Published at 3rd of July 2024 10:28:48 AM

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Chapter 19 Recruitment

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Chapter 19: Chapter 19 Recruitment

Cntinue reading on XN0VEL.M


Tongtian Sect Wuyues Task Hall.

Jiang Cheng settled the task payment with He and then said to her, He, I want to hire someone to deliver talismans to clients for me. Can I post a job here?

Ever since He met Jiang Cheng, she had been cheerful every day.

Nowadays, she doesnt do anything but still manages to complete several tasks each day, each of which is quite valuable. Its almost like being a high school PE teacher whos always on sick leave, still gets a decent salary, and even earns a load of goodwill for free. Her life couldnt be more comfortable and carefree.

Hearing that Jiang Cheng wanted to hire someone, He didnt dare to neglect and quickly found paper and pen to record Jiang Chengs requirements.

Our Task Hall can also recruit people. You tell me your needs, and Ill help you post the task.

Jiang Cheng thought for a moment, Gender doesnt matter. Its best if theyre on the younger side.

Okay. What else?

They cant have a criminal record. And better not have any past criminal history either. Its best if they also dont have too complicated interpersonal relationships.

Anything else?

Id prefer them not to be too lively in character.

He stuck her face halfway out from behind her notes, Why? Because you prefer gentle female cultivators?

Jiang Cheng confessed, Im not good at being strict, so if her personality is too lively, it might cause me some unnecessary trouble.

He nodded thoughtfully and said, So, you still prefer the more gentle female cultivators?

Jiang Cheng paused for a second, not quite understanding why He was asking this.

Uh, not really.

Then which type of female cultivator do you like?

I this doesnt seem related to hiring, does it?

Oh, haha, thats true. Go on, what are the other hiring conditions?

After some careful thought, Jiang Cheng finally said, Theres nothing else, but if its possible to restrict academic qualifications, Id rather hire someone with a lower educational level and no skills.

He: ?

Everyone else wants to hire those with high education and many skills, why are you going against the grain?

Jiang Cheng saw the confusion on Hes face and took the initiative to explain, Her work is just to deliver talismans and purchase items, as well as take over my tasks, so the salary wont be too high. I want to hire a down-to-earth employee, not those students who come thinking of having some fun.

He thoughtfully said, I understand. I will let you know if someone comes. Do you want her to come to the Task Hall, or should she go to your home?

Ill give you an address.


Perhaps afraid of affecting Jiang Chengs task acceptance, He was surprisingly efficient.

The next morning, she sent a message to Jiang Cheng.

He: Theres a suitable candidate, Ive told her to go find you.

He: Shes very pretty!

Upon seeing Hes message, Jiang Chengs brow immediately furrowed.


It looks like she wont do.

I need to find a way to turn her down.

As everyone knows, women represent trouble, pretty women represent squared trouble, and very pretty women represent trouble to infinity.

The biggest example of this is Lin Yao!

Unless the woman coming for the interview threatens my life with a knife, I absolutely wont take her on as an employee!

Jiang Cheng glanced at Cao Wangs messy rental and said to Cao Wang, who was lying on the sofa chatting through a communication talisman, Old Cao, clean up the room a bit.

Cao Wang scratched his belly, Why? You getting married?

Someone is coming here for an interview.

Let them come, were all grown men.

A woman, supposedly very beautiful.

Cao Wang whooshed to his feet from the sofa, then tidied up the room with a move called Tornado Destroys Parking Lot.

He even found time to take a shower, shave his beard, spray some cologne, and change into a sharp and noticeably expensive casual outfit.

Jiang, you have Lin Yao, you know. Im warning you, when she arrives, you better watch out for your bro.

Jiang Cheng declared firmly, Lin Yao and I have absolutely nothing going on.

Cao Wang waved his hand and said, Alright, alright, youve been seen pulling and dragging with her, and you still say theres nothing between you? Cut it out, you can fool your bro but dont fool yourself. I dont care whats going on between you and Lin Yao right now, but you better not compete with me for the girl whos coming for the interview.

Seeing Cao Wangs determined look, Jiang Cheng felt utterly helpless inside.

The impression Jiang Cheng had left on people as a supporting character was deeply entrenched; it would be difficult to change his ambiguous relationship with Lin Yao any time soon.

But as long as he made it through this graduation season summer, it would be fine.

Once he entered university, he and Lin Yao would go their separate ways and it was unlikely they would cross paths again.

In the following time, Cao Wang meticulously prepared for the interview, while Jiang Cheng continued to take tonics to restore the spiritual power and Spiritual Power he had lost drawing talismans.

Finally, there was a knock at the door.

Jiang Cheng glanced at Cao Wang, whose legs were trembling.

Jiang, Im kind of nervous, what should I do?

Jiang Cheng:

It has to be said that Cao Wang, as a Rich Second Generation, had one great virtue: he was timid.

This rare quality would normally be seen as pejorative in others, but for Cao Wang, it was definitely a compliment.

Although he didnt study, Cao Wang never caused troubles, and he was a very good kid that made his parents feel at ease.

At least Cao Wang wouldnt end up being a classic case of Rich Second Generation starts a business and in three years, successfully runs it into the ground.

With Cao Wang not being reliable, Jiang Cheng had to go open the door himself.

The door swung open to reveal a girl dressed very simply on the outside.

She didnt wear the fashionable leather shoes, high heels, or sneakers of the time, but what seemed to be self-made cloth shoes. Her pants and shirt also looked a bit out-of-date, making Jiang Cheng suspect that her clothes were styles preserved from twenty years ago.

But from the intermittent snugness and tightness of the fabric of her clothes, this female cultivator was likely someone who didnt reveal her true wealth.

Jiang Chengs gaze slowly shifted to the female cultivators face.

He was stunned.

This female cultivator truly had a classic oval face, hair like a waterfall, skin fairer than snow, a delicate nose, and cherry lips, not to mention her eyebrows and eyes. Her eyebrows were like the willows of southern rivers, long and fitting, and beneath them were a pair of eyes as dark as night, serene, cool, like the refreshing ice of summer and the cold iron of winter.

Jiang Cheng could say with surety that the female cultivators beauty was no less than Lin Yaos.

But what shocked Jiang Cheng the most was not her beauty, but her identity!

Jiang Cheng recognized her!

Liu Qing!

In a sense, Liu Qing, like Lin Yao, was a Plot Leading Lady in Immortal Gods.

But unlike Lin Yao, Liu Qings storyline was rather short.

Liu Qings story was mainly introduced for an event called the Beasts Tide of Mount Tian.

In the plot, Liu Qing belonged to the conservative faction of the Demon Race.

After traveling the human world for two hundred years, she thought that the Radical Faction of the Demon Race was still too conservative.

Compete with humans?

No! Humans should all be exterminated!

Thus, she led the charge against the humans by launching the Beast Tide, and she battled many of the human realms top masters for years.

She wasnt like Lin Yao, who needed guidance and only grew into her role as the story progressed. She was a big deal from the moment she appeared a Monster!

A Snake Demoness with a full two thousand years of cultivation level!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!