Published at 1st of July 2024 06:07:42 AM

Chapter 9

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I come with news. I have been editing chapters, and now I will be scheduling (Consistent) Uploads. As editing is usually why I don't post as much as i should... sorry. :)

upload schedule will be as follows: 

 Mondays 9am est

 thursdays: 10pm est 

 Sunday 2pm est.

It felt like a fleeting moment from when the darkness claimed me and a new scene played across my vision. I was standing on a cliff side and the salty stench of the sea pushed into my nose. There was grass growing up to my ankles, and it tickled the exposed flesh of my feet. The sun was already setting on the horizon, casting brilliant rays of orange light through the fluffy white clouds. The sea rippled as waves crashed into the cliff side with booms that shook the ground.

Where was I? This place didn’t look familiar? I glanced around, and all I could see was a sea that stretched far beyond the horizon. I took a step back and turned to check out what stood behind me. There was grass that stretched out to a tree line. But there was also what looked to be a freshly used campfire.

I walked over to it and squatted down for a moment. I wonder what this dream was about? In all honesty, it would be lovely if I stopped getting torn from what I was doing. I wanted to sleep, not frolic across a cliff side. The sigh of the freshly burnt cinders entranced me for a few seconds longer seconds longer before I stood up and saw something materialize on the tree line.

It was a figure that was obscured by a strange haze. Like I was staring at a blurred picture. Even the colors were muted, and I couldn’t gleam anything from it. “Empress?” A voice that sounded garbled reached out to me.

“Yes?” I replied as I stared at the form. Silence hung in the air between us for a few seconds.

The figure took a step forward. “You’re back?”

“I’m standing here, aren’t I?” I wasn’t sure how to reply to that question. Maybe I should have gone with something a little more riddle like, or kinder. But for some reason, that retort felt right.

“My Empress.” The figure dropped whatever it was holding and fell to their knees. The form was still hazy, and I was having a hard time trying to figure out who or what they were. But I was drawing a blank no matter how strongly I tried to remember.

The figure jumped up towards me. Their hands reached out, and I felt time slow to a crawl. “I missed you.” I could hear crying through the garbled sounds. Something in my heart twisted at the words, but the memory was still out of my grasp.

Whoever this was, was close to me. “Come home to me.” I whispered out. The words were my voice, but they weren’t exactly mine. I found my hand reaching out to the form, but just as our fingers touched, I was torn away.

The cliff side scene was replaced with the silver ceiling of the mediation room. My heart ached and my head pounded. My clothing was slick with sweat, and a terrible taste filled my mouth. It was like a mixture of iron and dirt that coated every inch of my tongue. I took a ragged breath and forced myself up, and replayed the memories of that scene.

Who was that? I stared at my hand and my fingertips tingled as if the flames of a softly burning candle touched them. I dropped my hand away as I pushed away the remnants of that dream. What was the point of spending time on something that I wouldn’t figure out?

I took a deep breath, and a pungent smell reached up to my nose. My stomach curled and a wave of nausea punched me in the face. I scooted away from where I sat, trying to find out what that smell was from.

My eyes landed on a black puddle that coated the floor from across from where I was sleeping. It was just filled with black gunk, and waves of repulsive smell radiated off of it.

That must be the toxins and what not that were in my heart and lungs. I shuddered and quickly checked my clothing. Much to my relief, none of the foul smelling substance had made it on to me. That was good. I’d hate to lose my only clothes right now.

I pressed myself against the far wall and brought a knee up to my chest. My eyes landed on the dagger that was still a short distance away. I must have knocked it over when I slept. It wasn’t a problem after all. Kharon said this part of the palace was still safe.

A yawn split my lips as the last bit of the exhaustion fell away from me. The progress I made yesterday was good. That was three ki advancements in one go. Now, I will rest for a day or so, and allow my body to get used to the new effects before I attempt to clear another set.

Speaking of waiting, I wonder where Kharon is, and if he has food. My stomach felt like it had a hole in it and was trying to consume everything around it. I pushed myself off of the ground and wandered over to the knife. Once it was in my possession, I wandered over to the door and pressed my hand against it. The knowledge of how to open it was embedded deep into my memory, and all it took was a gentle pulse of ki. Well, the pulse I did was hardly more than a blip, but it was enough for the door to open for me.

Swinging on rusted hinges, it opened up to the hallway. I stepped out and shot a glance down both sides. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing there. I nodded my head and stepped back into the meditation chamber and wandered back inside.

Much to my shock, the strange black substance had vanished without a trace, and the room smelt much like the air outside did. I clenched the handle of my blade, and my ears immediately perked up, trying to detect any sound that didn’t belong. But it was as quiet as the grave now. My heart beat heavily in my chest and waves of power coursed through me as I readied myself.

Then, I felt it. It was the softest gust of wind. I spun with my blade in hand, lashing out toward the disturbance.

”Someone is antsy.” A familiar voice graced my ears, but it couldn’t stop the deadly arc.

Kharon didn’t even seem fazed by the blade that was traveling towards his head. But the skeleton took an almost imperceptible small step backwards, and the tip of the dagger whizzed past his hood.

“Maybe you shouldn’t sneak up on me next time.” I told him as I drew my hand back and tried to calm my heart. “Sorry for swinging at you.” I felt bad after the fact, but the way he just comes and goes really screws with my nerves.

He clacked his teeth together and reached into his robe. First, he pulled out a stack of papers that were bound closed with a string. Then he pulled out what looked to be some freshly made bread and cheese, followed by a metal canister of some sort.

My stomach rumbled as the warm scent of bread beckoned to me. But could I really trust food that he just was carrying around in his cloak? I judged the thought for only a split second before hunger consumed my senses. I really needed to eat something to try and regain a little bit of strength.

“It’s not a problem, my lady. It is to be expected. Anyway, here are the reports from the praetorians, the interior town, and the remaining legion that guard the area.” As Kharon spoke, he passed me the food first, and I quickly grabbed it.

I didn’t even wait a second to sink my teeth into the bread. The exterior was crunchy and covered with all kinds of herbs. The interior was soft and melted against my tongue. This was the best thing I have ever tasted in my life. The cheese was equally good to boot. It was a touch sweet and contained the barest hints of salt that mingled with everything else in there.

It felt like the food had disappeared as quickly as it came, and my body craved more. Sadly, there was work to be done, and I had to attend to that first. “I’ll take the notes now, Kharon.” I quickly wiped my hand against my pant legs, mentally scowling at the act. It was rather unfitting, but I had nothing else on hand.

His glove clad hand reached out with the stack of papers in it. As I took it from him, though, I felt a budding headache appear. Something was telling me I really wasn’t a fan of paper work.

Any guess to who it is? :)

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!