Published at 4th of July 2024 04:35:57 AM

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Chapter 39 Truly Incapable

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Chapter 39: Chapter 39 Truly Incapable

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Jiang Cheng looked at the salesperson sympathetically.

It wasnt that he was so flattered by the salespersons praise that he was digging his toes into the ground and feeling unbearably awkward, but rather that the salesperson had clearly barked up the wrong tree.

This string of flattering remarks, when directed at Liu Qing, was evidently as good as talking to the air.

Liu Qing had no reaction whatsoever to the salespersons words.

Not even half a word.

She stood quietly by Jiang Chengs side, cold and detached like a white swan.

Ordinary people would have some sort of reaction to praise, but Jiang Cheng had never seen someone like Liu Qing, who showed no response at all to compliments.

Her failure with Liu Qing left her no choice but to switch targets and refocus her attention on Jiang Cheng.

Your girlfriend really has an air about her, she said with a smile, backhandedly complimenting Liu Qings aloofness.

Jiang Cheng hurriedly stopped the salesperson, Shes not my girlfriend.

At these words, Liu Qing, who previously hadnt reacted at all, suddenly looked towards Jiang Cheng.

He quickly explained, Were just friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend. Boyfriend and girlfriend means friends who might become Dao companions in the future, but are not Dao companions yet.

The latter sentence was specifically explained for Liu Qing to hear.


Because, this is Jiang Cheng thought for a moment, searching for a good way to explain, a kind of contract. You understand a probation period, right? Being boyfriend and girlfriend is like a probation period before becoming Dao companions.

Liu Qing nodded slightly as if she understood but didnt quite grasp the concept.

Seeing that the major monster had no issues, Jiang Cheng started discussing the main business.

How may I address you?

Jiang Chengs politeness made the salespersons smile grow richer.

Pointing at the name tag on her chest she said, My surname is Jin, first name is Jing, the Jing from crystal. You can just call me Xiao Jin.

Ill call you Sister Jin.

Seeing that Jinjing appeared to be on the older side, Jiang Cheng, who always respected the elderly and cherished the young, really couldnt bring himself to call her Xiao Jin.

As you like, do you have any property purchasing needs? Our apartment layouts are quite suitable for couples without children. Like you and your girlfriend

Jinjing, quick on the uptake, realized she had misspoken and immediately corrected herself, You and your female friend, the two of you would be just perfect.

Liu Qing silently watched Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Youre the only female friend I have.

Liu Qings delicate little nose twitched ever so slightly, immediately picking up on Jiang Chengs thoughts.

He hadnt lied.

She was indeed his only female friend.

Just as he was also her only human friend.

Okay, got it.

Liu Qing rarely said a few more words than usual.

Watching the exchange between Jiang Cheng and Liu Qing, even Jinjing the salesperson didnt know if she should speak up or not.

She truly couldnt grasp what was going on with the younger generation these days.

Their conversation was so cheesy it could be lethal.

The male cultivator was considerate of the female cultivators feelings several times over, always afraid she might misunderstand something, and would especially explain things for her. And the male cultivator himself was the one who brought the female cultivator to see the house. He was clearly a handsome man with high emotional intelligence, from a wealthy family, and knew how to take care of others, the epitome of a quality boyfriend.

As for the female cultivator, there was no need to mention how her beauty left one speechless. She appeared cold and detached, yet in reality, she was incredibly sensitive and cared a lot about the male cultivator by her side. She not only responded promptly to anything he said but also trusted him immensely, staying close to him at almost every step.

And to think they still insist theyre not in a relationship!?

Who exactly is stopping you two from making your relationship clear, huh?

Is it Heavenly Dao?

Or are you playing some kind of newfangled game?

Although Jinjing could see the situation clearly, as a real estate salesperson with professional ethics, she definitely wouldnt transform into a shipper right there and then.

With the economy not doing well and having finally found a customer, she had to give priority to her work.

Jiang Cheng looked at the real estate model in the sales office and didnt notice that Jinjing, standing beside him, was already imagining the shameless life he and Liu Qing would lead at Wuyue Residence.

On the other hand, Liu Qing was somewhat warily staring at a certain woman who had started to get excited, worried that she might harbor ill intentions towards Jiang Cheng.

Sis Jin, I want to buy a house thats easy to sell, Jiang Cheng pondered for a moment before saying, Do you have any suggestions?

Easy to sell?

Jinjing was startled.

Who buys a house with the intention of selling it?

Dont you have any idea of the current real estate market situation?

If youre in a hurry to sell, in general, houses in a good location, facing the sun, and fully furnished tend to sell better, she said.

How much more expensive would a furnished house be compared to a bare shell?

It depends on the extent of the furnishings, but usually its about five thousand low-grade Spirit Stones more. Of course, if its well-furnished, it could be about ten to twenty thousand Spirit Stones more expensive.

Jiang Cheng nodded in agreement.

His budget was quite sufficient.

A purchased, furnished place would be more convenient to sell in the future.

Since emerging from the Spiritual Spring, there werent many days left until he went to college in the Capital. Obviously, the sooner he could sell the house, the better.

Moreover, buying a furnished place had an additional benefit.

It would also allow Liu Qing to move in.

Jiang Cheng was a bit concerned about her safety living in the wilderness.

Of course, it wasnt for Liu Qings safety, but rather the safety of those passing through that wilderness.

Do you have any furnished properties available? Take me to see them.

You are really lucky today! We just happen to have a few decorated model units. Moreover, if you dont mind a second-hand house, we also have a few consigned by owners! They all have their own renovations, and you dont have to worry about the quality, she explained.

Jiang Cheng was definitely not worried. He wasnt planning to use it for long; as long as it was easy to sell, thats what mattered.

Lets look at them all, starting with the ones that get plenty of sunlight, Jiang Cheng said to Jinjing after glancing at Liu Qing.

Sales is mainly about interpersonal relationships. Jiang Cheng had paid attention to Liu Qings actions; how could Jinjing not notice?

Most likely, his girlfriend liked to bask in the sun, which was why he was particularly looking for a sunny place.

When Jiang Cheng and Liu Qing first entered the sales office, Jinjing had felt that in this new couple, the male cultivator was taking advantage of the female cultivator. After all, with the female cultivators appearance, to be honest, she had more than enough grace to be the Empress of Liang Kingdom, mother to the nation.

But now it seemed that the male cultivator was meticulous and considerate, truly capable of taking care of others.

As for the female cultivator, not being talkative, lacking in emotional intelligence and cunning, she certainly wouldnt make an Empress. But marrying an ordinary person wouldnt be too bad.

However, considering the young cultivator could already afford a house, he definitely wasnt ordinary. Looking carefully, this couple was indeed especially suitable.

Jinjing enjoyed customers like Jiang Cheng, the young couples the most.

Watching young people in love was much more interesting than those big-bellied men with mistresses or the old husbands and wives, not to mention the clients with only sons or only daughters.

Jiang Cheng didnt particularly care about the house; after consulting with Liu Qing, they chose one she liked, and he prepared to enter the payment process.

Liu Qing, seeing Jiang Cheng frequently asking for her opinion, probably understood his intentions.

Jiang Cheng, buy it yourself, she said.

This house isnt a gift for you. You dont need to buy it, Jiang Cheng explained.

Asking me?

Because you might be staying here for a while. Your previous home is a bit far from the city center, right? And its not safe for you to walk such a long distance home at night. This house will be empty anyway, so you can just live here. No charge, consider it as part of your work accommodations.

What about you?

Ill go back to live with my aunt and uncle.

Its the same.

No no no, you cant live in my house; we dont have an extra bed.

I dont need one.

Even if you dont use a bed, its still not okay.

Liu Qing frowned slightly, staring at Jiang Cheng, as if waiting for him to provide a reasonable explanation.

Jiang Cheng wiped his sweat, Only boyfriends and girlfriends can live together. Since were not, we have to avoid any impropriety.

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