Published at 3rd of July 2024 10:28:42 AM

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Chapter 29 Zhao Qin Dare Not Imagine

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Chapter 29: Chapter 29 Zhao Qin Dare Not Imagine

Cntinue reading on XN0VEL.M


At the entrance of the Task Hall of Tongtian Sect, Wuyue, Jiang Cheng, Lin Yao, and Zhao Qin walked into the hall one after another.

Jiang Cheng was the one in front.

Lin Yao, holding Zhao Qins hand, followed behind Jiang Cheng.

He, a female Cultivator of the Tongtian Sects Outer Sect, who usually took care of Jiang Chengs tasks, had been waiting at the door for a while. Upon seeing Jiang Cheng arrive, she immediately went up to him.

Jiang Cheng, what have you done? Several high-ranking cultivators are waiting for you in the conference room, He asked anxiously.

Several high-ranking cultivators?

Wasnt there only the headmaster originally?

Jiang Cheng had no idea why the high-ranking cultivators were looking for him.

I dont know either. Which cultivators are they? He, do you recognize them?

To He, Jiang Cheng was a treasure to bolster her performance; she genuinely hoped that nothing bad would happen to him.

Theres Elder Sun from our Outer Sect, and there are others I dont recognize. Oh right, theres also a Core Formation Cultivator with a very fierce appearance!

A Core Formation Cultivator with a very fierce appearance?

Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief inside.

It turned out the highest was only Core Formation.

A Core Formation Stage cultivator, according to the Immortal Gods ranking system, would equate to just over level thirty.

When Jiang Cheng first heard the term high-ranking cultivators from He, he thought it might be someone like Liu Qing, who was in the seventies or eighties level.

It was only in the thirties.

Dont worry, He, were under the rule of law in a society governed by the Immortal Sect now. If there was really a serious matter, they definitely wouldnt arrange to meet me in the Task Hall, Jiang Cheng reassured her.

Jiang Cheng comforted He.

It was then that He realized.

How come it started with you, Jiang Cheng, being called for a meeting, and now its you comforting me?

Theres a Core Formation Cultivator inside, are you not afraid at all?

Looking at Jiang Chengs composed expression, Hes originally anxious heart inexplicably settled down. For some reason, she always had this strange confidence in Jiang Cheng.

He was so self-assured; it was as if he had the entire situation under his control.

Perhaps things would really be alright, just as he said.

Then you better hurry to the conference room behind the great hall. Elder Sun and the others are waiting for you, said He.

Jiang Cheng nodded and said, Alright.

Hey, wait a moment. He caught up with Jiang Cheng and whispered to him, The conference room in the Task Hall has recording equipment; you mustnt say anything careless.

Jiang Cheng smiled, Of course. Dont worry, He. I love to tell the truth.

He nodded her head and watched Jiang Cheng walk towards the conference room.

Lin Yao and Zhao Qin followed behind Jiang Cheng. Unlike Jiang, they were not familiar with the Task Hall and were not as natural. This was their first time attending a gathering with adults from society, and they were a lot more reserved compared to others.

While He and Jiang Cheng were whispering to each other, Lin Yao, walking behind them, couldnt help feeling annoyed.

This Jiang Cheng, he seemed to be very kind and friendly to everyone else, but with her, Lin Yao, he was indifferent and even inexplicably dismissive.

With these thoughts, Lin Yao became more convinced that Jiang Cheng was deliberately targeting her.

She admitted that Jiang Chengs behavior was successfulhe had thoroughly made her remember him now!

Not only that, she wasnt finished with Jiang Cheng!

Unless Jiang Cheng surrendered honestly, admitting his feelings for her!

And promised that from then on, he would only like her, Lin Yao, and stay away from other women!

Although Lin Yao was quite annoyed with Jiang Chengs conversation with He,

Lin Yao actually did not take He seriously and didnt see her as a rival or a threat.

The reason was simple. Although Hes appearance wasnt bad, and she could be considered a pretty female Cultivator, she undoubtedly fell far short when compared to Lin Yao.

In terms of appearance, temperament, talent, and future potential, Lin Yao was confident she could completely overpower He.

With her around, Jiang Cheng had no reason to choose He. That was her confidence.

Not to mention He, Lin Yao had never seen any female Cultivator who could rival her since she was young.

Lin Yao was willing to admit that her personality might not be to Jiang Chengs liking, but in terms of appearance, she had an absolute advantage!

Seeing Jiang Cheng leave He and walk towards the distance, Lin Yao quickly grabbed Zhao Qin and chased after him.

As expected, she was intercepted by He.

This was the first time He had seen Lin Yao.

Even as a fellow female Cultivator, He couldnt help but be astonished by Lin Yaos beauty.

Shes so beautiful, He thought.

But as a fellow female Cultivator, He harbored both admiration and a sneaky sense of competition towards Lin Yao.

Lin Yao looked quite young, whether it was her pretty face or her figure, which was far from fully developedher temperament too was that of a pure young girl. At least in terms of development, He stuck out her chest, regaining some of the confidence that an adult female Cultivator should have.

Cultivator, halt! The meeting room is beyond this point, and it is not open to unrelated persons, He stopped Lin Yao.

Because of Jiang Cheng, Lin Yao didnt like He to begin with, and she was already harboring some displeasure. Now there was even less reason to show a pleasant face to her.

I am Elder Brother Jiangs junior sister, not some unrelated person,’ Lin Yao retorted.

Faced with Hes obstruction, Lin Yao immediately asserted her status!

Elder Sun didnt say that junior sisters could enter, He argued with reason.

But he didnt say that junior sisters couldnt enter, did he? Elder Brother said the principal was looking for him, and Im also the principals student, so that means I can go in too! Lin Yao was always illogical in her reasoning, but it was nonetheless tightly constructed.

Not even Jiang Cheng could find a flaw in Lin Yaos logic, let alone He.

He was at a loss for words, but she just didnt want to let Lin Yao in.

As the standoff persisted, Lin Yao pouted and called out directly to the retreating back of Jiang Cheng, Elder Brother Jiang~ she wont let Yaoyao in~

Women fighting was naturally an attention-grabber, and with Lin Yaos characteristics, it wasnt surprising that she drew the gaze of nearly all the Cultivators in the Task Hall.

Furthermore, with Lin Yaos cry, the power of a young girls delicate complaint caused many of the onlookers hearts to tremble.

It also made Jiang Cheng, who hadnt gone far, the focus of all the Cultivators attention.

One could imagine that if this continued, Jiang Cheng would undoubtedly become famous by tomorrow.

Shocking! Two beautiful female Cultivators in the Wuyue Task Hall fight over a male Cultivator! The truth is

This enchantress! Jiang Cheng felt a headache coming on, and, feeling helpless, he turned back to He and said, Sister He, just let her in. Otherwise, shell make such a fuss that the hall wont have peace.

The pressure from the onlookers, coupled with Jiang Chengs persuasion, led He to take a step back.

But no sooner had she stepped back than Lin Yao took a provocative stand by Jiang Chengs side.

Hes fists clenched subconsciously.

But the matter was settled, and she couldnt make things difficult for Lin Yao anymore.

Zhao Qin was still hesitating when He asked, Are you also Elder Brother Jiangs junior sister? Do you want to go in as well?

Zhao Qin hastily waved her hands, No, no, no, I have nothing to do with Jiang Cheng. I came with Yaoyao; Ill just wait outside, she said.

He let out a sigh of relief, You can sit in the resting room.

Zhao Qin also breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself: Why does this sister care so much about Cultivator Jiang? It seems that Cultivator Jiang hooking Yaoyao wasnt just random luck but because he truly has some capability. I hope Yaoyao doesnt fall too deeply for him. Otherwise, with Yaoyaos beauty, if in the end, hes used her up and she ends up giving birth to his child without becoming Cultivators together

The mere thought of Lin Yao appearing before her holding a child, her stunning face filled with sorrow and tears streaming down like rain

Zhao Qin immediately shivered and didnt dare to continue the thought.

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