Published at 3rd of July 2024 10:28:37 AM

Chapter 36: Chapter 36: Chapter 36 Wait a Little Longer

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Chapter 36: Chapter 36 Wait a Little Longer

Cntinue reading on XN0VEL.M

Translator: 549690339
Jiang Cheng was considering how to broach the topic with Liu Qing, telling her that he actually no longer needed any help.

It wasnt really something one could blame Jiang Cheng for, after all, no one had expected that he would be able to sell the copyright of the Muscle Relaxation Talisman for a hefty sum of money, thereby resolving the issue with the housing funds.

With the housing funds resolved, Jiang Cheng no longer needed to take on any tasks.

With no tasks to undertake, naturally, there was no work for Liu Qing to run errands for.

Moreover, with a salary of three thousand a month for Liu Qing and without the continuous high profits from the talismans, Jiang Cheng found it difficult to guarantee that he could always come up with the money.

So, parting ways amicably with Liu Qing was probably the best course of action at the moment.

Jiang Cheng wanted to live his peaceful days, Liu Qing wanted to experience the human life she chose for herself, and from then on, they would each go their separate ways under the vast sky, not interfering with each other, not affecting each other, a quiet and peaceful time, quite perfect indeed.

But the problem was, Jiang Cheng didnt know how to explain the current situation to Liu Qing.

If communication broke down and Liu Qing got the wrong impression that he was a heartless boss, that would be a big problem.

Jiang Cheng returned to Cao Wangs rental house.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Liu Qing, sitting quietly on the living room balcony, basking in the sun.

In the evening, the golden sunlight of the sunset slanted across Liu Qings body, casting a golden-red veil over her fair skin.

Beautiful like a dream.

Liu Qing turned her head, saw Jiang Cheng had returned, and then gracefully rose to her feet and walked over to him, pointing at the items on the table that Jiang Cheng used for drawing talismans. She had bought them all.

Quite late, she said.

Jiang Cheng understood Liu Qing was asking him why he had come back so late.

Do you know about the talismans I draw?

Mhm, she replied.

After you left, a group of people called me. They are from the Tianheng Sword Cultivation Academy, and they planned to buy out the copyright of my talismans. I quoted them a price, they accepted, and then I sold the talismans, he explained.

Liu Qing blinked and uttered an Oh.

Then, she turned around and walked back to her seat on the balcony.

Liu Qing, Jiang Cheng called out.

Liu Qing stopped in her tracks and turned back to look at Jiang Cheng.

You, uh, I, um, Jiang Cheng stammered, struggling to find the words.

Whats wrong? She turned to face him.

I made quite a bit of money today. Lets go out for dinner tonight. Invite Cao Wang as well, and the three of us can go together, he said.

Sure. With salary, she responded.

This time you dont need to spend any money. Ill treat you both, he offered.

Why? she asked.


Jiang Cheng didnt know how to answer Liu Qings question.

Why was he inviting Liu Qing and Cao Wang to dinner? Because he had made money? But why should a boss treat his employees to dinner just because he had made money?

Considering the salary, he had already paid Liu Qing more than enough; there was no need for him to treat them to anything extra.


Cao Wang pushed open the door, coming out from the bathroom.

He spoke with a tone of exasperation, Jiang, I almost suffocated in there listening to you talk. Is it that hard to answer? Why? Because were friends, of course!

Cao Wang clapped Jiang Chengs shoulder, telling Liu Qing, When friends treat you to dinner, just eat, why so many whys? Right, Jiang?

Jiang Cheng didnt know how to respond.

But when he looked up and saw Liu Qings gaze,

This monster who had lived for two thousand years was staring at him with wide eyes, attentively watching.

Clean, beautiful.

This was Jiang Chengs first impression of Liu Qings eyes.

Friends? Liu Qing gently tilted her head, asking Jiang Cheng.


Jiang Cheng said.

At that moment, he felt a great sense of relief.

Although answering this way meant that he couldnt take the initiative to dismiss Liu Qing, forcing him to wait for her to resign on her own, stepping back to consider that maintaing a good relationship with Liu Qing meant at least his life wasnt in danger was worthwhile.

As for the pressure of paying Liu Qings salary

That didnt require immediate concern. Right now, Jiang Chengs savings were quite sufficient, and there was no pressure to pay the salary. Matters for the future could be left for the future. Trust in the wisdom of the later Jiang Cheng!

Yes. Friends, Liu Qing nodded gently, seemingly accepting Jiang Chengs statement.

In human society, just as when she was on Mount Tian, she needed some friends.

Jiang Cheng

Not bad.

The trio went out in search of food.

Cao Wang walked between Jiang Cheng and Liu Qing, with one hand drooping over Jiang Chengs shoulder and the other attempting to rest on Liu Qings shoulder.

But for some unknown reason, he couldnt manage it.

Cao Wang didnt mind.

Even though Liu Qing was very pretty, his body had been acting strangely lately, never really feeling any worldly desires.

It was a bit of a shame.

Speaking of which, Jiang, what rights did you sell this time, and how much money did you get for it?

Forty thousand.

Thats a bit little Wait, how much did you say?

Forty thousand.

How little!?

Upon hearing the amount Jiang Cheng had made, Cao Wang immediately rolled up his sleeves.

Damn it, Jiang, today we must go for something expensive! Ill make sure to eat you out of house and home before the entrance exam!

To satisfy Cao Wangs ambition, Jiang Cheng decided to treat both Liu Qing and Cao Wang to a buffet.

Before they even entered the restaurant, Jiang Cheng was already looking forward to seeing how Cao Wang was going to bankrupt him at the buffet.

It wasnt that Jiang Cheng didnt trust Cao Wang; its just that he wanted to broaden his horizons today.

Even though it was a buffet, it was the most expensive one in Wuyue, absolutely worthy of treating Cao Wang.

This buffet, like most others, had cooked foods, half-cooked, and raw meats

Each seat was also equipped with both hotpot and grilling options for cooking.

Diners could choose to grab cooked food and eat it directly, or select half-cooked and raw meats, to enjoy the fun of cooking with hotpot and grilling.

Since Liu Qing was indeed unfamiliar with the strange human societys dining methods, Jiang Cheng let her sit at their table by herself while he took care of getting the food.

Jiang Cheng first selected some ready-made cooked food to bring to Liu Qing.

Then he picked out some meat that needed to be boiled or grilled.

Jiang Cheng and Cao Wang had an unspoken understanding; while Cao Wang went to fetch oysters, Jiang Cheng focused on the red meat section.

He first brought over several plates of pork belly, then turned back to get some lamb chops.

But by the time the lamb chops were on his way back, the pork belly was gone.

The weirdest thing was that there were no signs of anyone having touched either the hotpot or the grill.

Jiang Cheng glanced at Liu Qing, whose rosy lips were now lusciously moist.

Jiang Cheng silently reached for a tissue and handed it to her.

Liu Qing silently took the tissue and wiped her mouth.

Jiang Cheng looked around and noticed that they had come early and the surrounding seats were empty, and nobody had noticed anything amiss at their spot.

Lucky no one had seen.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Cheng sat down next to Liu Qing.

This time, he dared not leave carelessly.

Cough. You can put the meat in the hotpot to boil for a while, or grill it on the pan.

Liu Qing looked at Jiang Cheng.

Troublesome, she said.

Jiang Cheng quickly waved his hands: Not troublesome, not at all. You cant think of it as troublesome in the slightest.

Jiang Cheng then began to split the meat, throwing some into the hotpot and placing others on the grill.

He organized his words for a moment, hinting as subtly as he could, Normal people generally prefer to eat cooked meat because it tastes better and is easier to digest.

Liu Qings beautiful eyes first focused on the contents of the pot, then shifted back to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng truly feared that this great monster would eat raw meat again. He was now unable to decide whether Liu Qing was incredibly stubborn or just foolish. Didnt she fear revealing her identity to others?

If you really find it troublesome, let me do it, and you can just eat, he said.


The two reached an agreement.

Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, scooping up a few slices of freshly boiled meat from the pot and placing them on the plate in front of Liu Qing.

Its a bit hot, blow on it before eating.

Smelling the scent of the freshly cooked meat, Liu Qings eyes twinkled slightly, and she nodded gently.


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