Published at 3rd of July 2024 10:28:41 AM

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Chapter 30 Jiang Cheng Regrets

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Chapter 30: Chapter 30 Jiang Cheng Regrets

Cntinue reading on XN0VEL.M


Thinking that He might still be watching from behind, Lin Yao deliberately walked by Jiang Chengs side.

Whenever Jiang Cheng tried to walk faster or slower to distance himself, Lin Yao always managed to keep pace with his changes and firmly occupied the position beside him.

This sense of control over Jiang Cheng made Lin Yao feel very good.

Moreover, her recent encounters with Jiang Cheng deepened her understanding of romantic relationships between men and women.

She increasingly realized that teasing those boring male cultivators was pointless, but conquering the highly-ranked Jiang Cheng brought a greater sense of achievement.

Lin Yao looked at Jiang Cheng with satisfaction and said, Jiang, where is the principal you mentioned?

Jiang Cheng said, He said that the principal is in the conference room.

He Lin Yao curled her lips, You sound quite close. It seems that you and she have a good relationship, dont you?

The area behind the Task Hall was quiet and deserted, which made Jiang Chengs attitude towards Lin Yao improve quite a bit. He casually replied, Its mainly a work relationship.

Hearing Jiang Cheng explain it like this, Lin Yao suddenly felt happy.

Are you in a hurry to explain because youre afraid Yaoer might misunderstand?

Why would I be afraid of your misunderstanding?

How can you, an enchantress, be so completely lacking in self-awareness?

Jiang Cheng really wanted to retort like this, but after all, he had a relatively high EQ. In his communication with others, he had his own unique understanding.

No, he said.

Not afraid of misunderstanding?

Such an impotent explanation.

Actually, you are afraid that Ill misunderstand, right?

Humph, still say you dont like me?

It would have been better to admit it earlier.

Lin Yao claimed a phase victory and was overjoyed. Even her steps became bouncy and playful.

Then, Jiang Cheng added, Actually, Im not in a rush to explain.

Lin Yao: ???

From happiness, pride, to the joy that was doused with a bucket of cold water from head to toe, Lin Yao felt her emotions were roughly toyed with by Jiang Cheng again.

She bit her lower lip, standing unwillingly where she was.

If it had been anyone else, they would surely have come back to comfort her properly, but Jiang Cheng seemingly did not see her, even walking faster and faster.

Lin Yao stood there for a few seconds, not waiting for Jiang Cheng to look back, so she could only jog to catch up to him.

Is his heart made of iron? Impervious to water and needle, neither soft nor hard approaches can sway him?

Lin Yao didnt understand.

But this only stoked her competitive spirit even more.

However, before Lin Yao could think of another way to test Jiang Cheng, they unwittingly arrived at the door of the conference room.

Jiang Chengs actions showed no hesitation, he reached out and pushed open the conference room door.

The door swung inward.

Early Foundation Establishment, mid-Foundation Establishment, late Foundation Establishment, Foundation Establishment Great Perfection Core Formation Stage!

Such a number of high-ranking cultivators appearing before Lin Yao made her eyes widen slightly, and even her breathing paused at that moment.

Although Wuyue Advanced Middle School was the best high school in Wuyue, it only had the principal and the vice-principal who were at the Foundation Establishment stage.

And now

Their high schools pride, the principal, was sitting on the edge of that row of cultivators, indeed at Foundation Establishment, but the weakest early Foundation Establishment!

Those eyes watching her not only belonged to Foundation Establishers, but even included Core Formation cultivators!

It was said that in the ancient battlefields, before the Five Great Immortal Sects ruled the continent, Core Formers could slaughter Foundation Establishers as easily as a tiger kills a chicken, without exerting any effort!

And if a Core Former decided to take action against someone still at Qi Condensing

Perhaps with a single snap of the fingers, they could reduce her, Lin Yao, to ashes and smoke

Moreover, that Core Formation cultivator seemed to be very angry

The power disparity was too vast, and the moment Lin Yao faced that scene, an inescapable fear took root in her heart.

A Qi-cultivating cultivator facing a Core Formation was like an unarmed person confronting a fifty-meter-tall giant.

Fear uncontrollably rose from the depths of her heart!

However, what completely surprised Lin Yao was that Jiang Cheng, standing beside her, not only showed no change in expression but also carried a faint smile, calmly and composedly walking towards the line of people who could easily determine his fate.

Lin Yaos throat was dry, but she instinctively felt that standing by Jiang Chengs side was the only safe place for her at this moment.

Instinct drove her to act, and she subconsciously ran to Jiang Chengs side, gently tugging at the corner of his sleeve.

Jiang Cheng turned his head and glanced at her.

In the incredibly tense atmosphere, Lin Yao felt as if time had suddenly slowed down, and she could clearly see the thick eyelashes above Jiang Chengs eyes.

She noticed that Jiang Cheng first slightly furrowed his brows, then relaxed them, showing her a gentle smile that she had never seen before.

Such a smile was gentle and sincere, like the soft sun in the afternoon, filled with comforting and soothing light.

Dont be afraid. Its okay. They are here for me, you can leave.

Jiang Chengs voice at that moment was low but crystal clear, sounding like heavenly music to Lin Yao.

Lin Yao was stunned, feeling her heart beat unrestrictedly, fast and rapid.

Hot blood originated from her heart and uncontrollably flushed her cheeks and every corner of her body.

Lin Yao was typically confident, but now, she couldnt meet Jiang Chengs gaze directly.

His gaze was too intense for her to bear, and after barely resisting for a second, Lin Yao quickly lowered her head, like a startled little rabbit.

She tried to hide her slightly flushed cheeks, her panicked eyes, her moist, restless eyes, and her long eyelashes that fluttered like a butterflys wings with her bowed head.

Jiang Cheng continued to walk forward, but Lin Yao, uncharacteristically meek, merely clutched at his sleeve, head lowered, following hesitantly behind him.

Honestly, Jiang Cheng was somewhat regretful.

He had thought that the conference room contained only his principal, an unnamed Core Formation cultivator, and Elder Sun from the Task Hallonly three cultivators.

He never expected there to be so many people.

It even included Professor Bai, whom he had coincidentally met before.

If he had known there were so many high-level cultivators here, Jiang Cheng wouldnt have let Lin Yao come with him under any circumstances.

Bringing the enchantress, wasnt it the same as: Jiang Cheng kissing Yuan Yuan goodbye at the stationgoodbye (by mistake) leading to a misunderstanding?

He had just hinted at Lin Yao to leave, but the enchantress pretended not to hear.

Now, he could only hope they wouldnt misunderstand his relationship with Lin Yao.

Fortunately, the principal was here to testify on their behalf. After all, Lin Yao had a certain reputation at Wuyue Advanced Middle School, and it was well known she didnt date in high school; the principal was definitely aware of this.

With the principal present, his innocence was powerfully safeguarded.

Wuyue Advanced Middle Schools Principal Yang Lingbao had an extremely complicated expression.

He was comfortably sitting in his office at the school, listening to music and drinking tea, as leisurely as could be.

Then, the Director of Education who oversaw Wuyues education called him with a communication talisman, berating him before he could even speak.

Complaining about a student severely disrupting the teaching order of several academies in Wuyue.

Yang Lingbao was entirely confused, finding the situation incredibly strange.

They were a high school!

On the educational hierarchy, they ranked lower than something like the Tianheng Sword Cultivation Academy.

The Directors words were as though they were saying an eight-year-old child had beaten an eighteen-year-old adult black and blue.

Is this TM an eight-year-old?

But after he arrived at the meeting room in the Task Hall and saw a room full of his educational colleagues, Yang Lingbao finally realized the severity of the issue.

However, this kid Jiang Cheng was practically unknown at their school; even Jiang Chengs homeroom teacher didnt have a deep impression of him.

Looking at Jiang Chengs photo, he seemed to have honest, thick eyebrows and large eyes.

Could he really have caused such a disturbance?

It wasnt until just now, when Jiang Cheng appeared with Lin Yao, that Yang Lingbao finally believed it.

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