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Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Chapter 12 What is the purpose of the manual

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Chapter 12: Chapter 12 What is the purpose of the manual

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Liang Calendar 3210, June 17, two days left until Huang Wutongs graduation exam.

Today was also the day Jiang Cheng had agreed to deliver the talismans to Huang Wutong.

In the early morning, Jiang Cheng finished his morning run and returned home.

In the entrance exams for key universities of the Immortal Sect, there was a practical combat section.

Since it was actual combat, physical strength was in demand.

Jiang Cheng had always been one for preparing early, and in order to prepare for the exams at the end of September, he began physical training in mid-June, which he thought was already late.

Over two months time might not be enough to transform a fragile high school student into one with high defense and thick blood.

But even if it wasnt for the exam, and purely for physical training, Jiang Cheng would stick to his morning runs.

Cultivating immortality was an activity that greatly taxed the body; the longer you live, the more impressive you are, and ultimately, the body is the capital for cultivating immortality.

At his desk, Jiang Cheng opened an envelope and placed three Muscle Relaxation Talismans, three Special Effect Purification Talismans, and a carefully prepared instruction manual inside.

Jiang Cheng estimated the cost of developing the Muscle Relaxation Talisman. Researching in the library was free, ordinary talisman paper and ink were not expensive, and although his initial success rate for drawing the Muscle Relaxation Talisman was quite low, once he got the hang of it, he managed to reach a success rate of about 20%.

A 20% success rate was quite high for some of the rarer talismans.

However, compared to the mature talismans in the market, which easily had an 80%, 90% success rate, it wasnt much to look at.

But Jiang Cheng was already very satisfied.

The cost of the talisman paper and ink he used in the past few days was around ten Spirit Stones.

And what he gained in return was a whopping three thousand Spirit Stones!

That was a profit of thirty thousand percent!

The only regret was that with Jiang Chengs current Cultivation Level at the third level of Qi Gathering, and the low success rate of the Muscle Relaxation Talisman, he couldnt produce them in large quantities.

Successfully drawing two a day was about his limit.

Fortunately, the market for Muscle Relaxation Talismans probably wasnt very big.

Apart from Huang Wutong, Jiang Cheng couldnt think of anyone else who would need such talismans.

Therefore, this task was likely to be a one-time deal.

As long as he could draw the talisman, there was no need to be too concerned about the success rate.

After all, it wasnt realistic for every student of Tianheng Sword Cultivation Academy to come seeking Muscle Relaxation Talismans, was it?

Clearly, that was not realistic.

In Pan He Garden, inside Huang Wutongs home.

Huang Wutong took the envelope from Jiang Cheng with trembling hands, inside which were three Muscle Relaxation Talismans, three Special Effect Purification Talismans, and an instruction manual.

As a regular user of talismans, Huang Wutong had a certain understanding of the standard and quality of talismans.

Generally speaking, talismans were ranked from weakest to strongest from one to nine.

But within the same rank and type of talisman, due to varying levels of proficiency among Talisman Masters, the effects of the drawn talismans could slightly differ. Therefore, even if it was the same kind of talisman, their qualities were divided into perfect, exceptional, fine, and common grades. Below common grade were the failing, substandard products.

The effect produced by a perfect-grade talisman could often exceed that of a common-grade talisman by thirty to forty percent.

Whether a Talisman Master could produce high-quality talismans was also a standard for measuring their ability.

And the six talismans Jiang Cheng gave to Huang Wutong were all, without exception, of common quality.

Some were even on the verge of being common quality; their effectiveness was just a bit away from becoming failing substandard products.

Such quality of talismans made Huang Wutongs already scant confidence in the Muscle Relaxation Talisman dwindle even further.

Master Jiang, these talismans, there are no issues with them, right? Huang Wutong was trying to find some affirmation.

Jiang Cheng confidently responded, No problem. After my testing and improvements, the Muscle Relaxation Talismans have met all the expected metrics. Whatever effects we wrote in the proposal is what youll actually experience. You can rest assured about that.

Anxious about his graduation, Huang Wutong was still not at ease.

Master Jiang, can we test its effect right now? Its not that I dont trust you, but after all, these were bought for three thousand Spirit Stones. If it doesnt work

Jiang Cheng had anticipated this, so he prepared three copies: one for use, one for backup, and one for testing.

Its possible. Do you want to see me try, or would you like to do it yourself?

Ill do it myself.

Huang Wutong still chose to trust in himself.

Jiang Cheng cautioned seriously, After you activate the talisman, do not move around recklessly, as it might cause muscle cramps.

Will it hurt?


How much?

Better than amputation.

Huang Wutong shrank his neck; although he had never experienced amputation, there was a time when stubbing his big toe against a wall edge had been unbearable.

Amputation must be more painful, right?

Huang Wutong decided that he would listen to Jiang Cheng and stay still later on.

Jiang Cheng used a Muscle Relaxation Talisman on Huang Wutong.

Huang Wutong felt his muscles indeed relaxing.

One minute later.

All done, how do you feel? Jiang Cheng asked.

Huang Wutong twisted his neck, Very comfortable, but

Huang Wutong stopped mid-sentence.

He really wanted to try moving recklessly and experiencing a cramp; after all, the teacher in the exam room wouldnt listen to him and stay still. If the cramping effect wasnt as expected, and the teacher hit them while under the negative effects of the Muscle Relaxation Talisman, his graduation would be in jeopardy.

Forget it. Lets leave it at that.

Ultimately, Huang Wutong lacked the courage to take the first step towards inducing a cramp.

Master Jiang, two days after my exam, Ill notify the Task Hall that the task is completed.

Jiang Cheng thoughtfully added, If the Muscle Relaxation Talisman doesnt work, you can also choose to pay me only half the reward. Thats your right.


Wishing you a pleasant use.

Once Jiang Cheng left, Huang Wutong earnestly offered incense to the two Muscle Relaxation Talismans.

You two sirs, my graduation exam is all up to you! Please, make sure you dont fail me then!

Huang Wutong was making offerings to the talismans on one side and began cleaning up the mess on the other.

Things like envelope contracts had to be kept hidden from his parents at all costs.

Whats this?

Oh, the instruction manual.

So many words, not going to read it.

Huang Wutong casually tossed the Muscle Relaxation Talismans instruction manual into the trash.

The commercial street next to Wuyue Advanced Middle School.

Jiang Cheng and Cao Wang entered a barbecue restaurant.

The two found a corner to sit down.

Jiang Cheng had a calm expression, but Cao Wang was noticeably thrilled.

Three thousand? Sold just like that?


Fuck, awesome!

Cao Wang gave a thumbs up.

Jiang Cheng smiled, but he wasnt one to celebrate prematurely.

Since this talisman was unprecedented, the task reward wont be settled until its successfully used. To be precise, two days from now. If it were a regular talisman, I would have the money already.

Its all the same. Waiter, bring the menu! Im going to choose the expensive dishes today!

As the test subject for the Muscle Relaxation Talisman , Cao Wang had made a significant contribution to the success of this talisman.

Jiang Cheng figured treating him to a meal was not too much.

Besides, this restaurant was next to the school and wasnt expensive to begin with; it wouldnt cost much no matter what he ordered.

Cao Wang was immersed in the joy of ordering, while Jiang Cheng rested his face on one hand, letting his thoughts drift far away.

Three thousand low-grade Spirit Stones was certainly not a small amount, but it was still a long way off from the 32,000 needed for the house payment.

He could only hope there would be similar tasks at the Task Hall.

Hello, the two of you.

A familiar voice drifted from afar.

This voice wasnt loud in the noisy environment, but it surprised Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng turned his head towards the entrance of the barbecue restaurant.

Greeting him was a gaze that sent chills down his spine.

Lin Yao! What was she doing here?

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