White-Robed Chief - Chapter 784

Published at 1st of December 2019 08:45:07 AM

Chapter 784: 784

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Chu Li happily nodded and said, “A great man knows how to prioritize during crucial moments. You must leave immediately, but you can’t take anything with you.”

“What?” Sun Jizhi furiously glared at him.

Chu Li replied, “Did you think that I’d simply allow you to occupy this place for such a long time without punishment?”

“Don’t get full of yourself.” Sun Jizhi angrily scoffed. “The Windstorm Association won’t be easily intimidated.”

Chu Li scornfully sneered. “You’re only leaving because you were forced to do so. Did you really assume that you could occupy the Holy Church of Light’s territory without any repercussions? I’m going to count down from ten. If you don’t leave, I’m going to kill someone. Ten.”

Sun Jizhi scoffed, “Aren’t you afraid that you’re biting off more than you can chew?”


“We’ll leave, but we must take some important things with us.”


“Worst comes to the worst, we’ll desperately resist you. In that case, you’ll suffer the consequences too.”


“Messengers, enter the house and move the items out for me!” Sun Jizhi ordered.

“Six.” Chu Li walked to the entrance of the mansion. His eyes silently swept across the men while he placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“Hurry up and leave once the people inside have moved our precious items out!” Sun Jizhi loudly ordered.

“Five.” Chu Li smiled before he suddenly appeared before Sun Jizhi alongside a flash of light. His sword briefly glimmered before the tip of his blade appeared right in front of the other man’s throat.

“You…” Sun Jizhi’s expression darkened. He was too afraid to move an inch.

He never imagined that Chu Li would lay a finger on him. He could not avoid it in time because the distance between them was too short, and Chu Li’s body movement technique was also unimaginably fast.

“Four.” Upon reaching this number, Chu Li indifferently said, “People inside, listen up. I’m going to kill your Association Leader if you don’t come out!”

“Three.” When the tip of his blade moved forward, a drop of blood suddenly trickled out of Sun Jizhi’s throat.

Sun Jizhi’s entire body stiffened. His life was currently in this man’s hands. When he saw how Chu Li killed without any hesitation, he became certain that this man was not just trying to scare him.

“Come out! Come out quickly!” The middle-aged man raised his voice and yelled.

The sound of footsteps echoed from inside as a group of people rushed out. They furiously glared at Chu Li.

“Two.” Chu Li spat as he continued counting down.

Sun Jizhi scoffed. “Everyone is outside!”

Chu Li said, “One.”

Suddenly, Chu Li vanished just as he finished speaking. He appeared before a young man who was running out before he stabbed him with his sword.

“Ahh!” The young man cried miserably as his precordium was pierced.

The next moment, Chu Li appeared before another young man. He stabbed the other youth and killed him as well.

“I’ve finished counting down from ten, but you haven’t left yet.” Chu Li nonchalantly said as flicked the blood off his blade.

Everyone was utterly terrified as they watched this mad man slaughter people as easily as butchering chickens.

“Go, go, go!” Sun Jizhi lowered his voice and ordered.

Chu Li scoffed, “This wouldn’t have happened if you’d listened to me earlier.”

He sheathed his sword. The people whom he had killed earlier were criminals and should have been sentenced to death for the numerous evil acts that they had committed. Killing them was the perfect opportunity for him to show his impressive strength.

Sun Jizhi quickly led everyone away, but as they left, he turned around and yelled, “Just you wait. The Roaring Tiger Clan will never forgive you!”

Chu Li briefly waved his longsword. “I’ll kill you if you keep spouting nonsense.”

Sun Jizhi gritted his teeth before he took long strides and hastily left the compound.

Everyone else clustered around him before they soon vanished from sight.

Chu Li suddenly appeared beside the little lake in the backyard of the residence. He gazed at the crystal-clear surface of the lake and scoffed. “How long are you going to hide there?”

The perimeter of the lake was almost one hundred meters long. It did not look very big, and there was only one little boat gently bobbing on the surface of the water. Several lotus flowers floated around as fish occasionally jumped out of the water.

This was also obviously running water as the surface of the lake was clear.

The water from the lake flowed past the man-made hills and formed a little stream that snaked through the forest.

Chu Li reached his hand out and picked up a pebble before he threw it gently into the water.

“Splash!” The water splattered as though a large rock crashed through the surface.

A man leaped out of the lake like a fish soon after this. He stepped on the little boat before he jumped again and rushed toward the forest beside it.

Chu Li threw another pebble at him.

“Bang!” The man instantly was hit in midair, causing him to fall heavily into the lake, splashing water everywhere.

The surface of the lake instantly returned to its serene state once the water stopped rippling.

The young man floated on the lake lazily. He appeared to be dead as he was not moving at all.

Chu Li reached out and waved, causing the young man to hurriedly flutter over.

This was the Divine Light Technique’s marvelous domain. An individual’s control of the inner energy outside their body would greatly exceed their heart technique’s usual abilities. Nonetheless, it could not be compared to the Cloud Slashing Power.

A moment later, the young man appeared before him. Chu Li looked closely and saw that he had an oval face and average-looking facial features.

Chu Li waved again before the young man leaped out of the lake and gently landed on the ground. He immediately came to his senses when Chu Li slapped him across the face and yelled, “Get lost!”

The young man gritted his teeth and angrily glared at him. He forced himself to endure the pain that was coursing throughout his body as he staggered away before climbing over the top of the wall and fleeing the residence.

Chu Li sighed.

That man was trying to take advantage of the situation during the crisis and had wanted to secretly poison Chu Li when the latter let his guard down. Chu Li was merciful and had merely slapped him. However, that man would not necessarily be lucky enough to prevent himself from being corroded by the Divine Light Technique.

Chu Li circled the interior of the residence.

It was not surprising that Sun Jizhi was so reluctant to leave as there was an abundance of treasures hidden inside.

There were two secret rooms that were filled with precious antiques, calligraphy scrolls, and paintings; in one of the rooms was even a small chest filled with banknotes. Even though Chu Li was not very interested in these things, this was still a joyous occasion as he could treat himself to his heart’s content with this money.

As he continued exploring, Chu Li soon discovered an underground dungeon with three old people chained inside.

The three men’s hair looked like dried grass as it reached their shoulders and covered their faces. Metal chains that were as thick as their thumbs were wrapped around their shoulder blades to chain them against the wall.

Furthermore, they were useless as their martial arts had been crippled.

Chu Li pulled open the dungeon door before he walked inside.

The inside of the dungeon was damp while a strange and disgusting stench permeated the air. It was so bad that he wanted to vomit when he smelled it.

Chu Li sealed his sense of smell before he stood in front of the three men.

The three men were chained separately in the same area. The way they were arranged, it was impossible for them to get closer as they were nearly ten meters apart, but nothing hindered them from speaking.

“Young man, are you new here?” The men asked while staring at him. Despite lacking martial arts, their gazes were still terrifyingly ominous and filled with ferocity.

Chu Li glanced at all three of them. “This place belongs to the Radiance Clan once again. I’ve chased the Windstorm Association away.”

“Radiance Clan!” The trio fiercely glared at him.

Chu Li saw the fury and hatred in their minds – they could not wait to kill him.

They were initially imprisoned here by the Radiance Clan before the Windstorm Association completely destroyed the Radiance Clan later on. After this, nobody cared for them.

Moreover, the Windstorm Association were in no rush to release the men after they had occupied the territory. After all, they could still spare enough food for the three prisoners.

Chu Li asked, “What crime did you commit to be chained here by the Radiance Clan?”

“Hmph!” The three men simply scoffed angrily.

However, Chu Li managed to see everything in their minds.

These three men were notorious bandits in the martial arts world who had killed numerous people and generously lavished their families after plundering the realm. The Radiance Clan did not kill them because they had wanted to obtain the riches that they had accumulated.

The trio would have been sentenced to death ten thousand times for their crimes and were only alive today because of their treasures.

Chu Li furrowed his eyebrows.

“If you won’t tell me, I’ll just let you starve to death.” Chu Li scoffed. “I’m not going to deliver food to you anymore!”

He turned around and left upon saying this.

“Hold on!” The metal chains clanged. One of the old men combed away the messy strands of his hair and revealed his thin face. “Little brother, the three of us were imprisoned here because we offended the Holy Church of Light’s disciples. Let’s make a deal, little brother. If you release us, we’ll give you one hundred thousand taels of silver. How does that sound?”

“One hundred thousand taels…” Chu Li muttered.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!