonders to hide their radiant golden armor.

“Your majesty. Your throne is ready for you.” Syn bowed ever so slightly and gestured to the grand throne that sat in front of me. I swallowed back some saliva and took a step forward. My heart thrummed in my chest and a single thought meandered across my mind. This was my birthright, and this was my home.

I strode across the ground and easily ascended the steps. All the while, Theo was next to me, careful to remain just a few paces behind me. I was anxious, yet I was certain of my future at this moment. This was my fate, was it not? A lot of the doubt I had felt since I had first woken up had faded away, and in its place bloomed a sense of purpose.

The green flames that had consumed all the organic matter up to this point roared one last time, and the entire throne room was baptized in viridescent green light. Once the light faded, the last few scones flickered on around the room, and rays of gold light were breathed into existence.

A sense of regality settled onto my shoulders, and I felt my head raise even higher as I took another step. The throne seemed to almost double and grandeur and had a strange effect of pulling me in. I reached out and my fingers grazed the armrest of the throne. The cool linen sent tingles of electric shock through my hand. With it, another set of memories bubbled to the surface. I couldn’t fully see what they were, but I knew them to be the day of my coronation.

My next breath caught in my throat as I gazed at the center of Asteria for a few moments more. I knew that if I sat, then it would reveal everything to me. A part of me didn’t want to see it, because I knew if I did, then I wouldn’t be able to turn back. The other part of me recognized I had little in the way of choice. I had already come this far, and now I have to see this through.

My fingers left the armrest, and in one smooth moment, I settled onto the throne. An electric pulse scintillated through my body and my eyes swept across the grand room. The last bit of my trepidation was swept away in a tsunami of purpose. This was my land, and these were my people. Though I may lack the knowledge of how to be an empress. I would lead them all the best that I could.

“Theo, whose banners are those?” I asked as my eyes settled onto the semicircular seating area in front of me.

“These belong to the royal houses, your grace. These specifically symbolize the right for them to exist and rule.” Theo stepped up next to my throne and settled in. Her golden armor blazed like the rising sun as it reflected the golden rays of light that rained from the ceiling.

“I see. How many of them remained loyal once I left?” I gazed at the pieces of fabric with growing enmity. I knew that with the amount of time that had passed, the banners had lost most of their meaning. But I knew what I wanted to do to make a statement.

“The House of Corelia, The House of Angelos, and the House of Phoenix. The others left and made a successor kingdom. But a large portion was killed to the last in the calamity, defending what they could.”

“Send an envoy to the ones that still exist. Tell them Asteria will rise once more. The sins of the father do not have to be the sins of the son. If they refuse to rejoin us, then burn their banners. As for the ones who remained loyal, the banner can remain. For the fallen allies, I want their banners immortalized.” I settled into the throne and the buzz grew in the back of my mind and pulled my mental awareness back into it.

“As you wish, your grace.” The slight rustling of armor told me she gave me a slight bow.

“Theo, I’m going to close my eyes for a few moments to meditate. Just keep an eye on me would you?” I was starting to feel a little rushed as I was starting to lose control of my body. Whatever was attempting to drag me backwards was growing impatient and I was powerless to stop it. Quickly the edges of my vision started to gray, and I felt myself start to fall backwards into the recess of my own mind

“Of course your grace.” Her words sounded like a harmony of soft bells as she spoke, and I found myself falling into darkness once more.

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