Published at 1st of July 2024 06:07:44 AM

Chapter 8

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My eyes shifted down towards the dagger that rested on my legs. I could feel a connection to it now. It felt like a strange buzz that reached the corner of my mind. I still wasn’t sure what it was, but for now, I wouldn’t worry about it. I rested my hand on the dagger hilt, and I closed my eyes, and looked inwards once more and I felt my mind shift as I fell once more.

This time, the scene before me had changed. The night sky was still up there, but now an amber haze had filled the air and stretched as far as the mind could see. I took a deep breath and sat down and just stared at the scenery as my mind put everything together. This was the ki realm. At the moment there was nothing here, but a haze that my body didn’t know how to cultivate yet. This would be my priority since I could defend myself with my Ki and attack with it. Psionics on the other hand, I’m not sure what that was yet. Even the basic knowledge contained within didn’t really explain much. All that I knew was that it was a mixture of the mind and soul. But that wasn’t enough for me at the moment. I still had to prioritize my personal safety above all else. So once I progressed far enough down this path, then I could turn my attention to the other one.

I shrugged and closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. Now, all I had to do for this was soak my flesh in Ki and then break each of the twelve locks on my meridians. Then, I could pull the Ki into the core to break into the next lair of development. Though that was quite some time away.

I took a deep breath in, and I felt the surrounding ki fluctuate and press into my flesh. It was soft at first, like a warm blanket. But with each passing second, the energy grew hotter. It seared my flesh as it sank in a centimeter and I felt every part of me cry out for the pain to stop. I bit my tongue hard enough for the taste of iron to spread across my mouth. The pain kept building, and I felt my body actively try to push out the invading energy.

Seconds become minutes and my breathing became more ragged as I tried to tune out the pain that was building in my chest. Minutes became hours as the pain became a raging conflagration across every inch of my being. I pushed on, and reached out towards the Ki, and pulled it further into me. The pain reached a newer height, and I wanted to black out. At least until all at once, it all slipped away.

It left me sweating, and a broken mass heaving for air. My body ached, and my mind felt weak, but I was also satisfied. This was the first step to letting the ki flow through my body. Now all I had to do was break the first meridian point. The only thing that was stopping me was that I couldn’t decide which meridian to unlock first. Naturally, in the end, they would all be mine, but the starting path would be crucial.

As I pondered on the information in my head, more and more memories came back to me. They were dripping from the depths of my mind, and the information in my head became clearer. Out of the twelve, there were two that would serve me the most for the time being. Those two would be the heart and the lungs. The heart would allow me to keep up with strenuous activity, and the lungs would help me recover faster.

But taking those two right away will put me at a disadvantage right off the bat. I would need strength as well. Which I could only get if I unlocked the points in my arms, legs and mind. Yet, it still wouldn’t matter in the end, because I could only progress so much so quickly.

I sighed as I let the choices swirl around my mind. For now, then I’ll rely on Kharon, and then I’ll take the reins myself once I get my feet under me. That would be the best path forward. As much as the thought of letting others take command irked me, it was a sacrifice that I would make for now. Trying to get too far ahead of myself would only get me killed.

I mentally reached out to the ki and pulled it into my chest. I cycled it, like a wave of water, nuzzling it out and then pulling it back. My skin grew hot once more, as the ki pushed in deeper. It pierced my flesh, bone and I felt my heart jump as the energies sank into it.

My lungs seized and my breath was torn from my chest as I was plunged into another world of pain. My heart kept skipping beats, and my lungs could not draw in even the tiniest of breaths. But I had to push on. If I fail here, my cultivation could be crippled.

The ki bended to my will and pushed harder into my chest and I felt a barrier crack. Seeing my chance, I balled the Ki up as much as I could and slammed it into the barrier. I felt it cave under my onslaught and the energy rushed through my veins. My heart skipped another few beats before I felt a power rush through me. My lungs took the deepest breath of my life as the cool, musky air rushed into me.

The intoxicating lure of power danced through me in tandem with my heart. It washed away the pain and suffering that I went through mere seconds ago. Then nostalgia rushed through me. More memories that I perceived as my own came back to me. The lust of power, the desire to grow stronger. Each tier of cultivation achieved followed by that same sense of satisfaction as I have now. Oh, it was good to be back.

I could already feel the memories that I was seeking beforehand fall to the side. No use in worrying about that right now. But one day, I would take those memories back. For now, I will keep pushing forward. As I always did.

My eyes opened once more, and I found myself back in the meditation chamber. Exhaustion hung to my body, but a new sense of strength coursed through my veins with every beat of my heart. It was a confusing feeling that I knew better than to lose myself, too. I had already broken through three layers. If I pushed any harder, then I risked screwing up my progress.

I unfolded my legs, sat back on my hands, and stared up at the ceiling. The rush of euphoria quickly gave way to exhaustion as I watched the stone. This was my palace, wasn’t it? This world belongs to me, doesn’t it? So it was only right for me to claim what was mine once more. I reached up towards the dimly lit ceiling. Grasping at something that felt out of reach. But I couldn’t seem to figure out what it was.

There was something missing. Something that existed beyond my memories. It twisted my heart with a piercing knife and made me miss something. But what was it? What was this feeling? I grasped my chest as I stared at the ceiling. Was it heartache? Many of my memories were still missing. So I wasn’t sure.

I grasped at my chest once more as I rolled over to my side. Maybe I should just sleep off these emotions for now. Otherwise, I’d just eat at my sanity trying to figure this stuff out. My eyelids grew heavy as I stared at the far wall and no matter how much I tried to fight it, sleep crept in and claimed me for itself once more.

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