Published at 3rd of July 2024 10:28:51 AM

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Can You Stop Pretending?

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Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Can You Stop Pretending?

Cntinue reading on XN0VEL.M


Lin Yao and Tang Qian sat not far from Jiang Cheng, but fortunately, it seemed they had no intention of coming over to look for Jiang Cheng.

This made Jiang Cheng breathe a sigh of relief.

To be fair, even though he was dining in the same restaurant as the Demonic Tao Enchantress, a clear conscience fears no accusation, and he truly had no intentional contact with the Demonic Tao Enchantress. Dining in the same place was entirely coincidental. He believed the righteous Immortal Sect would investigate and clear his name.

Next, as long as Cao Wang could just eat his meal peacefully and then leave in the same manner, then everything would be perfectly fine.

Cao Wang stuffed his mouth with lettuce and grilled meat, but didnt forget to chat with Jiang Cheng.

Old Jiang, whats the deal with you and that Lin Yao?

Since the distance wasnt great, Lin Yao, as well as Tang Qian, heard Cao Wangs words.

Tang Qian looked up at Lin Yao for a moment, then turned to see the back of Cao Wang as well as Jiang Cheng attempting to hide behind him.

Lin Yao maintained a composed expression, as if she hadnt heard Cao Wangs words, seemingly indifferent. However, her slender hand that rested on her thigh under the table couldnt help but grip tightly. Her heart was far from as tranquil as she appeared.

Seeing Lin Yao with no reaction, Tang Qian also didnt take Cao Wangs words seriously.

It was no surprise for a student from Wuyue Advanced Middle School to mention Lin Yao.

Just then, Zhou Yiwen messaged Tang Qian, who quickly opened the message to reply.

Zhou Yiwen: Are you at the barbecue?

Tang Qian: Yeah, with Lin Yao.

Tang Qian: Are you coming?

Zhou Yiwen: Sure, I just got off work from my dads company.

Tang Qian: Working hard, huh? It wouldnt be because a certain someone is also there, would it?

Zhou Yiwen: How could that be? Ive long been uninvolved with her, wait for me. Ill be right there.

Tang Qian: Remember to drive over, walking all day is exhausting.

While Lin Yao sat expressionless and Tang Qian was busy replying to messages

Jiang Cheng frantically signaled Cao Wang with his eyes.

Lin Yao is sitting right behind you, stop talking!

Cao Wang put on the airs of a relationship guru.

Old Jiang, its not that I want to criticize you, but you still, how shall I put it, you still cant see through it. Understand, you cant see through. Look at me, although I also have a handsome face, Ive never liked anyone or dated. Do you know why?

Turn around, Jiang Cheng said.

No, not right. Its not that I dont like eating my own words. Its that our path to becoming immortals requires us to sever mortal ties and cut off romantic affections. Imagine, you are dating a girlfriend now, fifty years later, you establish your Foundation and have a lifespan of three hundred years, while she only practices Qi and has a lifespan of a hundred years. Youll be healthy and vigorous, but shell be aged and wrinkled. What will you do then?

Jiang Cheng rubbed his forehead.

You turn around first.

Its no use even if I turn around, you know my childhood sweetheart no, dont change the subject. Were discussing your relationship with Lin Yao right now. Who is Lin Yao? She is the Fairy Lin in the hearts of all male students in our senior high school. Most importantly, shes sixteen and at the seventh level of Qi practicing. You, on the other hand, are eighteen and at the third level of Qi practice.

Cao Wang spoke earnestly:

Old Jiang, its very likely that Lin Yao will achieve Foundation Establishment. Joining an Immortal Sect wont be a problem for her. But us? Youre at the third level of Qi practice, Im at the fourth. Although you might get into a top university, when it comes to cultivating immortality, top universities are not the end but the beginning. The gap between us and Lin Yao will only grow wider. No matter how much you like her, you two will not have a future together in the end.

Lin Yaos eyes drooped, but the corners of her lips uncontrollably curled up slightly.

Indeed, she had guessed correctlyJiang Cheng liked her!

In the game of love, the one who falls in love is at an absolute disadvantage!

Lin Yao could say without exaggeration the advantage is mine!

Jiang Cheng gestured for Cao Wang to stop. It was one thing for him to be alone with Cao Wang, but today, in front of Lin Yao, Jiang Cheng had to make his stance clear.

I dont like Lin Yao, nor do I want to have any relationship with her.

Cao Wang revealed an I understand expression.

Alright, alright, you dont like her. If you dont like her, why did you borrow money? Are you planning to give her a surprise?

No, I need to buy a house.

Youre a high school student, what house could you possibly buy!

Jiang Cheng reasoned: Im of age now, the law allows me to buy a house, and I can also register residency.

Alright, youre amazing, you dont like Lin Yao. Then who the hell keeps telling me, Ah, Old Cao, I like her, I work hard in my studies just to go to the same university as her, and what about I will marry no one but her.’

Jiang Cheng was overwhelmed.

Old Cao, Lin Yao is right behind you.

Cao Wang laughed.

Youre pulling my leg. If Lin Yao were behind me, could you still speak so smoothly? You wouldve become a stutterer by now. Three years as classmates, dont I know you?

Jiang Cheng kept a serious face, not looking like he was joking.

Cao Wang blinked and turned to look back.

Lin Yao showed Cao Wang a smile.

Cao Wangs eyes opened wider than the quail eggs on the grill.

He turned his head stiffly: Old Jiang, why the hell didnt you say so earlier?

Jiang Cheng said helplessly, Ive already said it before.

Cao Wang curled up, wishing he could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Lin Yao was the unanimously recognized Fairy Lin of their high school, the most beautiful female cultivator. He had died a social death in front of Lin Yao, his image completely shattered, and he had lost all hope for the rest of his life.

Forget it, just let it be, I cant live on.

After Cao Wang shrank away, Jiang Cheng faced Lin Yaos gaze directly.

Lin Yaos eyes were filled with tender affection, but Jiang Cheng only felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

Old Cao, lets get out of here, we cant stay in this place.

Seeing Jiang Cheng pulling Cao Wang to the cash register to pay, Lin Yao immediately became restless.

Jiang, dont you have anything to say when you see Yaoyao?

Jiang Cheng shuddered and pretended not to hear Lin Yaos call.

How much? Jiang Cheng opened his storage bag and hurriedly paid.

He had never felt such an intense desire to spend money in his life.

Seeing Jiang Cheng about to leave, Lin Yao quickly followed him.

At the entrance of the barbecue restaurant, Lin Yao blocked Jiang Chengs path.

Jiang, can you stop pretending?

Lin Yao chuckled mockingly, Brother Cao just said it, didnt he? You like Yaoyao, and you like her very much indeed.

Jiang Cheng immediately extended his palm, displaying the classic stop gesture.

Hold on. I admit, Jiang Cheng once liked you. But the past is the past, and now is now. Junior sister, dont keep treating the past as if its the present.

Having said that, Jiang Cheng pulled Cao Wang and was about to leave.

But unexpectedly, Lin Yao reached out to grab his sleeve.

Jiang Cheng took a step back and shook off his hand to avoid Lin Yaos inappropriate move.

But an enchantress is an enchantress, with no regard for propriety between men and women, insisting on taking advantage of him.

Jiang Cheng parried left and right, intending to call for help loudly, but then remembered that this was a public street.

With so many people on the street, if ordinary citizens saw him tussling with the demonic enchantress, it would provide a wealth of false testimony for the righteous Immortal Sects investigation team looking into his innocencehow would he explain that?

The enchantress really has made me suffer!

Yaoyao, whats going on with you two?

Zhou Yiwen rolled down his car window and looked at Lin Yao and Jiang Cheng tugging at each other, his heart surging with shock.

He couldnt even touch the hem of Lin Yaos clothes with his own initiative and the appeasement of Spirit Stones, so what was the background of this male cultivator who could make Lin Yao throw herself into his arms willingly?

Lin Yao clearly noticed Tang Qian and Zhou Yiwens gaze.

Under their watchful eyes, she had to restrain herself.

Jiang Cheng seized the opportunity and turned to run.

Lin Yao watched Jiang Chengs back disappear and, knowing she couldnt chase after him, stamped her foot in frustration.

Yaoyao, who is he? Tang Qian approached with curiosity.

Jiang Cheng! Lin Yao said almost through gritted teeth.

Zhou Yiwen got out of the car and straightened his clothes.

Ive been in charge of a project worth three hundred thousand Spirit Stones lately, so busy that Im dizzy. Even with my brand-new, limited-edition, pneumatic, third-generation spirit horse land vehicle

Lin Yao ignored Zhou Yiwens childish antics.

She watched Jiang Chengs retreating figure with her hands clenched tightly.

Yaoyao, the food is all ready, lets talk while we eat

Tang Qian came over to persuade Lin Yao.

But Lin Yao was completely out of the mood to eat.

Lets eat another time. Thank you for today.

Lin Yao said and then was about to chase after Jiang Cheng, but Zhou Yiwen wasnt willing to let her go.

He had come specifically for Lin Yao; how could he let her leave so easily?

Lin Yao, looking at the vanishing figure of Jiang Cheng in her sight, glared fiercely at Zhou Yiwen.

Zhou Yiwen immediately softened and didnt dare to stop her anymore.

Recalling Lin Yaos gaze, Zhou Yiwen was still frightened: Tang Qian, whats Jiang Chengs background?

Tang Qian shook her head blankly, Seems like hes from the class next door, right? But somehow, I feel like Lin Yao really cares about Jiang Cheng. Ive never seen her take the initiative to get close to a male cultivator before. Could it be that she likes Jiang Cheng?

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yiwen, despite still feeling weak in the knees, clenched his fists tightly.

Lin Yao, who didnt even glance at someone with a brand-new, limited-edition, pneumatic, third-generation spirit horse land vehicle, why would she fancy Jiang Cheng?


Absolutely impossible!

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