Published at 23rd of June 2023 10:08:19 AM

Chapter 80

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Wanda's POV:

"Still, he hasn't asked you to marry him?" asked Shuri surprised.

Shuri, Okoye, Yao, and I sat on our veranda, sipping tea while David and Pietro trained. Well, it looked more like David wanted to annihilate Pietro with a bat rather than actual training.

"Men are all the same, too afraid to ask a simple question," Okoye said, shaking her head in disappointment.

"No, it's alright. We're happy, and marriage won't change anything or make me more happy," I defended my boyfriend, knowing that an accessory on my finger won't change anything between us.

I glanced at David, and he winked at me as if he were eavesdropping on our conversation... If we're alone, I'll have to 'punish' him for listening to our girl talk.

David has spent the last six months training us and himself, like he was preparing for a major battle to come. Even though he doesn't show it, I know he believes Tamat is near and he is not ready to face him if he doesn't train more.

His shadow... our situations are too similar, except his inner demon escaped and is now somewhere out there, ready to strike.

Despite training relentlessly, David still dedicated most of his day to taking care of me. I remember during the early stages of pregnancy, I was like a witch... Let's just say the morning sickness and the changes in my body made me a bit crazy at times.

Not reality-altering crazy... but still he was always there, smiling, even when I craved bread with Nutella and tuna on it...

The only thing was, I couldn't really help him. Even with Yao's magic, my magic, and Shuri's technology, we couldn't help him with his eyes...

"With beings like them, I don't know if marriage would be an upgrade considering they are already spiritually connected," Yao said in a relaxed manner.

Initially, it felt strange to have Yao around, and I wasn't sure how to interact with her. But as she began training me and even helped me with some exercises to help me adapt to pregnancy, we grew closer. She became like the kind old bald grandmother I never had.

Suddenly, Shuri jumped up and exclaimed, "You did it, Pietro!" She ran towards her boyfriend and David.

David seemed somewhat disappointed that he couldn't hit Pietro with the bat. He started calling it Lucille after knocking Pietro out a few times for some reason... he then dispelled it and began walking towards us, leaving the lovebirds behind.

When he arrived, I poured him some tea. This made him look at me lovingly, then he sat down and relaxed.

"Okoye, how's T'Challa's new girlfriend? I never thought it could be anyone other than Nakia..." I asked the king's guardian, and she sighed.

"She appears to be a mutant from his new team. But he hasn't introduced her to us or his parents yet. And Nakia well... she was always a free spirit and never wanted to be confined to Wakanda, so there's nothing we can do about it. But as long as my king is happy and the woman doesn't take advantage of him, I'm fine with anyone being his partner."

So she won't hunt her like Pietro? I had imagined a 'storm' would be unleashed in Wakanda when T'Challa announced he had a new girlfriend.

Just as I was about to ask for the name of his new girlfriend, I felt something strange— something ancient was coming. David and Yao seemed to feel it too. However, David kept his eyes closed, as if he wanted to ignore the raven soaring towards us.





Afterward, everything went quickly, and David went to meet Odin from Asgard and confront someone called Hela and also... Tamat. Even though I wanted to follow him, he knew it would be too dangerous, so he left me behind.

I know he did it out of concern for me, but does he have to do everything alone? At least Yao is with him... Upon hearing David's advice, Okoye also left to warn T'Challa, while Pietro and Shuri stayed with me.

So now, all we could do was wait...

After nearly half an hour, Yao suddenly appeared through a portal in front of me, wearing a look I had never seen before—a mix of fear and shock.

"Yao, what happened? Where is David?" I said, shaking her.

But she stopped me and said, "Stay calm, I will tell you everything. We met Odin, and everything was fine, but then Loki and Thor appeared, and Odin vanished... After that, his daughter Hela showed up, but David defeated her easily."

Hearing this, I felt relieved, but she still hadn't answered my question. "But where is he now?"

Yao closed her eyes, sat down, and said with guilt in her voice, "Afterward, a portal opened, and I could sense 'It' through it... Tamat... and he dragged David into the Hel dimension..."

I felt frozen upon hearing this. "Hel dimension? What is it? Can we go there?"

But Yao shook her head. "The Hel dimension is a prison for the evil beings of Asgard, and I've already tried to go there, but something or someone is preventing me from doing so... So I did what David told me and came back here to look after you."

"Where is this Hela? If she comes out of it, she can also open the portal back!" I said, changing my clothes as David had taught me and making them a bit looser for my stomach.

"I suppose she went to Asgard. After David disappeared, Loki called for a teleportation, and Hela followed them."

"Then let's go to Asgard... we have no time to lose," I said, as Pietro and Shuri appeared and began to listen.

"No, your boyfriend told us to stay here and wait for him, and that's what we're doing," Yao said, determination in her eyes.

"And do nothing?" I asked her in disbelief.

"No, I didn't say that. Let's give your boyfriend a few hours, and then we'll storm Asgard..." Yao said, smiling.

But a few hours later everything changed. I stood up from the sofa and could feel a pain in my heart no it was deeper... in my soul, as if something was taking away from me.

"David!" I screamed not noticing that my magic went out of control and slowly destroying our house.

Pietro and Yao were blown away at first but then Yao appeared suddenly in front of me with a shield around her, and said, "Wanda calm down what happened!"

I noticed my now completely violet magic around me and slumped to the ground and brining it under control and could feel tears pouring out of my eyes. "It's David. He is gone."





Pietro, who was blown out of the house by me, suddenly came back inside and looked relieved at first that I had calmed down. But at the same time, he said, "I think we have a problem..."

I looked through the destroyed window and could suddenly see dark clouds—or rather, a dark mass—appearing in the sky, causing the sun to disappear.

"We need to go," said Yao, "and transfer us to a different part of Wakanda, in front of a small house where Natasha and Bruce were already standing outside, looking also at the sky."

They were the only members left in Wakanda, as Captain America and the others had joined T'Challa's team and could return to America.

"Wanda, prepare yourself for a fight! I need to find an old apprentice and inform the other Earth heroes."

Natasha looked confused and asked, "What's going on?" But Yao only said, "Tamat," before disappearing.

The next moment, we saw black slime balls falling from the sky, crashing into Wakanda's shield. But it didn't stop there—they started sinking through the shield and crashing then to the ground.

So it's true... Tamat won against David? This can't be...

Bruce stepped forward after seeing some of the slime falling in front of us. "Pietro I'll protect them. Bring all the people in Wakanda to safety. Only you are fast enough to do this in time!"

Pietro looked at me, conflicted, but I nodded at him, and he disappeared.

Afterward, the falling slime started forming into humanoid figures with red glowing eyes...

I was certain this was the beginning of the end...




Hey, guys! Welcome to the next chapter.

In the next chapter, we return to David's point of view after the earthly matters have been 'resolved' and Wanda travels to Asgard with her companions.

Tamat, who once caused the heroes to split, will now unintentionally reunite them...

Stay tuned for more!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!