Published at 3rd of July 2024 10:28:45 AM

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Chapter 25 Whose Problem

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Chapter 25: Chapter 25 Whose Problem

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Jiang Cheng led Liu Qing into the Treasure Pavilion.

The Treasure Pavilion was a chain store within the borders of Liang Kingdom.

It was somewhat akin to a 24-hour convenience store on Earth, mainly dealing in daily necessities with a variety of snacks and beverages, and prided itself on being small, yet exquisite.

The staff at the Treasure Pavilion noticed a man and a woman walk in.

The man was sunny and handsome, the woman had a serene temperament and was stunningly beautiful.

The clerk secretly marveled at Liu Qings appearance and aura, and if not for her ordinary clothes, would have suspected her of being a core disciple of an Immortal Sect or perhaps a princess of Liang Kingdom.

Jiang Chengs looks werent bad either, but it all depended on whom you compared him to.

Standing next to Liu Qing, anyone would feel that he was the attendant of the young miss from the Liu family.

Hello, may I ask what you need?

The clerk, with a smile on her face, eagerly inquired about Liu Qings needs.

Confusion flickered in Liu Qings beautiful eyes, then she turned her head slightly and glanced at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng coughed awkwardly and said, Id like to buy a Reusable Type Communication Talisman.

Oh, please follow me this way.

The clerk smoothly dissolved the awkwardness, shifting her focus to Jiang Cheng, and then led him to where the communication talismans were sold.

The Reusable Type Communication Talisman was a hybrid of a talisman and magical treasures.

Strictly speaking, it was a talisman that could be used multiple times.

At present, these products were mostly categorized under magical treasures, although in terms of functions and characteristics, they were an extension of talismans.

The Treasure Pavilion didnt have many types of communication talismans, but they covered the mainstream models available on the market. You definitely didnt have to worry about the basic functions a communication talisman should possess.

Which one do you like?

Jiang Cheng asked Liu Qing.

Liu Qing blinked, thought for a moment, and pointed to a pale pink one, saying, This one.


Jiang Cheng picked up the communication talisman and went to the cashier to pay.

The clerk said with a smile, Hello, this model is 188 low-grade Spirit Stones.

Jiang Cheng nodded and took out his storage bag to get the Spirit Stones.

After the clerk counted the stones, she took them and packaged the communication talisman for Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng watched the clerks packing movements, and his heart couldnt help feeling somewhat dreamlike.

He never thought that one day he could spend Spirit Stones without blinking an eye.

After leaving the Treasure Pavilion, Jiang Cheng handed the Reusable Type Communication Talisman to Liu Qing.

This is for you, Ill tell you my number later. You can use it to contact me directly from now on, and you wont have to trouble others.

Jiang Cheng opened Liu Qings communication talisman and entered his number into it.

At this moment, Liu Qings communication talisman had one contact, and it was the only one.

Here, take it. Im going to the Talisman Master Association later; I dont have any other work this afternoon. You can go back to Cao Wangs, or home, or just wander around Wuyue Street. If its not too much trouble, you can also come with me to the Talisman Master Association to have a look.

After Jiang Cheng entered the number, he turned around and walked towards the residence of the Talisman Master Association.

He heard light footsteps behind him, he turned to the side, and saw Liu Qing taking small steps to appear beside him.

Jiang Cheng.

Liu Qing stopped walking.

Whats wrong?

Jiang Cheng stopped as well and looked at her.


Liu Qing pointed to the communication talisman in her hand and blinked her eyes lightly.

I think, I want to buy it myself, she said softly.

You want to buy it yourself? Jiang Chengs tone was laced with quite a bit of surprise.

Liu Qing pursed her lips and in an almost tentative tone said, Can I?


She turned Jiang Cheng into a mystery.

So, modern female cultivators can buy things by themselves and dont need male cultivators to buy for them?

Yes, of course you can. If you buy it yourself, then Ill deduct the money from your salary. No problem, right?


Liu Qing nodded in satisfaction.


Jiang Cheng heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing her reaction.

I didnt expect the great monster to be so reasonable. Its kind of a surprise. It seems my stereotype of monsters needs to change.

Jiang Chengs impression of Liu Qing had greatly improved.

Walking beside Jiang Cheng, Liu Qing sniffed and looked at him with curiosity.

She had just caught a strange scent coming from Jiang Cheng, faint and not spreading far, usually perceived among the elderly female seniors of her clan. They liked to gather, discuss others shortcomings, and speak ill of them.

Jiang Cheng was startled and asked, Whats wrong?

Liu Qing shook her head, indicating it was nothing.

She must have smelled it wrong. After all, Jiang Cheng looked like a young, kind-hearted good person, not like the elderly female seniors who would speak ill of her.

Tongtian Sects Talisman Master Association, Wuyue branch.

In the Presidents office.

Lu Wang sat in the Presidents seat, rhythmically tapping his fingers on the table.

He was pondering the current situation.

The Five Great Immortal Sects each had a Talisman Master Association, and they mutually recognized the certificates issued by one another. However, there were only so many talented talisman masters, and the five associations often engaged in overt and covert battles over these talents.

Normally, the association that controlled a larger territory would be able to attract more talented talisman masters.

Lu Wang had to consider carefully whether Lei Buxiao from Linlan Sect was here for genuine business or was scouting on behalf of the Linlan Talisman Master Association.

If Lei Buxiao indeed had official business, then Lu Wang might help him. After all, everyone was working in Wuyue City, and Lei Buxiao was a Core Formation Stage cultivator with considerable influence; it was better to keep relations amicable, since they would inevitably run into each other.

But if Lei Buxiao was paving the way for the Linlan Talisman Master Association to enter Wuyue City, then that was a favor Lu Wang would rather die than grant.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door.

Lu Wang stood up to answer it, not expecting that instead of Lei Buxiao, it was the secretary responsible for various tasks within the association, Yue Ran.

Yue Ran handed a document to Lu Wang, saying, President, a young junior talisman master has invented a new talisman and needs you to assess its viability and grade before it can be included in our associations database. He seems rather urgent; please review it at your earliest convenience.

I see. How old is he?

Eighteen, he participated in the talisman competition and hasnt yet obtained a first-stage Talisman Master Certificate.

Lu Wang took the document, nodding in approval, Impressive. To create his own talisman at eighteen is quite fearsome.

Lu Wang was the associations President, a cultivator at the later phase of Foundation Establishment, and also a third-stage Talisman Master.

Typically, talisman masters in Wuyue City who developed new talismans would have them verified and recorded by him.

Once a new talisman was successfully recorded, it would be granted the title of Certified Talisman and enjoy some privileges within the association, such as using the associations channels to connect with other interested talisman masters, form research groups, and collaborate on optimizing the talisman.

Lu Wang had just returned to his seat and hadnt even opened the envelope when Lei Buxiao, accompanied by several people, arrived at his office.

Lu, long time no see! Lei Buxiaos voice was booming.

Lei, Ive heard much about you. And these individuals?

Lei Buxiao gritted his teeth as he introduced, This is Liu Qi, the head of our academy. This is Lu Benwei, a teacher of talisman studies at our academy. This gentleman needs no introduction, right?

Bai Wendao and Lu Wang greeted each other with a cupped fist salute.

They were old acquaintances, and Lei Buxiao had contacted Lu Wang through Bai Wendao, so no further explanation was needed.

I hear, Dean Lei, youve come to inquire about a talisman master?


Lei Buxiao directly slapped the Muscle Relaxation Talisman he bought through a student onto Lu Wangs table.

Which talisman master from your association drew this? Hand him over to me!

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